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Topic:5 years ago this weekend
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MIKE GATLIN5 years ago this weekend I loaded up the Prowler and headed west to meet up with some guys from Texas enroute to Flagstaff, and Larry Lord's Grand Canyon/Route 66 tour 2000.
Snow on the ground in Flagstaff, run down to Laughlin where it was warm, Roger Freeman working like crazy to get everyone into the parking area, tall guy with a beard and a motorcycle (whats that all about) felt like I had known him forever by the end of the week.
Oatman, donkey jumping over the tongue between Larry's car and trailer complete with coon tail, Kingman, Muz running out of gas in front of everyone. Mike and Judy with a laptop to upload pics the same day, must have taken forever with dial up. Shorter guy with Ponytail was pretty convincing about flunking out of med school. Grabbing a mudflap and spinning a fender at Black Barts, Al Becker running for tools, Larry Lord plopping down in the pot hole to release the fender. Pauley and Peggy plying me with booze cuz I was pissed and depressed. Winning the long distance award, Phil Genet had to be close. Pauleys's "Bush/Cheney) car. Still not sure if Larry left or forgot Julie out on Route 66. Commandeering an RV for group photo, tourists turning their backs to the Grand Canyon to get pictures of our cars, GPS John getting pics everywhere. More fun than you could imagine with a bunch of strangers, many are still good friends today that get together at other really cool events.

I would love to hear your memories of the trip.

This message has been edited by MIKE GATLIN on 10-29-2005 at 10:43 AM

pumpkinThanks for sharing.
tangled up in BLUE
ALLEY CATVery first POA National Prowler Event - 2000


What do I remember about this great event?

1. My hair was real short
2. Attended with old g/f, now in Mi.
3. Ed cheaped out and brought the skuter
4. Pauley's Bush/Cheney Prowler was a show stopper
5. Snow plowed up 2 feet deep in Williams, Az
6. Great steak dinner and POA party in Williams [Rod's Steak House],,,,waitress was into 9th month, and decided she had to leave for the hospital to deliver baby during our dinner, lol.
7. First time meeting original group of POA members, including Mike and Judy Krehel
8. All of us were glad Tangled and Cookie didn't make the trip,,,,,we were afraid we all would be arrested for transporting illegal items across state lines
9. Icy roads, cold temps, rain, black ice, snow, and roads covered with gravel for traction >>>>> who picked these dates to visit the Grand Canyon, lol.
10. 38 Prowlers attending an event in November Diehard supporters made the trip!
11. Huge amount of foreign visitors at the Grand Canyon,,,more interested in taking pictures of Prowlers than shooting pics of the great canyon.
12. Mike Gatlin ripping off his front fender after backing up out of a pot hole with his full length mudflaps pinched under the tire

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 10-29-2005 at 11:48 AM

tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

"What do I remember about this great event?...not much, I was still smokin' weed mannnnn"...

1. My head was bald, didn't have my cheap azz ponytail wig yet(still on backorder at K-Mart)...
2. Attended with my old boyfriend Sulu, he lived in Myanus...
3. Ed cheaped out and brought the skuter, Sandy rode on the handlebars(bug guard for Ed)...
4. making snow angels with Sulu...
5. waitress at White Castle was into 9th month, and decided she had to leave for the hospital to deliver baby during our dinner, she said she thought the baby was mine....told her "no freakin' way mannnn, I'm gay"...
6. Cuddling with Fat Pat and Sulu in the hot tub while eating donuts...
7. First time meeting original group of POA members(bet they were impressed), including Mike and Judy Krehel...they had already figured out I was gay........
8. Sharing a Happy Meal at McDonalds with Sulu, he let me keep the toy...
9. Sulu and I shopping for new underwear at K-Mart on RT 66...
10. the long trip home, riding in the Kat, Sulu driving, my head on his shoulder....listening to the Carpenters CD...."Close to You" is still my favorite song...


This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 10-29-2005 at 11:32 AM

ed monahanWow, what a trip. On the M/C, going about 80 MPH toward Flagstaff, after "standing on the corner in Winslow, AZ, (what a sight to see). It started snowing and the flakes were the size of silver dollars. They hit the windshield and froze. I couldn't see very well and cars were passing me at about 85 MPH. I saw the sign for Flagstaff, next exit and said, "thank God". Sandy wanted to know if I was that hungry that we were stopping that early. (she's blonde). Next day the snow was about a foot deep but none on the road. We drove down to Kingman and it was warm. Sandy had on a full snowmobile suit. She fell getting off the m/c since she could not bend her legs. I told her she was on her own.
Got into Laughlin, checked in and found Randy and Arlene Hatfield. FIRST Prowler owners I had EVER met, anywhere. They live in Cal. Then we met Roger Freeman. He said we needed to get beer, soft drinks and snacks. I told him we would go get them. He said we need CASES of beer and we were on the m/c. I told him "no problem" and he was skeptical to say the least. We got them and set up the hospitality room with Roger, Randy and Arlene. Then we met Jerry and Marsha and Jerry and Marcia. Gatlin was next, I think. What a great time.
Next day we toured the old gold mine and someone lost a hat so I jumped off to get it. Then something else got dropped off the truck and I jumped off again. I ran most of the way back to the starting point. It was awesome to see that many Prowlers snaking thru the mountains. We stopped at an old power plant (?) that was now a restaurant. Someone did burnouts in the parking lot while a police car was pulling out. I thought "some of these people might be nuts". lol
Then we stopped for gas at an old gs station which resulted in the picture above. A German couple got hijacked so we could get a good shot. I was fairly sure some of them were nuts by now. (Author EXcluded)
Great time in Flagstaff, met a bunch more new owners, including A/C who had just had a blood clot. I presumed it affected him and wrote it off as a stroke. He never recovered.
We had a "meeting" in the bar. I was POSITIVE some of them were nuts after that. GaryC gave me a plaque with two tubes of Preperation H attached for the iron butt award.
We drove to Phoenix and Sandy flew home (with my rainsuit in her luggage). I got caught in a monsoon about 40 feet outside the Phoenix airport. I about froze to death coming home. Dubya got elected while I was in Texas. (of course no one knew for a month or so.) It got stopped for speeding in Monahans, TX (kind of ironic) and drove straight thru on the bike from west of Ft. Worth. About 1150 miles non stop except for gas and a burger. What a trip and what great memories.
Thanks again for setting it up, LL and Roger.
SirRealGreat topic Mike! I hope others that were there add to it. It's great truckin' down memory lane even though I wasn't there. Cool Times
FL PhilHard to believe it has been 5 years, how time flies!

