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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Amazon HQ in NY
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cstallWow, New York taxpayers really took it in the shorts on this deal. Cuomo and DeBalsio must've gone to the TomCal School of Finance!


Originally posted by cstall:
Wow, New York taxpayers really took it in the shorts on this deal. Cuomo and DeBalsio must've gone to the TomCal School of Finance!

StingRayKnow the old saying, even a broken clock is right twice a day ...

Tucker Carlson agreed with nut job socialist Ocassio-Cortez on the ridiculousness of this deal .... ** , but just you wait, her hand will be in Amazon's pocket soon enough and will be driving a new Audi like her mentor Bernie ... all while having a GoFundMe site from "the people" to help pay for her Washington apartment .... can't make this crap up!

TomcalAwesome..... 25,000 High Paying Tech jobs created.

Meanwhile, in Arizona they're hiring Cactus spine plucker's at $3.50 Hr.

cstall and alley cat are inline waiting for the jobs.

ALLEY CATNot me,,,I'm retired but cstall might want the job?

He's disappointed in his $3.5 million annual salary as a CEO of a large corporation..

silverkatNever quite seen anyone as lame and brainwashed as Banana Nose Tomturd. Must be tough being the beotch of Gerald Nadler and Aggressive Lawrence Sinclair. Sorry about your "O So Sore Pooper" So sad...
cstall[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tomcal:
[B]Awesome..... 25,000 High Paying Tech jobs created.

That WOULD be awesome, if NY hadn't paid so much for them.
Hey Tom - you're a math whiz - how much will YOUR taxes go up to recoup the $3 billion in tax credits yer genius Gov and mayor gave away?

ed monahanThe locals will love the additional people waiting to catch the train in the morning. Like it is not overcrowded now.
StingRayOcassio-Cortez was quick to jump in and question whether these jobs will have good health care, a high wager a low wage, and ... you betchya ... the ability to collectively bargain!!

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