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Topic:Another ODD e-bay item
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Jim R.Very odd.....

E_bay item

1buddycYer basic Scam, Jim...
BeWareI saw that yesterday. I thought it to be highly suspect as well.
rraiteI just e-mailed him to see what his response will be.
also did you look at the other cars he has for sale?

under meet seller it also states hes not a registered user!

Originally posted by rraite:

under meet seller it also states hes not a registered user!

Per eBay---Note: "Not a registered user" can refer to members who have cancelled their membership, or whose membership has been suspended by eBay. For example, a member whose correct contact information is no longer on file with us may have their registration suspended until the new contact information is entered. In either case, the member appears as "not a registered user" and is not allowed to buy or sell on eBay.

So how can he sell then??????????

jmaThat Prowler is on autotrader.com (has been for a while) 41,995.00. Jim
Jim R.Yellow

So how can he sell then??????????

That is what I thought was ODD.....


toysJim Thanks for the post.


Originally posted by Jim R.:

So how can he sell then??????????

That is what I thought was ODD.....


Only thing I can think of is that he listed them all the eBay pulled his privileges. If that the case then, why didn;t they cancel his listings.

The prices are just too low for buy it now.

The 2006 BMW M5 is a $100K vehicle and it is still brand new and he only wants $50K for it?? A new 525 goes for more then $50K.

Something is seriously wrong here. Either that or his rich wife was cheating on him and he is selling her toys cheap. (that has happened before on eBay!!!!!!!!)

mcrealtyAnyone report this to the Ebay police yet?
agstonerHow about the license plate? Could someone check on the ownership based on the plate?
brianwlongI emailed E-bay with the item number for all his auctions and emailed him.

"IF YOU WANT TO BUY THIS HOT ROAD FOR ONLY 20 000 $ PLEASE EMAIL ME AT : frankdon@nerdshack.com"

Am I getting a Prowler or a street??

Originally posted by agstoner:
How about the license plate? Could someone check on the ownership based on the plate?

VIN is posted with each car.

YellowFeverIt's been about 36 hours and I have gotten no response to my email request on info to the seller.

toysIt's Been Pulled off E-bay.


rraitewell this guy emailed me this morning here is his response!

Sorry for the late reply. I waited until the add was about to expire.
Can we discuss this by email ? I would much rather communicate like this instead of eBay.
The car is in perfect condition, no accidents, no problems, not even a scratch, has a clear title and a clear CARFAX report. One owner, non-smoker, perfect condition. The car in a wharehouse of the shipping company I will use to have the car sent to the buyer. No extra cost for shipping, I already paid their services.
If you are interested in buying it at the instant buy price, please let me know with your shipping info (name, address and eBay ID if you have one) and I can initiate the transaction using eBay.
No montly payments, no other hidden taxes or anything. Just the price on eBay.
The price is low because I got the car without having to pay any taxes at all, working in diplomacy has it's avantages, and also I want to sell it quickly, so I had to sell it for a lower price than normal.


should i go for it??? LOL

mcrealtyFor those in the law enforcement world, can't someone go after this guy?
Originally posted by rraite:
well this guy emailed me this morning here is his response!

Sorry for the late reply. I waited until the add was about to expire.
Can we discuss this by email ? I would much rather communicate like this instead of eBay.
The car is in perfect condition, no accidents, no problems, not even a scratch, has a clear title and a clear CARFAX report. One owner, non-smoker, perfect condition. The car in a wharehouse of the shipping company I will use to have the car sent to the buyer. No extra cost for shipping, I already paid their services.
If you are interested in buying it at the instant buy price, please let me know with your shipping info (name, address and eBay ID if you have one) and I can initiate the transaction using eBay.
No montly payments, no other hidden taxes or anything. Just the price on eBay.
The price is low because I got the car without having to pay any taxes at all, working in diplomacy has it's avantages, and also I want to sell it quickly, so I had to sell it for a lower price than normal.


should i go for it??? LOL

Ask him why he has 4 cars he is selling like this. Ask him why he is selling a $100K new BMW with only 500 miles for $50K (surely taxes are the other $50K ...LOL!)

Ask him where the warehouse is and can we have a qualified mechanic look the vehicles over?

Let's see if he responds to those questions.

BTW-he never did answer mine........

rraiteok let see if I get a response to my next e-mail!
I asked for location of car so I can have it checked out.
I also asked him for payment instructions.

its sad to see people get burned by clowns like this!

rraitewell my new found friend (frank) has emailed me with more info on this great deal! LOL

hi Richard
I'm in Australia now and I wanted
to register the car here but it's too expensive and they drive right
cars anyway.Don't worry the shipping to US is paid.

so anyway I guess he avoided my question on
wanting to inspect the car first!

rraitehere is the response I received this morning.
it will be interesting to see how he sends
me something from e-bay to make payment!

Yes I would like to. Let me explain to you how this should work. eBay
contact you, give you their account for you to wire the money for the
money which they hold until you receive the car and inspect it. After
inspect the car, if you decide to buy it, they inform me to send you
car's papers, and once the deal is done they send me the payment.
If you decide for any reason not to buy the car, they refund you your
in 5 days tops, and inform you to send the car back, and the shipping
will be paid by me.
If you are interested in buying it at the instant buy price, please let
know with your shipping info (name and address) and I can initiate the
transaction using eBay.


Originally posted by rraite:
here is the response I received this morning.
it will be interesting to see how he sends
me something from e-bay to make payment!

Yes I would like to. Let me explain to you how this should work. eBay
contact you, give you their account for you to wire the money for the
money which they hold until you receive the car and inspect it. After
inspect the car, if you decide to buy it, they inform me to send you
car's papers, and once the deal is done they send me the payment.
If you decide for any reason not to buy the car, they refund you your
in 5 days tops, and inform you to send the car back, and the shipping
will be paid by me.
If you are interested in buying it at the instant buy price, please let
know with your shipping info (name and address) and I can initiate the
transaction using eBay.


If it looks like eBay sends you an official looking email, hover over any of the links and I'll bet it's for an address that is NOT eBay.....

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