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Topic:Bachmann surges far ahead
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KlasKatBachmann surges far ahead of Republican contenders
Candidate races to 19-point lead over next closest GOP hopeful
Posted: July 05, 2011
6:10 pm Eastern
By Joe Kovacs
© 2011 WND
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is surging far ahead of her Republican rivals in the race for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, according to a new Zogby poll.

The U.S. representative from Minnesota, who led among announced candidates in a June 21 poll, has now added 10 percentage points to her previous mark, and now stands at 34 percent.
That's a 19-point lead over second place Herman Cain, who stayed the same at 15 percent support.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney came in third place, but dropped a point to 14 percent, and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas dropped two percentage points to 11 percent, coming in fourth place.
They were followed by Rick Santorum at 7 percent, Tim Pawlenty and Jon Huntsman at 4 percent, and Newt Gingrich at 2 percent.
While Bachmann's support is growing, she could face trouble if some other well-known names jump into the race.
Zogby also asked for whom would Republicans vote in a primary if Texas Gov. Rick Perry, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin were candidates.
In that hypothetical scenario, Perry finished first with 18 percent, Christie second with 17 percent, Bachmann third at 15 percent, Paul fourth at 10 percent, Palin fifth at 9 percent, and Cain and Romney tied for sixth with 8 percent each.

Read more: Bachmann surges far ahead of Republican contenders http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=319217#ixzz1RLTJNyVV

This message has been edited by KlasKat on 07-06-2011 at 12:01 PM

ALLEY CATWomen candidates scare the hell of out the Dumborats!

Most things I like about her,,,and a very few things I don't care for about her,,,,, her position on 'state's rights' being one of them.

If it came down to BHO and Bachmann in 2012,,,,I'd support her totally

But,,,,,,,its a long ways off 'til then.................

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