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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Any Cain supporters left?
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heynow14Awfully quiet around here.


attyedhalli have said it before....the sex lives of any politician has little if anything to do with his/her qualifications to be an effective politician....provided that he/she has not done any thing illegal..(i.e. child porn.....rape...sexual predatory stuff...etc)

billy clinton should have taught us that....but in the era of gotcha politics....people just love to focus on this tangential nonsense instead of looking to the real qualificiation of a candidate

that being said....cain has never impressed me as the best republican candidate and i have always thought he was jockying for a vp slot....i still believe that....

whether or not the fact the he likes sex will disqualify him remains to be seen..it just might.

ed monahanI would vote for him (or anyone) over the current loser.
ALLEY CATCain probably slid by the first wave of attacks >

'she said, he said' with no actual proof or facts.

The latest episode about the 13 year sexual affair, most likely will send Herman into the dark abyss and delivering pizzas again...

Like Ed, if he was the candidate running against BHO, I'd vote for him. Just about anyone would be better for this country over what we presently have.

It appears Newt is gaining ground on the field. He is the smartest, most qualified of the bunch but I'm hesitant about his ever changing immigration stand, and spending taxpayer's dollars to create more government jobs.

Being a skeptic, I'm still not supporting any of the present candidates whole heartedly.

ed monahanAll of a sudden the latest "victim" is being outed as a total liar. Her closest friend said she never mentioned anything about Herman Cain. If she was travelling all over to meet him, surely her friend would know. She has been sued for slander or libel, also. I am not saying it didn't happen, I am saying wait a day or two to see what falls out.
If he is guilty, just mention slick Willie's name and all is forgiven.
idiveI heard on the radio yesterday that the latest accuser, White is her name I think, has filed 20 lawsuits sueing someone in the past 2 years, including filing sexual harrassment against former employers. Cain has admitted knowing her and giving her money over the past 13 years. I, like others, would vote for Cain or his dog over obama. This morning news said financial backers are holding back funding his campaign so I figure he will pull out over no money to pay for his tv ads.
Michael PondI guess if sexual allegations make you a bad person, there are alot of politicians who should be outted. Maybe we could get some "REAL CHANGE" in Washington. I personnally am tired of being the one getting SCREWED. Let's "Spread the Wealth" around a little. Bend over Washington.
bjprowlerIn Cain's defense, he could always claim that those 60+ calls and texts to his cell phone number was simply her ordering pizza....

Any politician worthy of holding office should be able to look the public right in the eye, wag their finger and swear that it's the truth

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 11-30-2011 at 12:57 PM

bjprowlerHerm was on a bus tour through Ohio today....... And while I do think he is being treated unfairly by the media, I did insist that my girlfriend wear a chastity belt when attending his rallies....

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 11-30-2011 at 05:19 PM

bjprowlerMy guess is that Herm will announce his withdrawal from the campaign and say that his family wanted him to quit....It's a frquently used excuse and will allow him to withdraw with some dignity.

Maybe what we need is a president that simply has no past....

Originally posted by bjprowler:

Maybe what we need is a president that simply has no past....

ALLEY CATOne more fact supporting Herman Cain:


Short video,,,enjoy!

heynow14Admit it, you do miss Bill.


Originally posted by heynow14:
Admit it, you do miss Bill.

I do,,,,especially since Hillary has packed on an additional 35 lbs traveling the world. You just know Willy is cuddling somewhere with a 25 year old, with his fine Cuban cigar nearby....

Clinton worked well during his second term,,,with that Republican controlled Congress. Moving to the middle saved his butt

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 12-07-2011 at 09:23 AM

Maybe what we need is a president that simply has no past....

I thought we already do?

Originally posted by CJ:
[B] I thought we already do?

well, a corrupt past, from being involved in Illinois politics ... but otherwise ... nope.

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