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Topic:Aword to the wise, worth a phone call
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cmblockhusYesterday I happened to be talking to the dealership where I take my car for service, while checking the 7 year 50,000 Max Care Warranty in the Chrysler System it showed canceled. Had to wait until this AM to call and find out what is going on, turns out some dealer in Texas did the deed and collected the refund, leaveing me with no coverage so now I need to fax them a copy of the title to prove I still own the car and they will then reinstate it.

Phone # to call is 1-800-521-9922

I hope it was only mine and not yours



a quote from a song last sunday in church
"The Lord has healed my sickness" "And made me whole again"

RADCAT RICHHi Curtis,..........
when cancelling any remainder extended warranty, what is NOT accepted is a phone call to cancell, CORP. requires proof of insur. with your vehicle # and a copy of your extended warranty #, and a letter requesting cancellation of remainder of warranty with your signature.
>they will NOT allow this over the phone>
usually you can send in mail, and /or fax is accepted

That is what i have always done on 2 prev. occassions!
Good luck Curtis!


1buddycHey Curtis, did you trade your Prowler in the last time you were here and just forget?? That Texas dealer says he has your Extended Warranty and wants to know where his Trade In is.... (LOL) your pal Buddy

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 09-29-2005 at 03:17 PM

1buddycOOPS! Using Mom's computer..

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 09-29-2005 at 03:30 PM

wuzzzerMy Mom has an '01 Stratus and she bought an extended 100k mile warranty. She bought the car brand new from a Chrysler dealership and it was a Chrysler warranty. Has issues with the fuel pump going out, and the dealership she bought it from is telling her that she doesn't have an extended warranty!
She does, fortunately, have some type of paperwork that lists that she purchased the warranty but apparently she needs an actual warranty document(?)
She's very frustrated!

This message has been edited by wuzzzer on 09-29-2005 at 06:43 PM

halicatthere are so many DC dealer horror stories !!!

do the rest of the Manufacturers treat their customers this way ? I have had rotten service from Ford, borderline criminal.... but what about GM ?

Honda Dealers here have a stellar reputation...

experiences ?

ed monahanI have a "credit card" with my extended warranty number on it.

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