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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Body Cameras
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeWhy don't we require body cameras whenever a legislator meets with a lobbyist?

Why doesn't a jock point to the sky and say "thank you lord" when the play DOESN'T work?

dskattIf body cameras were required then politicians would just have their spouse form a charity that corrupt lobbyist would donate large sums of money to.

Humm.....were have I heard of that before?

ed monahanI think that the cops should wear body cameras ALONG with ALL parolees, convicted drug pushers even AFTER parole, in other words, for life and anyone who wears gang colors. I am sure we could add a few more groups, maybe anyone on Food Stamps & Section 8 for longer than 3 years.

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