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Topic:Arrogant CO Democrat Scolds Rape Survivor at Gun Ban Hearing:
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BeWareArrogant CO Democrat Scolds Rape Survivor at Gun Ban Hearing: Statistics Weren’t On Your Side

I encourage you to watch the short video of this in the attached link.

March 5, 2013 - 6:50 am

Every year hundreds of thousands of Americans use firearms to defend themselves from attackers of one kind or another. Despite the state’s reputation as a frontier state, Colorado’s Democrats are hell-bent on disarming law-abiding citizens and, in particular, women, from being able to defend themselves with a firearm. The latest is state Sen. Evie Hudak who, at a hearing on banning concealed carry on college campuses, told rape survivor Amanda Collins that having a gun would not have done her any good. Collins had just shared her story of survival. Democrat Hudak berated her in response.

I just want to say, statistics are not on your side, even if you had had a gun. You said that you were a martial arts student, I mean person, experience in taekwondo, and yet because this individual was so large and was able to overcome you even with your skills, and chances are that if you had had a gun, then he would have been able to get than from you and possibly use it against you …

Or she could have shot him, or cornered him and called 911 to get the police to come pick him up. A pistol can be a great equalizer in the face of a threat.

Democrats like Hudak would prefer that you be a victim, even of rape, than you have the ability and means to defend yourself.

Hudak is the third Colorado Democrat to make insane remarks regarding firearms and rape in the past few weeks. In February, state Sen. Paul Rosenthal argued that women should use the “buddy system” or judo to defend themselves from rape. Judo is a fine idea, but Amanda Collins’ experience suggests that martial arts may not be enough. A day before that, state Rep. Joe Salazar argued that women should rely on whistles and call boxes if they’re under attack from a rapist. Salazar further suggested that women should not be trusted with a firearm, because they might shoot even if they are not under attack.

Three Democrats have now loosed misogynistic remarks about rape. Two men, one woman, but all Democrats. Who’s waging a war on women and their right to defend themselves?

CJIf that had been their wife, daughter, granddaughter, etc. would they still be saying that?
Michael PondWe are getting to many Liberals in the front range area of Colorado, especially the Denver, Boulder area. We can smoke dope, but can't protect ourselves. You can even rape a child and get off, or maybe up to 2 years with probation. I wish these liberals would go back to where they came from!!!
There is a bill coming up that says, If someone were to steal your gun and use it in a crime, you will be held liable. That is unconstitutional by federal law.. Think about it!! If it passes, it will go to the federal courts immediately!!
BeWare http://video.foxnews.com/v/2206023569001/lawmaker-lectures-rape-victim-at-gun-hearing/?playlist_id=2114913880001
bjprowlerAnother well written article about Amanda Collins testimony:


"I was legislated into becoming a victim"

bjprowlerAnd more....


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