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Topic:A/T Pan Gasket
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
enzvoyanybody know if there was a recall on the A/T Pan Gasket
DrillinUI don't if this will help. http://www.chrysler.com/webselfservice/chrysler/index.jsp?screenName=recall&country=us&emailUrl=goToEmailForm%28%27R%27%29
catfishdont even use a crappy gasket,use a sealer called the rightstuff it wont deteriote or leak.only way to go.you dont really think after all this time theres a recall for a pan gasket do you.


enzvoydon't know what I was thinking but hoping since it looks like the crossmember has to come of to get the pan off

This message has been edited by enzvoy on 06-05-2013 at 11:11 AM

garysssEnzo, I was talking to Gary about this. Is your pan dripping or just wet. If it's not dripping I would check tightness of pan bolts and wipe clean. A little seepage here or there won't hurt anything.
catfishbeen awhile since i had mine off,yes you do need to remove lower xmember.i pretty sure after pan removal the trans will need 4 qts of atf plus 4 to reach full mark.check after 3 so you dont overfill.


padrooI don't remember, is the Prowler pan cast aluminum or is it a sheet metal pan? Sheet metal pans get dimples in the bolt holes after being tightened and they have to be checked before reinstalling or more than likely they will leak. If using silicone sealers it is important to make sure the gasket surfaces are clean and dry of any oil, I use choke and carb cleaner.
catfishthe pan is sheetmetal.ath plus 4 is a clear fluid and very hard to see the level on the stick.also make sure the fluid is hot.when you push the stick in the tube it gets oil on the sides making the level hard to see.you will need to ck a couple time to see the correct level.i cleaned the end of the stick on my cat and painted the end white,much easier to see level know.


This message has been edited by catfish on 06-05-2013 at 09:32 PM

enzvoythanks for your help everybody

Originally posted by enzvoy:
don't know what I was thinking but hoping since it looks like the crossmember has to come of to get the pan off

Enzo, the cross member comes off easily.

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