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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Bill O'Reilly: President Obama's true agenda emerges
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareBy Bill O'Reilly

You may have noticed The Factor has not covered the fiscal debate very much. Not going to use that cliche, not going to say it. That's because it was a fake crisis as the "Wall Street Journal" says today in its lead editorial.

The deal Congress struck last night could have been done last August. But the politicians in both parties wanted to posture, setting up phony scenarios for their own personal aggrandizement.

So here is really what's going on. President Obama has succeeded in raising taxes on every working American. Every one of us, those who are doing well will now pay close to 50 percent of their income to the feds. Those making below $400,000 a year will pay a variety of new Obamacare taxes and see a two percentage point rise in their Social Security payment.

So everybody gets hit. If you invest, you will be paying about nine percentage points more in capital gains and dividends tax. If you die and your estate is worth more than $5 million bucks you will pay 40 percent of death tax to the feds. President Obama is not finished. He wants more from the affluent.


OBAMA: We can't simply cut our way to prosperity. Cutting spending has to go hand in hand with further reforms to our tax code so that the wealthiest corporations and individuals can't take advantage of loopholes and deductions that aren't available to most Americans.


O'REILLY: No question now. No question that the American people have voted for a president who wants to redistribute income. He is not going to stop. The socialist tenet where a central government takes and gives as it pleases. That will have many unintended consequences beginning with the economy. If the higher tax rates slow business in the USA then President Obama's second term will be a disaster.

Also, it's now clear that Mr. Obama doesn't much care about federal spending. You simply don't run up deficits of more than a $1 trillion dollars a year, even with all this new revenue. Even with that. You don't run up those deficits if you are concerned about fiscal responsibility.

Clearly the President has not offered any meaningful spending cuts or entitlement reform. And after four years he has not offered any solutions to the crushing $16 trillion debt.

Now, in the past, that would have sunk an incumbent president. Not today. "Talking Points" believes Mr. Obama won the election largely on emotion. Millions of voters supported him because Mitt Romney didn't really run his campaign with any urgency or emotional appeal. While Mr. Obama promised working Americans stuff.

So now we're all on the same lifeboat. President Obama is going to take as much money as he can from successful people and dole it out. He's not going to make any meaningful cuts in government spending. Not going to do it. And he might even expand the entitlement culture. I believe this will lead to economic disaster for the country.

But as always, I could be wrong. And that's "The Memo."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/oreilly/2013/01/03/bill-oreilly-president-obamas-true-agenda-emerges#ixzz2GwhyNoz7

heynow14Billo just figured that out. Talk abut slow. President Obama just spent 2 yrs getting elected with increasing taxes on the wealthy as his main agenda. That's how he got elected. I agree, though that the fiscal cliff vote should have been taken care of in August but Bonehead wanted to make points by threatening the American economy. Watch him do the same again with the debt ceiling. No worries for President Obama as he does not have to get re-elected and Bonehead will just make the Repugs look bad for trying to ruin the economy again.


This message has been edited by heynow14 on 01-03-2013 at 10:37 PM


Subject: Fwd: Pastors thoughts about the election

Received this E Mail today is I hope that he is right.

I like many Americans was deeply saddened by the reelection of Obama on Tuesday, was quick to be ashamed of America and the people who voted for him and also questioned why God would allow this to happen. Today I started to reflect upon what happened and why. Then it hit me that I wasn't trusting God and He is still in control!

Perhaps God in his wisdom knew that Romney was not the right choice for us at this time. Perhaps God in his wisdom knew that whomever got elected was going to face huge problems and why shouldn't Obama be the one to shoulder that responsibility. After all he is the one who has misled, lied to the American people, and has further plans for the destruction of our Country as we have known and loved it.

He now has to "inherit" his own mess and can't blame it on someone else. The media would have crucified Romney over the next four years for"ruining" Obama's hope and change plans and blamed him for all the problems. I believe that our God will show this nation what happens when you allow Godless people to manage the gifts this nation has to offer and he provided for us.

I believe He will expose Obama once and for all for the failure he is and our corrupt media will not be able to save him. I also believe that Obama's attitude and treatment of Israel is not looked upon by God as obeying his command and Obama will have to answer for that. We have another Congressional election coming up in two years and maybe we can get rid of some of the critters that occupy Congress today.

Maybe in four years we can run a ticket for President and Vice President like Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. Maybe when America again suffers serious setbacks, people will realize what a weak and corrupt management team we have and be tired of it. I will not question God's wisdom or plans He has
for us again, because He is in control and has always done what's best for us. We are reminded that prayer isn't always answered in the way we would like at the time, but God does answer our prayers in His time and in a way that is best for His children.

So, let's keep the Faith, lay our worries at His feet and trust God to take care of us! This was on my heart today and I hope you all don't mind my expressing these thoughts to you. I am in need of strength, encouragement and understanding as are so many of the faithful and good Americans in our Country today!

This message has been edited by phil2237 on 01-03-2013 at 11:08 PM

heynow14Subject: My thought on Election

The people of America voted and President Obama won. Nuff said.


ed monahanAgree, Obama won, we ALL lost.
tangled up in BLUE...2009, just a few months in office and Obamma enacted the largest tobacco tax increase in history, directly affecting the middle/lower class...tobacco pricing increased so drastically that people now sit at home make their own cigarettes from 1-lb bags of tobacco, which gives them something to do since they don't have jobs any longer

...now, once again, we are looking at another huge tobacco tax increase just around the corner, "for the good of the people"...the America I once knew and remember is being turned into a backwoods depression era economy

...being in the retail tobacco business I see and hear the sound of despair from people all the time, they are down and out with little hope for improvement in their personal lives...this is the America that used to get up every morning and go to work, now they sit at home and roll their own cigarettes and go to the mailbox once a month for their "Obamma Dollars"

...with all the new taxes we have been cutting workers hours in all of our stores and dropping employees where we can...as a chain, we have put further expansion plans on hold until we see what the new taxes do to our businesses

...luckily, my wife and I, working a total of 97 years, have all we need, but I worry about the future generations and their ability to support themselves...my kids are doing fine and we are making every effort to see that our grandkids are properly educated to give them every tool they need to build a good life for themselves...I don't want to see them sitting at home waiting for their checks in the mail

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 01-04-2013 at 04:52 AM

CJ100% of Americans did not vote for Obama.
BeWareOops wrong topic

This message has been edited by BeWare on 01-04-2013 at 08:47 AM

KlasKatYep, that is right we all voted and NObama won because 3 million votes were not counted or they were cast by dead people .

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