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Topic:Anyone have an extra set of clear side marker lights?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
thelonewaynegerLooking to replace my side marker lights with clear ones. Anyone have a second or extra set to sell new or used?
alprowlAren't you the guy that wants everything STOCK!
thelonewayneger yeah that's the way I was with most of my other vehicles but it seems this is such a custom vehicle you almost want to customize it to your liking. I've seen several prowlers since I bought mine and it seems every time I see one there's always something else I want to do the mine that they did theirs. I guess I've been bitten by the prowler bug. darn, when I saw there was a reply I thought someone posted because they had some lights for me.

This message has been edited by thelonewayneger on 01-19-2016 at 10:37 PM

FastLane http://klearz.com/products/chrysler/prowler_side_markers
ed monahanThe Prowler store has them for a SLIGHT markup, (double the price).
thelonewayneger yeah they were double the price of the ones fastlane posted.

This message has been edited by thelonewayneger on 01-20-2016 at 01:37 PM

Originally posted by thelonewayneger:
yeah that's the way I was with most of my other vehicles but it seems this is such a custom vehicle you almost want to customize it to your liking. I've seen several prowlers since I bought mine and it seems every time I see one there's always something else I want to do the mine that they did theirs. I guess I've been bitten by the prowler bug...

Welcome to the dark side!

ALLEY CATQuestion... Are the KLEARZ lenses just the outside lense, or are they the entire light part...with the back side molding?
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Question... Are the KLEARZ lenses just the outside lense, or are they the entire light part...with the back side molding?

I stand corrected, when Klearz first came out, that is what they were, just Lenses. Looks like they changed up their process to include the whole Light now.

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 01-22-2016 at 06:03 PM

ALLEY CATThanks Buddy,,,,,that is what I was thinking, face lenses only and its 'work' to take the entire housing apart with the risk of breaking them

thelonewayneger well forget that I'm not Sawing on anything and paying that kind of money for just covers but its all about supply and demand.

This message has been edited by thelonewayneger on 01-20-2016 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by thelonewayneger:
well forget that I'm not Sawing on anything and paying that kind of money for just covers

There just MAY...be an alternative, Wayne

bjprowlerI'm pretty sure that the $90 does include the housing....To be sure, click the "contact us" link

Note that you have to specify what color housing you want when ordering...That's why I think it's included with the lens...

BTW....I do have a set of the clear LENS ONLY (no housing) that I'll sell for $45 (includes shipping).....PM me if interested

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 01-20-2016 at 01:50 PM

thelonewayneger0n the klearz website it seems its the housing and cover but only lets u order them with LED's. Will that even work using normal wiring and wont blow out the LED? And the housing that holds the wiring may be different? Guess I will keep looking for the complete factory set for now? There is one guy here on the site that pm'd me that thinks he may have a set stored away. Hopefully, he can find them? thanks for the help, comments, and offer.
kriegsadmiralI bought them from Klearz and they are plug and play. Only problem is that both times I tried to install the plastic broke while tightening on the old bolt because they are not threaded. One was left with just enough to fully tighten but if I ever take off again it will be junk. claimed it was because I put them on when plastic was cold but I did second set in the house with all parts at room temperature and it broke again. Maybe cheap plastic or maybe stock ones would do the same, I cant say. Once on they look great, I bought tinted ones for my black car.
thelonewaynegerthats strange that they broke
1buddycOriginal Side Marker Lights are attached with a thread-cutting Speed Nut and not a conventional nut.
Cheap plastic Aftermarket ones cant take the stress of the threads being cut into it and thus the part to be threaded snaps off. Most of the time this will leave only a nub and not enough material to be re-threaded to allow the Side Marker to be attached to the side panel.
The keyword here is CHEAP (inexpensive to use in manufacture) Plastic...

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 01-22-2016 at 03:29 PM

robin http://klearz.com/prowler_side_markers

This message has been edited by robin on 01-22-2016 at 03:51 PM

George JohnsonWhen I bought mine from Klearz, it included the back housing. Also, I'm running LEDs.

This message has been edited by George Johnson on 01-22-2016 at 05:53 PM

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