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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:A message thatEVERY black child in America needs to hear.....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerWatch this terrific video that "tells it like it is"....


Black parents need to teach their children that there has NEVER been a better time in this nation's history for them to study, behave themselves, be PROUD of who you are and be proud of your heritage...

I was a businessman for 50 years and I can honestly tell you that American companies EVERYWHERE will FALL ALL OVER THEMSELVES trying to recruit and hire young, intelligent black people who work hard to succeed.

Unfortunately, many black children are raised to believe that THEY HAVE NO HOPE TO SUCCEED BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR. That needs to change and it begins with THEIR PARENTS.

I have always believed that if you expect the best from your subordinates OR your children and you treat them accordingly and let them KNOW what you expect from them, you will receive in return their best efforts to meet those expectations.....Or at the very least, be the best they are able to be...

…."If young people are treated like an "F" student, they will give you an "F" performance.....If you treat them like an "A" student they will give you an "A" performance, or at least....The very best they can do."

...Again, watch the video. It makes the point better than I ever could.

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 05-25-2018 at 08:17 PM

StingRayWOW .. beeJayaa..

I agree with you,
'As well as with LEGAL hispanics ....

God Bless ALL those who endeavor to break the mold and advance themselves in basin less and is life.
NOW ,,, too many whites, blacks and LEGAL hispanics all believe that they are OWED something and ENTITILED to something and NOBODY is - what, black, brown, or yellow

Famous line from Caddy Shack ... The world needs ditch diggers too!

Landscape DoctorI am one of those ditch diggers,,,, I charge a lot to dig those ditches!!! LOL

Originally posted by StingRay:

Famous line from Caddy Shack ... The world needs ditch diggers too!

reecheeEvery day, a black-name resume is 50 percent less likely to get responded to than a white-name resume, That’s everyday racism.

"Every day, a black name resume is 50 percent less likely to get responded to than a white name resume."
Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?

Every day, a black-name resume is 50 percent less likely to get responded to than a white-name resume, That’s everyday racism."

Economists Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan wanted to explore racial bias in the job market.

They responded to help-wanted ads for a variety of positions in the fields of sales, administrative support, clerical services and customer services posted in The Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune with fake resumes. The researchers plugged in made-up names on the resumes that are associated with African-Americans (they used Lakisha Washington and Jamal Jones as examples) or whites (Emily Walsh and Greg Baker) based on naming data for babies born between 1974-79 in Massachusetts. The name on each resume was randomly assigned, so the same resume in some cases had a black name and in others had a white name.

Then they counted the callbacks.

The resumes with white-sounding names spurred 50 percent more callbacks than the ones with black-sounding names.

After responding to 1,300 ads with more than 5,000 resumes, the researchers found that the job applicants with white names needed to send 10 resumes to get one callback, but the black candidate needed to send 15 for one.

It didn’t matter whether the employer was a federal contractor or was described as an "equal opportunity employer," as those also discriminated like the others.

"We find little evidence that our results are driven by employers inferring something other than race, such as social class, from the names," their paper states. "These results suggest that racial discrimination is still a prominent feature of the labor market."

Ross erred slightly in his exact wording. While white-sounding names spurred 50 percent more callbacks than the ones with black-sounding names, black-sounding names were 33 percent less likely to get responded to. (Thanks percentage change calculators.)
http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015 /mar/15/jalen-ross/black-name-resume-50-percent-less-likely-get-respo/

I's rather have a free bottle in front of me instead of a pre-fontal lobotomy.

This message has been edited by reechee on 05-28-2018 at 04:28 PM

ed monahanChicago was one of the cities. That is one of the most liberal cities in the country with all Democratic leaders.
Now you are saying they are racists????? How can all those Democrats be racists? I wonder if you will rethink your political beliefs in light of that fact.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 05-28-2018 at 07:58 PM

StingRayEd, a Liberal can stare the truth in the eye and still deny it is fact, Me thinks Reecho and Tomcat have good spin defection for your statement and we shall here it shortly ...


Jamal Jones

reechee http://www.nber.org/papers/w9873.pdf

Here is the study if anybody is actually interested.

And Ed, most big companies are run by repubs.

StingRayRight, Reechee cuz democrats don;t like to creat anything, just sponge off those who do ... oh wait, your glorious moo slim leader stated that those republican run companies didn't build them though ... such a quandary
ed monahanReechee, I would guess that if MOST companies are run by Republicans then they must HAVE to hire Democrats, since Dems don't have the initiative to start a business. So Dems owe their livlihoods to Republicans, basically. The facts are going to ruin your argument no matter how much you try to justify it. But keep trying, I find it hilarious.
I would also think that business owners are normally smarter than average so you can deduce whatever you want from that observation.
If most of them are Republicans, how do the Dems stay in power in that corrupt city?
I have about 15 or 20 more questions but I will quit for now and await your next excuse.
cstallHey Reech -
I read through that study. It has a lot of weaknesses and the conclusion it reaches is pretty subjective.
Among the weaknesses:
1) It's 15 yrs old - who responds to want ads in newspapers?
2) It's focused on Chicago & Boston. At best, you can only conclude there's discrimination in those 2 areas.

Over my career, I've had to review resumes and interview & hire people. I can honestly say i never looked at names on the resumes - I'd just scan the page looking for key words and getting a feel for the "level" at which it's written. In about 15 seconds, it's either 'no" or "maybe". I've hired some stars and some dumasses and both came in all colors.

Originally posted by reechee:

And Ed, most big companies are run by repubs.

Strongly disagree!
I think most small & medium businesses are conservative.
Most BIG companies lean left - it's easier to be liberal when you're dealing with OPM (Other People's Money), ie, shareholder money.
I doubt there are many conservatives in Silicon Valley.
Wanna test that? get a MAGA hat and take a stroll around Apple's campus...or faceBook, Google, Amazon...

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