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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Anyone in UK want to make a bright Christmas?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
WildCatSeen this tonight and would like to get a couple for my wife

She collects coke stuff and has nothing like this.

Don't have to have it but Christmas but since it is a Christmas limited bottle would need to locate soon if they are even available now

This message has been edited by WildCat on 12-12-2015 at 05:56 PM

Dave HaggasLeave it with me Larry, I shall investigate this afternoon.
I'm now on the Christmas break so have all week to source. Shame about the cussing in the video mind.
Please PM me your address when your ready.
Best wishes.

This message has been edited by Dave Haggas on 12-13-2015 at 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Dave Haggas:
Leave it with me Larry, I shall investigate this afternoon.
I'm now on the Christmas break so have all week to source. Shame about the cussing in the video mind.
Please PM me your address when your ready.
Best wishes.

I didn't see all the video, my connection or computer is not user friendly when trying to watch videos. Had read they cussed at the end

Sorry if it offends anyone. Not my video just a link

Dave HaggasNo offence to me Larry, I just showed it unknowingly to my seven year old and didnt watch it all first, so my fault!
Just seems odd that folk do that to get a point across?
Bottles are here and will be shipped on Monday.

This message has been edited by Dave Haggas on 12-13-2015 at 10:54 AM

Dave HaggasWildcat, give me a call please.
StingRayYeah Dave!! You rock man .... Prowler owners helping each other, and through this wonderful web site .... that's awesome!!

Congrats Wildcat on the Christmas surprise heading your way for your wife!

Dave HaggasVery nice of you to post that Stingray.
I shall be honest as I have been served by some very decent folk in the past here, you guys know who you are so I won't embarrass.
I've been shocked in the past when I've tried to reach out to folk on this site in the USA. I've had guys ship goods without payment, and people have truly gone out of their way to help me. Thoroughly genuine chaps.
So when the opportunity arises to reciprocate, it really is my pleasure.
Regarding the bottles, we are experiencing a small hiccup, but we will solve it.
StingRayWas just in our local grocery store and looked .... didn't see anything like these .... pretty cool for the die hard Coke collector!
Dave HaggasI've been in a few grocery stores and they don't have them either. But a local fuel station does!
They are cool though.
Originally posted by Dave Haggas:
I've been in a few grocery stores and they don't have them either. But a local fuel station does!
They are cool though.

Well Dave went above what someone on the other side of the pond at this time of year should do.

But it looks like Sue will not get her box making Coke bottle

Shipping cost for 2 1.5 liter bottles of coke in plastic bottles, $124.00 dollars

Looking into other way but DHL said the cost could be as much as he was quoted or even double that.

Anyone have any suggestions? Not looking to get them by Christmas, just to add to her collection.

Checking with friend that works for UPS to see if he can help out on shipping.

ed monahanThe post office is usually WAAAAAY cheaper than Fed-ex, UPS, etc.
beachcatYou could dump the coke out of them to make them way lighter and then fill them back up once you receive them.
Dave HaggasEd, the local PO is where I went, just stupid money to ship. £86.00 for two bottles that cost £2.00 for two!
Our options are send and swallow the cost, as Roger says, dump( drink! ) the contents and ship two empty bottles or remove the labels and put in an envelope and send. Then swap the labels for two new US bottles in the states.

But the thing is to a collector, this is not correct. So what's best? The big issue is weight as its over 4 kg.
If I was coming to the US I would carry out and ship out there. I will be in Texas next year but that's not til August.
If anyone knows of a us citizen coming over to the UK soon and then back, please help?
This community must be able to help surely?

This message has been edited by Dave Haggas on 12-19-2015 at 02:35 PM

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