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Topic:Another tool to help select a canidate
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareThis one has more issues. McCain came in dead last for me
Dave MillsSame here.....he came in first for me on the other pole....go figure?
Marty UsherMcCain was barely on the list for me 0.37%!
ETMIDZTSame here .37 for McCain.....
GenoTexwhich brings to mind...who is "Mike Gravel"???

McCain was first, ended up last on this one also at .37

Seems kinda strange .37 for 3 of us already!

blackcatGravel - 14.44%
Giuliani - 11.67%
Huckabee - 10.49%
Kucinich - 9.62%
Romney - 9.02%
Cox - 7.65%
Biden - 7.36%
Clinton - 4.26%
Obama - 4.00%
Hunter - 4.00%
Dodd - 4.00%
Tancredo - 2.61%
Tommy Thompson - 2.39%
Fred Thompson - 2.25%
Paul - 2.01%
Richardson - 1.56%
Edwards - 1.23%
Brownback - 1.05%
Mccain - 0.37%

This like this thing is fixed...........

GenoTexthose are the same numbers i got too...

i smell a rat...

Northern CatAnd I'm not even American

# Gravel - 14.44%
# Giuliani - 11.67%
# Huckabee - 10.49%
# Kucinich - 9.62%
# Romney - 9.02%
# Cox - 7.65%
# Biden - 7.36%
# Clinton - 4.26%
# Obama - 4.00%
# Hunter - 4.00%
# Dodd - 4.00%
# Tancredo - 2.61%
# Tommy Thompson - 2.39%
# Fred Thompson - 2.25%
# Paul - 2.01%
# Richardson - 1.56%
# Edwards - 1.23%
# Brownback - 1.05%
# Mccain - 0.37%

BeWareSomething very fishy here.
ETMIDZTI bet Bloomberg did this......
CJGot the exact same scores.
Bob MillerSame score here too...

Originally posted by CJ:
Got the exact same scores.

ed monahanI am afraid to try it if there is a chance I will agree with Bob Miller. lol
Bob MillerEd - Let me know how you're going to vote and I'll just vote the opposite. That way we'll both be happy.

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