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Topic:Attendees Who Are Flying in for the CAAP Tribute
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJPlease post here if you are flying in for the CAAP Tribute Day. We will try to coordinate pickups for those of you who need a ride. I know that some of you will be renting vehicles. There have been several people willing to share costs on rental vehicles. Please post the following info:

1. Day of arrival
2. Airline / Airport
3. Flight # and flight time
4. Renting a car?
5. Need a ride / willing to share expenses of rental car
6. Day of departure
7. Flight time for departure

Laddie Roussel1) Arriving - Thursday Feb. 7th
2) Detroit/Wayne County airport
3) Delta Flt 1269 7:07 pm
4) Renting car NO
5) Need a ride - yes (John S. scheduled to pick me up)
6) Departure - Saturday Feb. 9th
7) Delta Flt 651 at 7:10 pm


Rich Tilden1. Arrive Thursday, February 7
2. Detroit/Wayne County Airport (DTW)
3. Continental #5180 at 3:39 PM
4. No Rental
5. Need a ride = Yes, but John S. scheduled to pick me up.
6. Depart Saturday, February 9
7. Continental #5173 at 11:55 AM
SuperKat1. Arrive Thursday 2/7
2. Delta #700 arriving 9:58 pm
We are going to try for an earlier flight arriving at 7
3. Renting a car Yes
5. Will share; Look for a black Prowler jacket!
6. Departing Sat 2/9
7. Delta departure at 7:10 pm

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