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Topic:AZ - April 17,2011 Canyon Lake/Tortilla Flat cruise,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
To all AZ Prowler Owners and Our Cruising Friends -

Take a break from taxes and spring cleaning and join the Prowler group for a breakfast cruise to Canyon Lake and Tortilla Flat. It's a regular destination for the Prowler Group but if you've never been to Tortilla Flat, here's a link to some info: http://www.tortillaflataz.com

When: Sunday April 17. Meet at 7:45, departing around 8:00 am.

Meeting Place: Fiesta Mall, east parking area. Fiesta Mall is just northwest of US 60 and Alma School Rd in Mesa. We'll meet in the big parking area just south of Mimi's Café.

Cruise Route: US60 east to Idaho Rd (AZ-88), then northeast on the old Apache Trail, past Canyon Lake, to Tortilla Flat. The last 20 miles of the Apache Trail offers some great scenery and cool switchback roads. We’ll have breakfast at the historic Tortilla Flat Café & Saloon.

As always, this is a weather-permitting event.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. If you plan to attend, please contact Curt or Larry ASAP so we know who to expect.
Curt - cstall@cox.net

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