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Topic:AOC says Ivanka Trump not a qualified diplomat in tweet about first daughters
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BeWareSo AOC please explain how being a Bar Tender qualifies you as being a Congress Woman.

AOC says Ivanka Trump not ‘a qualified diplomat’ in tweet about first daughter’s involvement at G-20

By Dom Calicchio | Fox News

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is apparently not happy that first daughter Ivanka Trump accompanied her father on his trip to the G-20 summit.

The Democrat from New York commented on Twitter late Saturday after a BBC reporter posted a video showing Ivanka Trump alongside her father in a G-20 discussion that included French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other leaders.

“It may be shocking to some, but being someone’s daughter actually isn’t a career qualification,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter. “It hurts our diplomatic standing when the President phones it in & the world moves on. The US needs our President working the G20. Bringing a qualified diplomat couldn’t hurt either.”

During the global event in Osaka, Japan, Ivanka Trump represented the U.S. in meetings with leaders from China, Japan, Russia, India and Australia, the South China Morning Post reported.

She also led the U.S. delegation in a special discussion on women’s economic empowerment.

Before traveling to Asia, Ivanka Trump noted that the U.S. was the only country planning to bring an entirely female negotiating team to G-20.

Prior to her father taking office in 2017, Ivanka Trump, 37, was an executive vice president with the Trump Organization.

While other critics besides Ocasio-Cortez have criticized the president for giving roles in his administration to his daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, Ocasio-Cortez has faced complaints regarding her boyfriend, Riley Roberts.
Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez refusing to apologize for comparing migrant detention centers to concentration campsVideo

Earlier this year it was revealed that Roberts had received $6,000 from a political action committee linked to Ocasio-Cortez during her congressional campaign.

The Federal Election Commission recently told the PAC, Justice Democrats, that it has opened an investigation into the allegation as well as other claims, Independent Journal Review reported.

That same month, Ocasio-Cortez faced ethics questions after reports that Roberts had received a congressional email account. Then more allegations followed.


BeWarePavlich: Ivanka Trump’s quiet success

By Katie Pavlich, opinion contributors — 08/14/18 07:35 PM EDT 819comments
The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

Two weeks ago Ivanka Trump

announced the end to her clothing company, citing conflicts of interest and plans to stay in Washington, D.C., long term.

“When we first started this brand, no one could have predicted the success that we would achieve. After 17 months in Washington, I do not know when or if I will ever return to the business, but I do know that my focus for the foreseeable future will be the work I am doing here in Washington, so making this decision now is the only fair outcome for my team and partners,” she released in a statement. “I am beyond grateful for the work of our incredible team who has inspired so many women; each other and myself included. While we will not continue our mission together, I know that each of them will thrive in their next chapter.”

Shortly after Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016 and at the conclusion of a grueling campaign, Ivanka Trump didn’t plan to be in Washington — not to mention stay there. She told “60 Minutes” just days after her father was elected she wouldn’t be joining the administration.

“I’m going to be a daughter. I’ve said throughout the campaign that I am very passionate about certain issues. And that I want to fight for them,” she told journalist Leslie Stahl. “Wage equality, childcare. These are things that are very important for me. I’m very passionate about education. Really promoting more opportunities for women. So you know, there are a lot of things that I feel deeply, strongly about. But not in a formal administrative capacity.”

While still a daughter, as a senior advisor to the president Ivanka Trump has aggressively pursued the latter and her indefinitely delayed departure is for the better.

Ivanka Trump, once the center of White House palace intrigue stories and Washington gossip, has been quietly and diligently working on significant projects. While she is engaged on social media, she’s stayed out of the limelight and for the most part, out of the media. She has limited her interviews and refuses to engage in the constant, superficial back and fourth brought on by the daily assaults on her father’s presidency.

She is spearheading the White House Workforce Expansion Initiative, with a goal of working with companies and local communities to fill the current skills gap between available employment and individuals.

