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Topic:Back home from PTS !!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KenGGot back to Cincinnati about 1:00PM today. All I can say is WOW !! That was more fun in a car than I have had since the days of the Drive-in You are going to see a lot of posts and comments made about the Dragon Tail but there is NO WAY it can really be described.....It was awsome! We all had a great day at the Autocross.....ask CNote who the fastest driver is in his family ! Roarin (Lee Schaffer) broke a ball joint(new) during the Autocross and had to be towed to Knoxville for repairs to the lower control arm, ball joint, tire and wheel. As always....people pulled strings and his car was supposed to be back on the road today. I don't have all of the race results but Bob Goetz took first (48.9??)and GaryC was second (49.4??). Yes....his car was there I was was 8th (50.2) out of 42. After the Awards Banquet, about 50 of us took a late night cruise down to Gatlinberg with Ed Monahan leading the pack.....what a ride....We had the visitors in Gatlinberg staring with amazement as a large group cruised through side by side. We did stir a little trouble in Pigeon Forge on the way back....all I will say is that one of us got pulled over for "Premediated Racing" and the local police were on the lookout for a bunch of delinquints I'm not one to start rumors but I heard that Larry Lord and Pauly had the Honeymoon Suite Wait till you see the pics of Larry's rental car!!!! I don't take pictures very much myself because I'm too busy having fun but I'm sure they will appear as soon as the rest get home.

To all of the organizers.....GREAT JOB and THANK YOU. Sign me up for the next one!

Randy Cobb
OK! It was me that got pulled!

What's the most embarrassing thing about it all is that at both lights that I took off at, I got dusted!


cnote6Randy told this story on another topic.LOL

>OK, here's the story.
Ed organized a cruise over to Gatlinburg after the Thurs. dinner. Great group traveling in perfect weather.

On the way back, on the strip in Pigeon F., the group was so large we would get separated at the stop lights. Well of course the lead 2 cars had to get on it once the light turned green. I happened to be the lead car at two lights.
Well I HAD to punch it or break with tradition. After punching it at the light before I was to turn to go back to the hotel, blue lights were shadowing me. The officer was ticked. He said that I shouldn'd have done that at the last light and to pull over into an adjacent lot when the light turned green. NO I DIDN"T PUNCH IT THIS TIME! I politely drove slowly to the lot he pointed out and I didn't EVEN consider running because I'm a nice guy and he did have my license. After letting the other couple go who they also pulled (sorry I never met them. Candy red with a black bra)we had a little conversation. He said he was going to write me up for PRE-ARRAIGNED RACING. I almost messed my pants, because I'm from NC and in the South this charge carries the most points and in some areas results in a suspension of your license.

For once in my life I thought of the right thing to say in reponse. I said, "Officer, if you must ticket me please do not send it to my home address. You see, I've only had this car for a year and my wife said if I got another ticket I would have to park it for 6 months"!

He laughed his a** off and told me to go on in!

I immediately drove the two blocks to the hotel, told the story to those waiting in the party lot and went to my room and cleaned my pants!<

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