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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Big Brother Chuck Schumer wants to know..
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerThis flaming liberal idiot wants to know everything about you since the federal government is in charge of your life,....Right?....Have you had enough yet????

WASHINGTON -- If someone admits to any federal official that he's used illegal drugs, that information should be sent to the FBI so that person can be disqualified from purchasing a gun, Sen. Chuck Schumer said Sunday.

Noting that the alleged shooter in the Tucson massacre had admitted to military recruiters that he had used drugs on several occasions, Schumer said he is proposing to the Justice Department and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that the military be required to notify federal officials about such admissions. The New York Democrat said such a process does not require new legislation.

.......Like so many of his kind, this moron is convinced that the government should know everything there is to know about you cause YOU'RE not capable of running your own life...GRRRRRR....And God knows, the gov needs to keep track on all 300 million of us so they can prevent one lunitic from shooting someone...What's next?...Serial numbers tatooed on us at birth?

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 01-16-2011 at 04:42 PM

fibertopAre there really that many people admitting to federal officials that they have used illegal drugs? Seems like a non-issue. If they are convicted of that then yes.
bjprowler "had admitted to military recruiters that he had used drugs on several occasions"

...Hardly a legitimate reason for refusing to allow someone to register a gun or for putting them on a "black list"...

Every time that we give up a right, or allow someone else's rights to be taken away we get closer to having NO rights ourselves...

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 01-16-2011 at 05:33 PM

idiveAbout 30 years ago I was denied the right to a lawyer when accused of a misdemeanor. The judge said those are reserved only for cases of moral terpitude, such as rape, robbery, or murder. I told the judge that the constitution guarantees everyone accused of any crime the right to legal council. He denied me that right. I told him that the justice I recieved in his courtroom was like grocery shopping... you get what you pay for. He wasn't going to be my friend after I said that. The jury just accepted it like it was nothing, and I'm sure without realizing that to deny me of that right is to deny THEM of that right as well. The judge was removed from the bench later for just that sort of thing.
fibertopYou had a jury trial for a misdemeanor? What was the crime? Sounds like that whole courtroom "was out of order"
idiveIts called justice for all. You have the right to a trial by a jury of your peers when accused of an infraction.
I sure wasn't going to get a fair trial from a bench trial.

This message has been edited by idive on 01-16-2011 at 11:01 PM

HawaiianThe gray area will be what is consider drug use ?? what about pain killers? what about alcohol ? You see far more people doing crazy things after being hooked on pain killers and alcohol than "illegal" drugs. So then do we Black list everybody ? Why is it for every wack job the whole country pays for it with new idiotic laws? while the politicians who wrote the the new law is exempt from it?
ed monahanIt is now proposed to make it against the law to carry a firearm within 1000 feet of a Congressman. They sure are special, (In their own minds).

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