In July, President Trump

signed an executive order creating the National Council for the American Worker. Unlike many bureaucratic moves and council creations, the goal of incentivizing companies to work with students to develop applicable skills has major promise. The White House is urging the private sector to lead on the issue, rather than implementing burdensome, inefficient government mandates with little results.

“Our Nation is facing a skills crisis. There are currently more than 6.7 million unfilled jobs in the United States, and American workers, who are our country’s most valuable resource, need the skills training to fill them,” the executive order states. “It shall be the policy of the executive branch to work with private employers, educational institutions, labor unions, other non-profit organizations, and State, territorial, tribal, and local governments to update and reshape our education and job training landscape so that it better meets the needs of American students, workers, and businesses.”

On the same day the executive order was signed, Ivanka Trump joined President Trump at Northeast Iowa Community College in Peosta, Iowa, to launch the initiative. In early August, she traveled to Lewis & Clark Community College in Godfrey, Ill., to learn more about the community college’s welding program and to lead a discussion about the skills gap.

“The roaring economy and the low unemployment is creating an unprecedented climate that’s creating opportunity for Americans who have jobs, for increased mobility and upward mobility and enhanced career opportunities. It’s creating opportunity for those who have been on the sidelines and who want that opportunity to enter the work force and find employment,” she said. “For the first time in history we have more job vacancies than unemployed people. There’s a skills mismatch that exists and so what can we do about it? As a federal government, we’re not very good — typically --— at training, but we can leverage the knowledge of the private sector and we can say, be our partner and help us do better.”

Last week, she was in Pittsburgh to tour the next generation of robotics, which are built by American entrepreneurs and innovators.

For connecting the government and private sector, while breaking through infamous federal bureaucracy, Ivanka Trump is exactly what Washington needed. She’s making policy changes inside the beltway, prompting an improvement in the lives of individuals across the country

BeWareDems rip AOC for cheering NYC losing 25K jobs, $30B

By Dom Calicchio | Fox News

Many Democratic leaders are ripping Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) (D-N.Y.) for her opposition to Amazon establishing its headquarters in New York City, as they are expressing their disappointment with her and others for protesting more than 25,000 new jobs and approximately $30 billion in revenue coming to the area.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) – who has represented New York’s 12th Congressional District since 2013 – made her position against the up-and-coming self-proclaimed socialist Democrat very clear when publicly discussing the recent decision by Amazon to forego its plans to begin the construction of its New York headquarters in her (Maloney’s) district located in Long Island City, Queens.

Socialist job killer?

Maloney was particularly upset at Ocasio-Cortez’s celebration on social media over Amazon’s announcement to cancel its New York headquarters plans.

“Anything is possible: today was the day a group of dedicated, everyday New Yorkers & their neighbors defeated Amazon’s corporate greed, its worker exploitation, and the power of the richest man in the world,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday.

After CNN’s OutFront Host Erin Burnett read the young socialist’s tweet praising Amazon’s decision to bypass its plans in the Empire State, Maloney vented her frustration.

"My constituents want jobs," Maloney emphasized to Burnett on the CNN show, according to a report from the Washington Free Beacon.

Burnett pointed out the exact number, stressing that “This was 25,000 jobs,” to which Maloney added that that number was a “minimum” amount of incoming jobs that were lost – before going into greater detail.

"It would have been many, many more – 25,000 jobs at $150,000 minimum for the job," Maloney lamented. "There were promises for a new school, and – as a former teacher – I was intrigued with their plans to have a curriculum in 30 different schools supported by Amazon on high tech. We should be really diversifying our base of taxes – our base of businesses. We are too dependent on financial services."

She then expressed how upset she was about the Democratic Party’s evolving agenda that now wipes out jobs.

"It used to be that we would protest wars – now we are protesting jobs?” Maloney rhetorically asked Burnett. “People are complaining about jobs coming to your [city] … If this had gone through, it would have made overnight New York City the high-tech capital of the East Coast – the most important job center for tech jobs."

