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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:A Chinese Flag Flying in Freeport, Illinois?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

Right now in Freeport, Illinois, some 170 workers at an auto sensor plant are sleeping in tents to protest Bain-owned Sensata Technology’s decision to ship their jobs to China.

The company recently made factory officials take down the American flag when they were forced to train their Chinese replacement workers, according to Tom Gaulrapp, with the United Steelworkers Union.

That's un-American, my friends.

This is taking place as Mitt Romney tries to convince people to believe that he doesn’t know about Bain's shipping American jobs overseas. He is trying to distance himself from Bain Capital, a pioneer of outsourcing where Romney made a fortune as CEO.

Another employee losing her job, Mary Jo Kerr, is a young mom of three. She's heartbroken because she can’t afford dance lessons for her daughter. Another is Dot Turner, so close to retirement, but will not receive it. Instead Dot will get just 26 weeks’ severance for 43 years of work in the plant.

Listen to their stories in the video above, and be sure to note the Chinese flag flying in front of the plant...in Illinois.

bjprowlerThe only Chinese flag I saw in the video was at 1:08 and it looked like it was about 3 foot off the ground. The two still photographs of the factory/flags between 3:20 and 3:36 are of the company's plants in China; not in Illinois....And Romney has not been in charge at Bain for the past 13 years for God's sake....If the workers want their jobs protected why aren't they pissed off at the messiah?

The only thing missing in this video is the Kool-Aide and the disclaimer from Move-On.Org or Obama.com

Here's what CNN had to say:

BTW....If this can't be laid on Romney, do you think a case could be made that George Bush was somehow at fault????

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 10-13-2012 at 11:46 AM

blackcatLet's see Romney hasn't been involved in Bain Capitol since 1999 and he's being blamed for this? I guess that somehow I'm partly responsible for the Marines that urinated on the Afghan terrorists bodies since I was in the Marine Corps at one point!
padrooYour ignorance is beyond belief.
Originally posted by blackcat:
I guess that somehow I'm partly responsible for the Marines that urinated on the Afghan terrorists bodies since I was in the Marine Corps at one point!

I guess if you currently owned stock and were making huge profits off the urinating marines, some might think that way.

It's ridiculous to think that Romney has no connection to this. His investment in the company is helping to make this happen. And his lawyer manages it for him. You think they don't consult on this? Anyone who thinks Romney has no knowledge or control over his investments is pretty niave.

Originally posted by beachcat:
I guess if you currently owned stock and were making huge profits off the urinating marines, some might think that way.

It's ridiculous to think that Romney has no connection to this. His investment in the company is helping to make this happen. And his lawyer manages it for him. You think they don't consult on this? Anyone who thinks Romney has no knowledge or control over his investments is pretty niave.

Like I said in an another post, getting Obama voted out of office just got very personal. For someone who claims to be a centrist in his ideals you sure seem take a primarily liberal side of most discussions. There is not many politicians that I can think of that are farther left than Obama. Whether you believe in Romney or not is not the question. Obama is a growing cancer on our country and needs to be voted out.
Nearly every policy he has implemented has either failed or has cost us millions and trillions of dollars and has a negative impact. For example he claims to have saved the auto industry. Tell that to the 1200 plus owners of dealerships across the country that lost there businesses and all the people they laid off as a result. Tell our son and all of his fellow co-workers that just got laid off how good ObamaCare is for the country. These are just two small examples. To quote a movie line "I am pi$$ed off and I am not going to take it anymore.

July 25, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Fact-Checking the Latest Bain Hysteria
Journalists still looking for scandal, still coming up empty-handed
By Avik Roy

Journalists have been eager to find something scandalous in Mitt Romney’s private-equity career. As a result, there’s been a fair share of confused reporting about Romney’s Bain Capital days. Such is the case with a set of breathless articles from the Associated Press and Mother Jones, regarding investments made by two of Bain Capital’s subsidiaries, Sankaty Advisors and Brookside Capital. As I used to work at Brookside, I thought it would be worth bringing some perspective to this discussion.

Much of the case against Romney’s business career involves whether or not Bain or its subsidiaries were involved in outsourcing. Now, I happen to think that free trade makes low-income Americans more prosperous by making goods and services less costly. I also think it’s great that people in developing countries can lift themselves up from poverty by selling stuff to us. My friends on the left oppose these things. Fine by me. That debate is outside the scope of this article. What I want to straighten out is another issue: Which of Bain Capital’s investments is it fair to hold Mitt Romney accountable for?

