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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:A Sad Day in Houston . Asking for your Prayers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SunshineOn Easter Sunday the Houston Fire Department has lost two of its own, in a House Fire. They are our HEROES.

It is with a heavy heart that the Houston Fire Department will lay to rest today CAPTION James Harlow with 29 years of service. Probationary Firefighter Damion Hobbs being both from Station 26.

Please, keep the Harlow and Hobbs families, as well as the members of Station 26 and all Houston Fire Department members, in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Denise/ Third Generation (HFD) family member

Randy CobbVery sorry to hear to the loss of these heroic public servants.

Our thoughts and prayers to their families.

idiveAs a side note, that was Hobbs' first fire. Sad day...
TLRandallTrue Public Servants and Heroes

Our prayers go out to our Fire Fighting Brethren

CJVery, very sorry to hear of the loss. Our condolences to the families and to the entire Houston Fire Dept. They will all be in our thoughts and prayers.

CJ & Bob

enzvoySorry to hear this,Our condolences to the families
Enzo and Loni
garysssNever good to hear this. I have many Firefighters in my family. Very sorry for their families.
BradleyGMy thoughts and prayers go out the the families and the entire Houston Fire Department Family.
ed monahanI have 3 sons that are Cincy Firefighters so it hits close to home. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families. One guy was near the end of his career and the other guy was brand new. What a shame.

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