This was not the only qualm the New York Rep. had with the young socialist phenom

“Maloney [also] talked about her experience on the city council and how she worked with several mayors on how to diversify their economies through investing in high-tech schools,” the Beacon’s Cameron Cawthorne noted from later in the CNN interview. “She said they could have had a place to work if Amazon didn't back out, prompting Burnett to blame progressives like Ocasio-Cortez for forcing this decision.”

The noticeably agitated leftist politician then pointed out her similarities and differences with AOC and how the socialist’s mindset is detrimental to New York’s economy.

"I'm a progressive too, but I'm pragmatic,” Maloney continued. “If someone is going to bring a job to my district and my city and billions of dollars in tax revenue – you also had a story this week that we were $3 billion under projected revenues for the state and roughly $1 billion under projected – this is the first quarter. We are $4 billion less than we usually get, and yet we are kicking out a company that was projecting over 10 years roughly $27 billion in taxes."

She further lamented Ocasio-Cortez’s latest problematic stand that has Democrats and critics alike up-in-arms.

"I am disappointed – it used to be if you wanted to change something, you worked with the contract to change it," Maloney explained. "They just said, ‘We don't want it,' and they are demonstrating against it and it's jobs. It's jobs. I've never seen anything like this."

More Democratic opposition to AOC

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also challenged Ocasio-Cortez’s job-killing stance against Amazon coming to the Big Apple.

“[I have] progressive roots [and will] take on any progressive – anywhere – that thinks it’s a good idea to lose jobs and revenue,” de Blasio insisted while referring to AOC chasing out Amazon, according to the Beacon. "Working people are very smart and very discerning. They want jobs, they want revenue, they want the kinds of things that government can do for them. They understand they have to be paid for."

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) also laid into Ocasio-Cortez for opposing Amazon building its HQ2 site on Long Island – which would have reportedly brought in approximately $30 billion in revenue to a state and city in major debt.

“Amazon chose to come to New York because we are the capital of the world and the best place to do business," Cuomo asserted on Thursday, according to New York’s CBS Local. “Bringing Amazon to New York diversified our economy away from real estate and Wall Street, further cementing our status as an emerging center for tech and was an extraordinary economic win not just for Queens and New York City, but for the entire region – from Long Island to Albany’s nanotech center.”

He then focused his aim on AOC and her like-minded socialist colleagues.

“However, a small group (of) politicians put their own narrow political interests above their community – which poll after poll showed overwhelmingly supported bringing Amazon to Long Island City – the state’s economic future and the best interests of the people of this state,” Cuomo added. “The New York State Senate has done tremendous damage. They should be held accountable for this lost economic opportunity."

Without mentioning any particular names – even though Newsday reported that Cuomo’s spokeswoman, Dani Lever, singled out Sen. Todd Kaminsky (D-N.Y.) as the “dean” of the Long Island delegation – the governor blasted a fellow Democrat.

“[He] tanked the Amazon plan by placing a stalwart Amazon opponent on the government approval board to pander to the local socialists,” Lever insisted Thursday, according to Syracuse.com. “Senator Kaminsky cowered when he should have shown courage."

Conservative media chimes in …

The conservative media also took jabs at Ocasio-Cortez for fighting against something that her political party has traditionally insisted it champions – creating jobs.

After noting that 25,000 jobs with a minimum salary of $150,000 would have come to New York City in the deal, Townhall’s Matt Vespa sarcastically ripped AOC for sticking by her socialist agenda to tear down big business.

“Yeah, real slave labor, but progressives just had to fight corporate America, which they do daily…on their Apple devices,” Vespa mused in his Townhall article highlighting Maloney’s criticism of AOC’s “cheering job destruction” as “straight-up idiocy.”

He then blasted Ocasio-Cortez’s green agenda, which was also severely criticized for being based on similar faulty reasoning.

“[W]e’re talking about a woman who thinks cow [flatulence is] a problem – a congresswoman who wants to move away from fossil fuels in a decade and upgrade every building in the country to make them energy efficient,” Vespa quipped. “It’s insanity … it’s not serious, and some within the media – like MSNBC, whose sole purpose is to keep liberal blood pressures low – even admits that AOC’s economic illiteracy is going to give Trump a second term.”


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