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Topic:Attention Canadians....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BuckNekkidI've had to make the painful decision to be Prowlerless for a little while - I just put an ad in the POA classified section if you'd like details. It is one of only 126 Purple 99s that were built for the Canadian market, so it's a pretty rare car. It's fully compliant in both the U.S. and Canada so you wouldn't have to do a thing to it to bring it across the border. Oh yeah - it's absolutely perfect.

Just thought I'd post a quick note here to drive any interested parties to the classified section

CJNow I am really sorry to hear that........

Hopefully, you won't be Prowlerless for long?

dpenaYou got a PM Bill!!


BuckNekkidHiya CJ

I fully expect to be back in the saddle by this time next year. Fact is I own the Prowler outright and, in the interest of being "fiscally responsible", it makes more sense to sell the car than borrow the money. I've been really busy - I haven't had the chance to drive it very often anyway, so it seems to be the "sensible" thing to do for the short term. I don't think I like being a grown-up LOL.

We'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks. If no one grabs it and I instead choose to get rid of a couple of my other seldom used toys, I may just decide to keep the Prowler.

How ya been?

edited fer speling erors LOL.

This message has been edited by BuckNekkid on 03-31-2005 at 11:48 AM

CJWho ever accused you of being grown up? I say sell one of the other toys and keep the Cat!!

BuckNekkidGood point LOL.
Blue TieSaw this Prowler in Florida at the Turkey Run. Prowler is in excellent condition.



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