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Topic:BUS language for the Prowler
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

Do any of you guys know what BUS language the Prowler uses for the various computers on board? Is there an different bus language for the 1997 vs 1999-2002 Prowler?

If I can verify that the BUS language is the same between all models, then it's very likely the 1999+ instrument cluster circuit board will work in my 1997.

Brian Richardson
Jupiter, FL
1997 Purple with 1997 Mopar Trailer
2006 Mercedes Benz C230 with 6-speed manual
2006 Lexus RX 400h AWD
2005 Key West 186 Sportsman
2003 Mercedes Benz C230 Sports Sedan (sold)
1992 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 (sold)

This message has been edited by spoons on 11-11-2011 at 02:27 PM

CJBob says SEBC is the base for the PCM and communicates with the bcm so that portion should be common. There were 3 distinct overlays but the architecture remained the same. Jerry Scholten would be the expert but we are driving down the road and can't reach him right now.
catfishall circuit boards for 97 to 02 are discontinued.there arent any.call a reputable dealer and see if the part numbers for 97 and 99 circuit boards are the same,if they are then you can use a 99 cluster.the bus system has nothing to do with the type or year circuit boards.all you need to know is the 97 and 99 boards the same,therefore go bye the part numbers.same will work different no.


This message has been edited by catfish on 11-11-2011 at 04:11 PM

spoons97 board is unique, it's a different part # which is no longer in stock. 1999+ there is 66 in stock. The board mfg told me there not sure why the boards are different and it maybe because different bus languages.
Originally posted by spoons:
97 board is unique, it's a different part # which is no longer in stock. 1999+ there is 66 in stock. The board mfg told me there not sure why the boards are different and it maybe because different bus languages.

Can a defective board be repaired if no new ones are available?

catfishyes it can,there are many cos out there that repair them.


lionbergerGod I yearn for the days when the "electronics" in a car was a set of points and a condenser!


padrooBe careful what you wish for!
spoonsMopar or NSI will not repair my board. I guess I'll buy the new board and hope it works. If not I'll have to hard wire be gauges to BCM
catfishthere are many a/m repair places around .do a search automotive circuit board repairs,i found at least 4.


spoonsI have called nearly a dozen vintage circuit board repair shops. All state the same thing "no dice, if it was a mustang or vettte we'd love to help.". I call the largest circuit board repair located in Denver and they said no.

This message has been edited by spoons on 11-12-2011 at 06:42 PM

idiveBrian - please keep us updated on this as I have an interest in the outcome.

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