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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:5 Failed O'Bama promises,,,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CAT "Obama has an accountability problem.

During the 2008 campaign BHO made extravagant promises.

Obama and his top aides made a series of very specific promises on a range of issues":

1. Promised to create five million new energy jobs alone

2. Claimed that by the end of his first term his health care plan would bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family

3. Guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help “stop foreclosures"

4. Unemployment would not rise above 8 percent if the stimulus plan was passed

5. Obama pledged to “cut the deficit he inherited in half by the end of my first term in office,” “lift two million Americans from poverty,” and “jolt our economy back to life.”

Hope & Change,,,and FAILED promises are what he has delivered.

We welcome the rebuttal rhetoric from the liberal supporters of BHO,,,,but please, 'without the SPIN please'!

beachcatyes, unfulfilled promises are unusual amungst politicians that are up for election.

Our current premier in Ontario broke every single election promise he made to win his first term. Guess what,,,,,re-elected for a second term.

Sorry for the spin.

Al's ProwlerOnly a fool would believe any politicians promises, how many promises has Romney made that he'll do on his first day in office....a lot and there's only 24 hours in a day.

Originally posted by Al's Prowler:
Only a fool would believe any politicians promises,,,,

And there were 69,456,897 fools who voted for BHO in '08..

Drinking the Kool-Aid and many are puking it back up today.

Congrats,,,job well done

Al's ProwlerRepublicans like to use the phrase " Drinking The Kool-Aid " a lot don't they, yet they don't think they drank any with the duo of Bush/Cheney....yeah right.

Make sure you sign up for your favorite flavor if Romney is elected, they'll be a shortage....that's for sure.

beachcatAl, Larry would be lost without that phrase. I did a quick search and he's used it 330,000 times in this forum.

Without it, he would have to try to expand on his thoughts

Originally posted by Al's Prowler:
Republicans like to use the phrase " Drinking The Kool-Aid " a lot don't they, yet they don't think they drank any with the duo of Bush/Cheney....yeah right.

Make sure you sign up for your favorite flavor if Romney is elected, they'll be a shortage....that's for sure.

You want truth, here it is. Myself, Larry as well as other conservatives have stated on numerous occasions that Bush was a flawed President in many aspects. Yet, and I believe I am correct in that I have yet to ever hear any Liberal post any criticism of any Democrat President or Politician. So NO I don't believe I drank the Bush Kool-Aid because I did no believe everything he said. No one is perfect especially a politician regardless of the political party. So why don't Liberals criticize politicians in their party? One could only surmise that they must blindly believe all of what their political leaders tell them and thus must therefore in fact be drinking the Kool-Aid.

So prove me wrong and answer the following. What has Obama, Pelosi or Reid said or done that was a mistake, a lie, misleading and/or bad political judgement / policy? How about the Clinton's?

ALLEY CATAl,,,,I'm not really a Romney supporter, although of the two, he's the lesser of two evils and progress has to be made in reducing the deficit, improving the jobs situation, making the economy stronger, and strengthening our position in the world. Mitt may not get it done either, but its worth a try at this time then to let the liberal mad-man in there now ruin this country for sure.

All politicians lie to get votes.... thats the Kool-Aid. Some like Rog drink it by the kegs, and kiss butt as they journey through life in the dark abyss.

I wasn't for Bush either,,,but then again, Al Gore and John Kerry were far worse candidates,imo. Might surprise you also,,,,I wasn't a McCain backer either, even though he was from Arizona (too old, two faced, etc),,,as I stated several times during that campaign.

Enjoy your retirement check,,,,,probably a federal worker of some sorts, right? Glad I could help contribute in some small way.........

BeWareJust a few examples of threads were I made remarks against Bush and other Republican politicians.


Al's Prowler
Originally posted by BeWare:
So prove me wrong and answer the following. What has Obama, Pelosi or Reid said or done that was a mistake, a lie, misleading and/or bad political judgement / policy?

How about the Clinton's?

Take office, other than that they've done a great job.

I love the Clinton's so I'm refraining from saying anything bad about them, I will say that Hillary would make a better President then Obama or Romney...she has more balls then both of them put together.

ed monahanOR, think of it this way. Obama didn't do the job, try something, someone, new and different. If he does a lousy job, switch again.
I agree politicians lie and yet YOU think it is okay since you are going to vote AGAIN for Obama.
Do the same thing and expect different results !!!!
Oh, that's right, it is STILL Bush's fault.
Originally posted by Al's Prowler:
Take office, other than that they've done a great job.

I love the Clinton's so I'm refraining from saying anything bad about them, I will say that Hillary would make a better President then Obama or Romney...she has more balls then both of them put together.

Point in case!

heynow14Michael Dukakis was an idiot and was the worst possible candidate/politician ever!

There I said it.


Al's Prowler
Originally posted by ed monahan:
OR, think of it this way. Obama didn't do the job, try something, someone, new and different. If he does a lousy job, switch again.
I agree politicians lie and yet YOU think it is okay since you are going to vote AGAIN for Obama.
Do the same thing and expect different results !!!!

Ed, How many times did you vote for Bush, twice is my guess.....give me a real choice and then we'll talk.

ed monahanWe had to vote for Bush, there wasn't a viable alternative.
Romney is about a 4 out of 10, but still better than the proven failure that is in there now.
Gitmo is still open
Both wars are still going on and he invaded another country without Congress' approval.
Inflation is out of control, unemployment is out of control and he is going to cut Medicare to pay for the health care.
Everybody ought to quit working and get on welfare and see how that works. I mean EVERYONE. Why not, the Dems believe you should be penalized for working to help the folks who have never worked in their entire life and neither did their fathers, if they even knew them.
heynow14Wait, you want Gitmo closed?


ed monahanWait, he didn't PROMISE that?
Originally posted by heynow14:
Michael Dukakis was an idiot and was the worst possible candidate/politician ever!

There I said it.

I appluad you for that. I'll see your Dukakis and raise you a Nixon. Bush senior was not perfect either. "Read my lips no new taxes". I'm guessing your next ante might be Carter.

I guess Reid, Pelosi and Obama or anyone else that is currently relevent must be perfect. Even though that's not possible and most certainly not true.

heynow14Carter was/is an honest man. Washington ate him up. Actually much more could be said about LBJ. Far from perfect and very Cheney like.


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