Mike, thanks for bringing up great old memories.

CJWow.......was it that long ago?? That was also our first Prowler trip. Bob and I were in Vegas working the SEMA show. Larry Lord had posted about the trip, but here I was in Vegas without my cat. We really wanted to go on this trip. We were going to get a rental car, but David Adams from Paxton Engineering wouldn't hear of it. He happened to have the Paxton Prowler in the SEMA show and he loaned it to me for the weekend so we could attend the event.

There was the Everly Brothers concert in Laughlin...driving the scenic Route 66........stopping for the photo op at the gas station.........snowball fights......spectactular scenery. We stopped in one scenic overlook where there were quite a few people photographing the canyon....until we all pulled in. Someone shouted to look at the Prowlers and all those who were taking photos of the canyon turned around and started shooting photos of the cats!!! It was pretty funny!

Was the first and only time I ever drove a Prowler in the snow.........and then the beautiful canyon drive to Sedona. We couldn't stay long because we had to get back to Vegas so David could load up the Prowler and head back to CA. It was a great trip, though........the first of many great Prowler trips.....and the beginning of many wonderful friendships

This message has been edited by CJ on 10-31-2005 at 08:12 PM

ed monahanA blast from the past. 23 years ago, time flies. (when I wore a younger man's clothes).
ALLEY CATGatlin,,, My last trip to Flagstaff I checked the parking lot at that restaurant where you had your memorable Prowler mishap,,,and that pothole is still there.

The manager there asked me if you ever got over that unfortunate happening? I told them you did until a tire
blew on your Prowler trailer, which created more damage and that you were 'more-pizzed' than the Flagstaff accident.

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Gatlin,,, My last trip to Flagstaff I checked the parking lot at that restaurant where you had your memorable Prowler mishap,,,and that pothole is still there.

The manager there asked me if you ever got over that unfortunate happening? I told them you did until a tire
blew on your Prowler trailer, which created more damage and that you were 'more-pizzed' than the Flagstaff accident.

Larry, you swept a ton of dust off that post. It instantly takes me back 23 years now to November, 2000 and it gives me goose bumps to read again. Many of the new aquaintances then are best of friends today. At the time I didn't recognize how much of a life changing moment Crazy Horse was but I sure do today. And yes, blown trailer tire ripping off a fender did more than pizz me off. It happened near Acworth, Ga, close to Rich and Linda Ware's home who I had met weeks before Crazy Horse at the Woodward Dream Cruise.
Thanks for the memory...and Ed is still wearing younger man's clothes but the clothes are a lot older now.


Larry, you swept a ton of dust off that post. It instantly takes me back 23 years now to November, 2000 and it gives me goose bumps to read again.

**Thanks for the memory...and Ed is still wearing younger man's clothes but the clothes are a lot older now.


** Mike thanks for reminding me about Ed being old. I believe he now has reached 80 years old, and has replaced
Roger Freeman and Andri's father who both sold their Prowlers.

Ed now should hold the title > Grand Poohbah of the POA community!!

Any seconds? We need 10 second votes to move Ed's status UP....

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Larry, you swept a ton of dust off that post. It instantly takes me back 23 years now to November, 2000 and it gives me goose bumps to read again.

**Thanks for the memory...and Ed is still wearing younger man's clothes but the clothes are a lot older now.

** Mike thanks for reminding me about Ed being old. I believe he now has reached 80 years old, and has replaced
Roger Freeman and Andri's father who both sold their Prowlers.

Ed now should hold the title > Grand Poohbah of the POA community!!

Any seconds? We need 10 second votes to move Ed's status UP....


Don’t forget Tom Mills. He’s either 82 or 83.

ed monahanI am not even close to 80. I have over 6 more months in my 70s. One day more than 6 months, as a matter of fact. We are having a HUGE 79 1/2 party tomorrow. I hope you got your invitations. lol Don't forget the gifts, cash is appreciated since I am on a fixed income.

That was a fun event, for sure. Met lots of new friends and we did NOT go to the G.C. since it was kind of chilly with snow expected and we were on the Goldwing, no heater.

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