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Topic:Beloit Autrorama - Recap ... Purrrrrrfect Weather!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
RayToday was the annual Beloit Autorama ... and for those that had never been before, well ... maybe it was a little overwhelming, BUT ... I think it is safe to say that ALL had a VERY good time.

All in all we had 14 Kats parkeed at the show, with all Kats crouching together except two ... if we have a "firm" commitment for next years show and a comperable (or hopefully larger) size turnout, we MAY be able to wrangle a set spot for EVERYONE.

Guess what, ... We had ALL regular production colors represented except 3; Inca Gold, Candy Red and a Woodward. Not a bad representation for the 14 of us!!

My personal Thank You to all that attended this event meeting either at my house, the Oasis or at the Walmart. I apologize for any "Waiting" that some may of had to do at the Walmart, but the look on people's faces as 12 Prowlers pulled in togethr was worth the slight delay.

I am SO glad to have met some NEW people and the enthusiasm to arrange a few more "Drives" before the weather turns like Winter in the Midwest is exciting. Let's DO IT!

Anyone that took photots, PLEASE post them for those that couldn't make it or doubted it when I stated that THIS SHOW is AWSOME.

Again ... great day, wonderful people and a safe return (I hope for all that attended). Thank you all!


bbcarSounds like you had a GREAT time
SumrfunI want to thank you Ray for bringing this show to my attention. I have never been to such a large car show, Awsome!! Glad to meet some of the local owners, Had a great time. On another topic I found some neet little Prowler pins, they only had a few left, does anyone know where they could be purchased.
RED5We had a great time!!!
It was great to meet so many other Prowler owners from the area.
If anyone knows how to post pictures I have some I can email.
Looking foward to our next Kat gathering already.

OrangePost some pics!
Bob HackerRay,
Colleen & I had a great time, our third year. Lets do Lake Geneva and/or Superdog before winter.

And it was good to meet Brad with the yellow, with the flame graphics

This message has been edited by Bob Hacker on 09-19-2004 at 08:39 PM

01ProwlerSounds like you had a great time!

Where's da pics????

CJGlad that it turned out so well..........sorry I wasn't there with the Candy!
LeoI took over 80 pictures at the Beloit Show today. But I wont be able to post them until tomorrow night. Because my camera takes 8 meg pictures, I have to get then reduced down to under 500k before I can post them.

My thanks to all those people who helped this newbie with his first show. The weather was super and the people I meet even better.

I was surprised to see the number of Kats show up from the Wisc/Il area. My thanks to Ray for working so hard to get everyone out. Lets not let him down, lets try to get even more out the next time!

kat hunterThanks Ray for making us aware of this show. It was a little bit of a drive for me, 220 miles, but well worth the trip for the assortment and quality of the cars present and the attitude of the participants and spectatoers.

I spent way too much time wandering the grounds looking at cars and not nearly enough time visiting with other kat owners.

Next year we need to have all colors and special editions represented!

RED5, If you want to email me the pictures I should be able to get them posted tonight. Please put Beloit Prowler Pictures in the subject line if you email them.

Ray, keep me in mind for events you guys are planning, while I won't be able to make every event knowing about them all should give me more options on events to make.

This message has been edited by kat hunter on 09-20-2004 at 07:29 AM

kat hunterHere are some assorted pics from Beloit. Thanks for emailing me the photos Jesse!

If someone wants to provide names to go with the cars I can update the scrapbook.


This message has been edited by kat hunter on 09-20-2004 at 08:50 PM

Randy CobbKat Hunter -

Thanks for posting the pixs.


RED5Kat Hunter Thanks for posting them.

The Yellow is Ray's
Black Tie next to that is mine(Jesse)
Purple belongs to Charlie
One of the Reds belongs to Brad
Black Tie w/ hood open is Dan's
The Orange is Rich's
I think I matched them up right.?.

Anyone doing the cruise to Lake Geneva on Sunday??

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