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Topic:Anyone ever drive their Prowler in hail?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Black Tie 161I got stuck in one inch hail yesterday....Scared me out of my wits...I was SURE my windshield was going to shatter...the noise was unbeleivable. We had a tornado almost touch down 1 mile from our house...(Massive circular wind damage in the next neighborhood.)

I couldn't get home fast enough. I was lucky to see no hail damage, so apparently the car can withstand at least 1 inch hail.

Anyone else ever get stuck in hail?

Tytanium-KOh, sure....it isn't BAD ENUF I have No Friggin' Garage! Now ya' gotta scare me witLESS about hail! Well, thanks for sharing, buddy! !@%$&***!!!?!:""{}_+!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, just messin' with ya' brotha'
Nah! No Hail yet (but I've only owned 'er 3 weeks)
And I do have it under a NOAH car cover, so maybe!
BUT, when I drove it home from Orlando 3 weeks ago
I went thru several hellacious rain-storms! Pretty
scary driving my first 475 miles in conditions ahh
other than primo/desired! Hail has gotta be baddd!

This message has been edited by Tytanium-K on 07-15-2004 at 10:33 AM

Black Tie 161LOL...Well, at least you know up to 1" hail won't damage the car.

To be honest, this car was not even a consideration until I had a garage to park in. A good car cover would help a lot for ya though......

Now all you have to do is worry about the other 100 things that can go wrong with this car...

Tytanium-KHey! Hey! Hey! Black Tie!!!

STOP tryin' to cheer me up already! Sheeeesh! Some mother's sons! The NOAH is primo! $235 but worth
it--as it's already been rained on/dried/rained on,
well, you get the idea! Awesome & fits-like-a-glove!

butchceeWOW--forget the windshield--No dents?
DR PROWLERThe rain has been unreal this year.....when does summer begin by the way?
ed monahanThe obvious answer to the question is,
"Hail No".
c.mangengEd, you beat me to it "Hail No". I have the same concern as Butchee about the possible dents in the aluminum top body panels. Ty-K I don't have a garage for either Katt. My wife parks her's under one of those portable covers from Lowes and I park mine under an open ended carport. We do have car covers from Walmart to keep the other cats paw marks off them. Just remember to stay the Hail out of that stuff and you have nothing but the other 100 things to worry about, but you can get the list from BT161.
01ProwlerThat's pretty hard to believe.. It's great if it's true though. I've been in the hail repair business, and I've seen some torn up cars. 1 inch definately can do a lot of damage. I would definately take a lot closer look in various different angles of light.
GRROWLHeard about that hail on TV.

Yes, I got caught once - more like under half-inch, but it made a racket on the cloth top right over my head.


Originally posted by ed monahan:
The obvious answer to the question is,
"Hail No".

So appropriate...

GenoTexTornado... don't even say that!

Will be an anniversary coming up next week on this one at Oakfield.. my town.... It completely uprooted the house two doors down from me... and did extensive damage to ours... some pics....


Some things MAKE ya believe

tangled up in BLUErain all the time.....sleet a few times.....snow many times....crossed 5 states in a blizzard in a brand new Kat getting it home.....ice storms a couple of times......never hail though, think I missed that one....
CJScary, Gene!!

At the Colorado event a few years ago, Marc the Jinx was driving GPS John's cat and wouldn't you know it (after every other thing he jinxed that week) it started to hail! We all made for the pine trees and all the cats were huddled together......fortunately no damage and the hail storm didn't last long!

ed monahan
Originally posted by c.mangeng:
Ed, you beat me to it "Hail No".

Yeah, you have to get up pretty early to beat me. lol. Noonish, usually will work.

ALLEY CATGeno - If that is your neighborhood,,,,then you might be Prowler Trash.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 07-15-2004 at 11:44 PM

idiveLarry Pennington. AC, and I were going back to Austin from Houston during the stampede and I think it was Larry P. that said we went thru hail. I was so intent on just being able to see and follow that I didn't notice it. No damage tho. Had I known, I would have pulled over. I heard what you can do if your car is parked in the hailstorm tho... get a bedspread or quilt or blanket and throw it over the car. The material doesn't seem thick enough to help much but you would be surprised at how it will cushion the hail when it hits. It keeps the dents away.
Geno, your tornado was a little closer than mine. Had one hit at the other end of my block a few years back. It had just bounced over my house. That was close enough for me.
Black Tie 161I looked long and hard at the car and didn't spot dents. I think the aluminum hoods may be thicker than the average steel hood. I think the severe downward slope of the trunk would be hard to dent by hail, and I think driving in the hail was better for keeping the hood from denting than if parked? Either way, I am extremely lucky....I could have had a tree fall on me driving home as well! So much could have happened...and I was so mad, because I could have beat the storm completely if I hadn't made one last stop before home!

My friend less than 1 mile from my house made the front page of the local paper as trees fell all over his deck and porch, and his neighborhood was devastated! They beleive a funnel cloud was travelling over their neighborhood ripping the first 20 feet off all the treetops! I think the hail was just a bit bigger over there, as my friends had a bunch of hail damage to their cars!!!!! Less than a mile away!

Geno: that is an amazing photo....you are quite lucky too!

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