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Topic:All good things must end
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Jim SWell, after 16 days, 5,962 miles, 3 newspapers reporters asking questions and taking pics, 13 states, 1 broken trans cooler, a possible 33 chevy acquisition, to many small town attractions to mention, finally arrived home this afternoon.

What a great trip we had. Woodward was awesome, along with the museum party.

Thank you CJ and Bob for putting the event together, and thanks to all the people that joined in to make this event a reality.

Thanks Ed for the suggestion on US 36. If anyone ever gets the chance, this road beats the heck out of 70. Lots of small towns, great people, cool sites to see.

And...even got George Carter to try some great truck stop cuisine along the way. Still couldn't get him to try a chiliburger for breakfast though.

And...going to take forever to get all the bugs, road dust and trans fluid off the car!!

ed monahanGlad you made it home safely. The pics indicated you had a great time. It was good seeing you and Cathi again (and heck, even George, lol). Woodward was the Prowler event of our lifetime, I think.
onecatnodogIt was great meeting you-all at lunch here in Denver. Thanks for sharing your laptop photos with me while you all told some great stories of the things that you guys did. It truly was just amazing. I could have listened for hours but was late as it was getting back to work.... Thanks, John(onecatnodog)Collins
MIKE GATLINJim had sent a number of great pics from their trip and I really like this one.

This message has been edited by MIKE GATLIN on 08-26-2007 at 10:07 AM

cnote6That is a Great picture!
ed monahanExcellent pic. Glad the bank did not burn down with all those flames that close.
ALLEY CATGreat picture from the So-Cal group!

It doesn't get much better than that,,,,old, small town America with four flamed Prowler robbing the bank, lol.

Laddie RousselNeat pic and it was a pleasure to see the Jim, Jim, Jim & George Touring group...

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