The answer: He is accountable for the investments in which he actually made the decisions. If I have my 401(k) invested in the Fidelity Select Health Care Fund, am I responsible for every decision made by the portfolio manager at Fidelity? Obviously not. The same goes for Mitt Romney.


Much hay has been made of the fact that Romney was the “sole shareholder” of a number of Bain Capital entities. But investment partnerships don’t work like normal corporations. The majority of the returns from Bain’s successful investments went not to Romney but to Bain’s investors, and also to other Bain partners and employees. In addition, as Bain grew, Romney was involved in less and less of the decision making regarding Bain’s investments.

Although Bain Capital is best known for its private-equity work, the firm has created several subsidiaries that work on other types of investments. These include Brookside, a public-equity hedge fund; Sankaty, a fund focused on credit (debt) securities; Bain Capital Ventures, a venture-capital fund (venture capital is, technically, a subtype of private equity); and Absolute Return Capital, a “macro” fund that invests based on global economic trends.

Investment decisions in these other funds were made by the people running those funds. In order to incentivize those individuals to make good decisions, they and their subordinates retained most of the internal compensation that accrued to those funds. Other Bain Capital employees retained a smaller “carried interest” in their returns. For example, gains in the Brookside funds that didn’t go to the fund’s investors were distributed among Brookside partners and employees, and, to a lesser degree, among other Bain partners. This structure is entirely unexceptional within the world of asset management, as anyone in the field will tell you if you bother to ask.

It’s certainly fair to hold Romney accountable for private-equity investments made by Bain prior to Romney’s 1999 departure. And there isn’t anything wrong with what Bain did after he left. But facts are facts.

David Corn’s “exclusive” report for Mother Jones details a 1998 investment that Brookside made in Global-Tech Appliances, a Hong Kong–based appliance manufacturer. This proves, according to Corn, that Mitt Romney was an outsourcer. But Mitt Romney didn’t run Brookside. Indeed, Brookside’s investment decisions were made without Romney’s participation. In the 1990s, Brookside was jointly run by two portfolio managers, Domenic Ferrante and Ed Brakeman. It would be appropriate to assign credit or blame to Ferrante and Brakeman for Brookside’s decisions, but not to Romney.

Similarly, Stephen Braun’s report for the AP and a related article by Adam Serwer et al. for Mother Jones express concern about Sankaty investments. The Mother Jones article harrumphs that a Sankaty fund is based in Bermuda, a “notorious tax haven.” But the desire of U.S. citizens such as Romney to avoid taxes is not the reason that these offshore entities exist. Indeed, U.S. citizens must and do pay taxes on income they receive, regardless of where the income is earned.

The reason asset managers use these offshore entities is that it allows tax-exempt institutions, such as universities and foundations, to avoid paying extra taxes on their investments. The same logic applies to foreign institutions, which have to pay capital-gains taxes in their home countries: They would get taxed twice in certain ways if they invested in a U.S.-domiciled fund.

Similarly, if the Ford Foundation makes a mint by directly owning shares of Apple, the foundation doesn’t pay taxes on its capital gains. But if the foundation invests in a U.S. fund, the foundation will be forced to pay “unrelated business income taxes” on its portfolio. For this reason, any investment fund that seeks the business of tax-exempt institutions must set up an offshore entity.

Sankaty also had a very small stake in Hong Kong’s Global-Tech Appliances — only 48,000 shares, compared with Brookside’s 1.05 million. But Sankaty’s chief investment officer was not Mitt Romney, but rather Jonathan Lavine. Whether you agree or disagree with Lavine’s investment in Global-Tech — nothing wrong with it from my standpoint — it was Lavine who was ultimately responsible for Sankaty’s investment decision. And Lavine happens to be a top fundraiser for . . . President Obama.

That relevant fact, of course, was not considered newsworthy by either the Associated Press or Mother Jones. If they think Sankaty’s work is so terrible, they should demand that the Obama campaign return Lavine’s donations. To date, they have not.

