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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Ben Carson,,,another Hillary?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CAT"Ben Carson Fabricated Violent Juvenile Past, CNN Investigation Suggests"

A CNN investigation found no evidence to back up Carson’s claims of being a problem child as a angry juvenile in his native Detroit — stabbing, throwing rocks at people, hurling bricks and beating others with baseball bats.
www.yahoo.com/celebrity/news/ben-carson-fabricated-viol ent-juvenile-past-cnn-investigation-145104502.html?ref=gs



Carson Plummets in Polls Amid Reports He Did Not Stab Anyone


This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 11-07-2015 at 07:57 AM

mslc10"we need to check his emails"!!!!!!


Freedom has a nice ring to it......and a bit of recoil.

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
[B]"Ben Carson Fabricated Violent Juvenile Past, CNN Investigation Suggests"

A CNN investigation found no evidence..
www.yahoo.com/celebrity/news/ben-carson-fabricated-viol ent-juvenile-past-cnn-investigation-145104502.html?ref=gs [/B]

How much evidence do ya need? He lived in DETROIT!!!
Kinda like sayin' there's no evidence fish are wet...

Landscape DoctorThe thousand dollar question is, why did he say that to begin with? Very strange to me to put controversy in people's heads. Or did he do that to get free media time like Trump does. Seems like everyone has baggage except Trump.
Originally posted by mslc10:
"we need to check his emails"!!!!!!

Can't ... server is in his basement bathroom closet ... LOL

ALLEY CAT http://soundcloud.com/abcpolitics/ben-carson-radio-ad

^ > Ben Carson releases rap ad aimed at young black voters
. www.yahoo.com/politics/ben-carson-rap-radio-ad-193820407.html


Racism? Rap music ad?

That did it for me,,,,I was thinking Ben would make a fine VP choice on the Repub ticket......I just withdrew that thought.

ALLEY CAT"Ben Carson said he was offered a full scholarship to West Point, but never applied"

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson did not — as he has claimed repeatedly — receive a full scholarship to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

In fact, Carson’s campaign admitted that not only was the former neurosurgeon not accepted into the prestigious military academy, but he never actually applied. This concession came after obtained evidence from a West Point spokesperson that the academy has no record of Carson’s application or his admission — calling into question a key piece of the presidential hopeful’s personal history."

Could Gentle Ben be a relative of Brian Williams the NBC story teller,,,,living in a dream world? Too many stories from Carson coming under question,,,,I see him sliding down in the polls if he can't substantiate his many claims.


Landscape DoctorI too have taken Carson off the list.

Trump / Cruz ticket would clean any Dems clock 2x over.

ALLEY CATTrump / Cruz ticket.....hhhmmm?

Cruz being of Hispanic heritage might off-set some of women vote for Hillary, by bringing many Hispanic American votes to their side?



I seen where Carly Fiorina made a mistake by being a guest on the "View" tv show.... were five whackjob, liberal women were taking her to task, asking her questions but not allowing her to give her answers by blatantly interrupting her every word in response. Big mistake!
http://www.yahoo.com/tv/carly-fiorina-goes-toe-to-toe-with-the-view- 213257945.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma


I don't think we'll see Hillary or Bernie anytime soon being a guest on Hannity or Rush's shows



Carson Plummets in Polls Amid Reports He Did Not Stab Anyone

http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/carson-plummets-in-p olls-amid-reports-he-did-not-stab-anyone

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 11-07-2015 at 09:19 AM

mslc10You guys are jumping the gun on Carson. Politico already has changed the headline and Carson has been going off on the press!

This year is gonna be fun!! I enjoy the elite press having to double over, Marylyn Manson style and having to suck it!!!

As Patton said " God help me ,I do love it so"


Freedom has a nice ring to it......and a bit of recoil.

mslc10 http://www.redstate.com/2015/11/06/politico-outright-lies-ben-carson/

UPDATE: Politico has begun stealth editing the story in question, removing tons of the most incendiary claims without making any public indication that they have corrected the story at all. This is the mark of a junior league, unethical news organization, and stands as conclusive proof that their story is crap and they know it.

I’ve been critical – harshly so – of Ben Carson’s campaign for the Presidency. But bullcrap is bullcrap, and this Politico story purporting to prove that Ben Carson’s campaign admitted to “fabricating” a story about his admission to West Point is absolute bullcrap. It definitely exposes one error on Ben Carson’s point in his retelling of an alleged conversation with General William Westmoreland – but Politico’s errors in its reporting are far more egregious, inexcusable, and intentional than anything they have uncovered with respect to Carson so far.

Add one more data point to the idea that the media shouldn’t be in a position to be the arbiters of fact in this country.

The controversy in question centers around the claim that Ben Carson was offered a “full scholarship” to West Point when he was 17. Politico claims that this is false because West Point has no record of Ben Carson ever applying to West Point, or being accepted; worse, they claim that the campaign admitted fabricating the story.

The academy has occupied a central place in Carson’s tale for years. According to a story told in Carson’s book, “Gifted Hands,” the then-17 year old was introduced in 1969 to Gen. William Westmoreland, who had just ended his command of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and the two dined together. That meeting, according to Carson’s telling, was followed by a “full scholarship” to the military academy.

West Point, however, has no record of Carson applying, much less being extended admission.

“In 1969, those who would have completed the entire process would have received their acceptance letters from the Army Adjutant General,” said Theresa Brinkerhoff, a spokeswoman for the academy. She said West Point has no records that indicate Carson even began the application process. “If he chose to pursue (the application process), then we would have records indicating such,” she said.

When presented with these facts, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.

This kind of story, if true, could prove to be fatal to the Carson campaign. Given the number of questions that have begun swirling lately about Carson’s stories concerning his time as a youth, the fact that the campaign itself admitted that one of the more well known aspects of Carson’s upbringing was a fabrication – that is to say, a deliberately invented falsehood – would probably completely end Carson’s chances at the Presidency.

There’s just one problem with Politico’s story – neither Carson’s book nor Carson’s campaign has ever claimed that he applied to or was accepted to West Point. In fact, they have both consistently said that he did not ever apply to West Point. The relevant passage from his book is abundantly clear that he never had interest in attending West Point and never applied to do so:


Freedom has a nice ring to it......and a bit of recoil.

mslc10Carson Goes Off On Media: ‘I Do Not Remember This Level Of Scrutiny’ Of Obama [VIDEO]

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/06/carson-goes-off-on-media-i-do-not-remember-this-level-of-scrutiny-of-obama-video/#ixzz3qrRktp00


Freedom has a nice ring to it......and a bit of recoil.

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