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Topic:Another cat arrives today,,,,,,,,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CATKala in California told me her candy red Prowler has arrived in LA today,,,,and she was going there to pick it up and drive the new baby home.

CONGRATS KALA,,,,,pictures A S A P


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....
Y2K Silver Millennium Edition and '01 Orange Rolex Edition

Larry Salzman - Phx/Mesa, Arizona

CJKala, glad that all has finally worked out!
tangled up in BLUEKala....nothing like the thrill of a new Kat.....hope to see pix soon......
DUSTI"KALA" (in greek = good)
so everything's good - congratulations Kala on your new kat - please post some pics !!


dreamcast18Kala should stop by Pasadena on the way back! 10 east is a long drive (did the LA->Tuscon thingie weekly!)
Jim SGlad to hear things worked out Kala. Give Cathi and I a call when you have some time. Love to see it.

KalaThanks everyone

Its been hard seeing my wrecked purple everyday... The new Candy cat is just what the DR ordered

Coming home the 405 was bumper to bumper, so we jumped over to PCH and had a great ride home. Perfect car on a perfect day!

Its having a bath and a wax job today. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Jim SGlad you made it home OK. A perfect day for a ride on PCH.

Lone Ranger
Congratulations on your new kat.


enjoy the new ride and keep smileing



a quote from a song last sunday in church
"The Lord has healed my sickness" "And made me whole again"

SirRealKala conrats on the new Kat! Wow a Prowler on the PCH. That is definitely on my 'things to do before I die list!!' Enjoy!
ALLEY CATSirReal - my thoughts exactly. I once pushed for a national Prowler event to travel the PCH from San Diego to northern Cal. The Cal owners said it wouldn't work,,,,too many hotel changes. Who cares if we stay in several hotels,,,,that would be a awesome trip experience,,in my opinion. Guess they've seen it all before?

I forgot,,,,I digress,,,,,,,,,,

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 04-01-2005 at 08:15 PM

SirRealAC that to me would be the TRIP of all trips! I would ship my Kat to the West Coast for something like that. I think it would be great to have a traveling POA event! hmmm our own Power Tour oh yea! I have only seen the PCH on TV and the movies, always admired it. Never say never right?
Larry Lord
Originally posted by SirReal:
AC that to me would be the TRIP of all trips! I would ship my Kat to the West Coast for something like that.


No need to ship you car.
Just buy your plane ticket to Ontario or LAX and my car will be there waiting for you. Full of gas with maps laying on the seat and ready for you to begin your dream trip.
When will you be here?

SirRealLarry, full of gas at these prices? You are like the coolest person on earth I wish you could have felt the feeling that shot through my body when I read your post. For a moment I knew the excitement of a prisoner that just found the escape route I will never forget! Thanks! Jeff

This message has been edited by SirReal on 04-01-2005 at 11:03 PM

KalaI vote for a National PCH Cruise... What a sight that would be

Awesome road, awesome cars...

We have to have someone on this board who can figure it out... I would think starting from Santa Monica to San Francisco? I think thats about 400 miles... Anyone?

ALLEY CATKala - that may have to wait until 2007? 2005 national event is set for The Dells, Wisconsin and talk is heavy for a Yellowstone Park, Wyoming for 2006?

Prowlin' the Pacific Coast Highway 2007 National Event

Sounds good to me

KalaYeah, Larry, but with all the rain we have had here in Cali this year... It may be better to have the National PCH cruise sooner rather than later...

Somehow PHOENIX COAST HIGHWAY doesn't have the same catchy sound

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Kala - that may have to wait until 2007? 2005 national event is set for The Dells, Wisconsin and talk is heavy for a Yellowstone Park, Wyoming for 2006?

[B]Prowlin' the Pacific Coast Highway 2007 National Event

Sounds good to me [/B]

Lest we forget the 10 yr DC/Prowler reunion in 2007...

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