In sum, here is what you need to know about Bain Capital. Bain sought to invest not only its capital but also its people in turning important American companies around and making them competitive in the global arena. Bain made lots of investments. Some jobs were created, and some were lost. Mitt Romney was involved with some, and not others. Some failed, but many more succeeded. Most important, as dozens of Democrats have averred, it was honorable work.

beachcatI guess it's all perspective. If you lived in Canada where we have a multi party system, you would know of the New Democratic Party ( NDP ). They are an example of a leftist party.Obamas's party would be placed smack dab in the middle in our system with their policies tame compared to the NDP. So to claim that Obama is about as far left as you can get is just a lack of knowlege of the political spectrum. Mao Tse Tung was the far left and you can even go farther left than that.

So by your perspective, I might lean left but in the greater scheme of things I am dead center.

On this forum, I play the devils advocate a lot of the time. But I also know sh*t when I hear it. Romney's involvement in Bain has that familiar smell IMO

People get laid off all the time due to policy changes, program cuts, redundant positions etc. Sorry for your son but as you know, he is just one on millions in the same predicament. Making it personal won't help.

padroo http://www.prowleronline.com/scrapbook/basicquickview.php?id=00008750/sensatatechflag.jpg
bjprowler http://www.globallabourrights.org/reports?id=0653
Michael Pond
Originally posted by padroo:
http://www.prowleronline.com/scrapbook/basicquickview.php?id=00008750/sensatatechflag .jpg

That picture is from their factory in China. Can't make out the license plates clearly to see if it's Hong Kong or Beijing.
Michael Pond
Originally posted by bjprowler:

Isn't socialism great ot what??

Originally posted by Michael Pond:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by padroo:
[B] http://www.prowleronline.com/scrapbook/basicquickview.php?id=00008750/sensatatechflag .jpg

That picture is from their factory in China. Can't make out the license plates clearly to see if it's Hong Kong or Beijing.[/B][/QUOTE]


It's their plant in Baoying, China....Must have been an innocent mixup in the DNC editorial department...


This message has been edited by bjprowler on 10-13-2012 at 03:20 PM

padrooI assumed it was the Chinese plant but wasn't sure.
Originally posted by blackcat:
I guess that somehow I'm partly responsible for the Marines that urinated on the Afghan terrorists bodies since I was in the Marine Corps at one point!

You mean you wouldn't?


Originally posted by beachcat:
I guess if you currently owned stock and were making huge profits off the urinating marines, some might think that way.

It's ridiculous to think that Romney has no connection to this. His investment in the company is helping to make this happen. And his lawyer manages it for him. You think they don't consult on this? Anyone who thinks Romney has no knowledge or control over his investments is pretty niave.

I do own stock in the USMC! I invested almost 4 years of my life and 26 months in combat and it pays me a dividend every day but for me to be blamed for the conduct of current Marines is almost absurd as blaming Romney who hasn’t been associated with Bain for 13 years. But since you where never in the USMC or in combat Beachcat you will never understand my investment! I don’t even want to hear you dribble but I’m sure that I will! Prado I can’t help you with logic you’re on your own but Semper Fi brother!

Also Romney's money is and has been in a blind trust since he was Gov. of Massachusetts and at one point his holdings were $8,000,000 which is .00123% of the total $65,000,000,000 they have in their funds. I’m quite sure he has a lot of influence! NOT! Just FYI Obama has $100,000 in State of Illinois retirement plan which also holds an interest in Sensata but the media will ignore that!

Also for 8 years all I heard from the liberal nut cases and media was that the reason for high gasoline prices under Bush was because he was helping his buddies in big oil. So who’s to blame now? Gas prices are more than double under Obama and NOBODY is saying **** .

Now that Romney is going to be elected I really don’t want to hear for the next 8 years about how he’s helping his friends at Bain Capitol regardless of whether or not he even holds any interest and that was my original point!.

Sorry if this post offends anyone but I’m really tired of the left wing media and nut cases slinging their crap.

Heynow go fork yourself moron!

blackcatBy the way Heynow I meant that in the nicest possible way......
blackcat.........and beachkat you could substitute drivel for dribble if you like.
Michael Pond
Originally posted by heynow14:
You mean you wouldn't?

They should have followed up with a good healthy Dump!!
heynow14Good one MP, I think blackcat would too but he's too cowardly to admit it.


blackcatYep I'm a coward Robert. LOL! I do get your point though.I guess they shouldn't allow cameras in a war zone. Peace on 'em brother!

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