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Topic:ANIMATOR,,,,,Welcome to the POA,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CATThe ANIMATOR is our new Prowler owner from Canyon Country, CA. He [she?] posted their new ride in the TEST AREA FORUM,,,but let's welcome them here for all to meet. I'm guessing from the upload data, his name is Keith
If wrong,,,,correct me and tell us your name please.


Join us often and feel free to ask questions or add your input to any topic.


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....
Y2K Silver Millennium Edition and '01 Orange Rolex Edition

Dave MillsWelome!
ed monahanWelcome and 2 out of 3 of us can spell. lol


Originally posted by ed monahan:
Welcome and 2 out of 3 of us can spell. lol

Ed - Dave is old,,,give him a break.

SnomanWelcome! Spelling is not graded here but will often be pointed out.I'm damn lucky I can spell my name!

This message has been edited by Snoman on 11-14-2006 at 03:14 PM

BeWareWelcome to the POA family
TooHipCat Welcome ANIMATOR !!!

Man...looks as if Howard will have another kat to play with. He is located somewhere by Magic Mountain in Valencia,CA.


pumpkinWelcome, the fun begins. Nice color on the Kat.


More 'Pumpkin' photos and Mod Stuff . . . . . . . Our other cars and stuff

"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

From the looks of the cars in the background,
the Kat will be part of a good looking fleet you have.
AnimatorHello all! I've been watching this site for months now, it's nice to finally be able to post something.
I'd better clarify something! The pic of the prowler that I attached was one IDENTICAL to the one I just bought on Sunday. I pulled it from an ad on the net- the ad where I got my Kat (heh) was pulled before I could get the pics to post. I posted that similar pic to test- but it ended up here which is just fine :-) I will post pics of my actual ride when I get a minute to take some.
I am a male, married for 12 years living in Canyon Country California with our five dogs.
SOrry for the confusion, but man, this is gonna be fun.
ALLEY CATKeith - great to have you aboard!


Jim SKeith, Welcome aboard. Ignore Alley Cat...he's pretty much harmless.

Several owners live in your area, and I am sure they will be letting you know of their wherabouts.

Enjoy the ride, the fun has just started.

GenoTexWelcome aboard Keith! Now just "Hang ON"!!!

I think that pic is from inside the new TUIB estate!

Marty UsherWelcome to POA. Now get out there and drive and have FUN!

2000 Black with hand painted blue faded to purple flames

heynow14Welcome Keith, I see your a dog lover. We have A/Cat problem in here, but you'll get used to it.
David Veu CasovicKeith welcome to the POA.
HowardHere is the Animator on the left and Y2Kprowler, David
tangled up in BLUEwelcome to the POA....but, keep an eye on Howard

Howard, taking pictures for the Enquirer...

ALLEY CATThanks for the pictures Howard!

Keith - I see you are fitting right into place here,,,,you already have two other cats to cruise with

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