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Topic:3rd debate
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanI thought it was pretty much a toss up. I liked D T's final statement that the illegal aliens get better care than our disabled vets and the cops are getting abused in the cities. He said that has to change.
I never cared for him but she makes me sick. I hope we get a huge change.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I thought it was pretty much a toss up. I liked D T's final statement that the illegal aliens get better care than our disabled vets and the cops are getting abused in the cities. He said that has to change.
I never cared for him but she makes me sick. I hope we get a huge change.

Fox is saying right now that every news org. in this country is having headlines that Trump might not accept the election results. That hurt Trump.

StingRayIf you are living in a cave and NOT doing your homework, then you may have missed the recent true journalistic work that uncovered the way DNC/hilLIARy have disrupted the Trump campaign, deliberately caused fights at Trump rallies to make it "seem" as if his attendees were at fault, and YES, the plans and methods to facilitate voter and election fraud - and the buck (money trail) goes up through DNC and right to hilLIARy's doorstep. With ALL this, would you be a weak pansy and concede the election if it doesn't pass the "sniff" test? That's exactly what DJT said - he would take a look at it when its over and decide.

Now, many of us feel it will be a moot point ... let's all say a prayer for Julian Assange and his Internet connection, as well as the many other true journalists that are reporting on FACTS as opposed to fiction.

Trump Victory on November 8th

ed monahanIt was shocking that the "talking heads" kept pointing out Hillary's POSITIVE points which were then offset by them criticizing Trump's NEGATIVE points. (This was after the debate.) One of them finally mentioned that HRC never answered the question about the Clinton Foundation but instead went into a promo for their wonderful foundation.
The media still doesn't understand that a lot of folks are happy that he says outrageous things, that is in fact why they like him. He doesn't like the status quo.
silverkatWell if all the news organizations are saying it then it must be true. All the news organizations are honest and have no dog in this fight. Dumber than a door knob.
Landscape DoctorAnd let us not forget 4 million dead people voting,,, for democratic candidates. The dems do not want to purge them from the system,,, they say voter supresion. Smells like the excriments purged from the Hillbag campaign bus.

Good for Donald for sticking up to a rigged system.

ALLEY CATLast night I knew she would stand on stage smiling,,,bringing in her usual rhetoric about "the children",,,not raising taxes,,,supporting the 2nd Amendment which she despises,,,,and her 'that's not who Americans are' in reference to immigration laws preventing illegals and Syrian immigrants into the U.S. I about puked when she said she would not raise taxes on the middle class,,just the rich

Yup,, the early news this morning > 'Trump implies the election will be rigged' and the MSM is enjoying berating Trump with full force.

I had mixed thoughts on the third debate,,,feeling Trump was again more on defense instead of attacking her lying, thieving weak points.

StingRayAC, I did not get to see the entire debate, missing the first 35 minutes due to a previously planned commitment, and then caught the last 15 minutes on CSPAN. That said, I saw a proactive Donald that, while still taking hilLIARy's bait at times to wade off the path of policy and substance and into the weeds that ensnared him the past couple times, his overall demeanor was more calm, more decisive and in attack mode with facts.

Hack, hilLIARy NEVER did answer Chris Wallace's question about the CORRUPTION surrounding the CF, instead, as was pointed out above, rolled her pre-recorderd and programmed message on its wonderfulness (which is 90% lies, just like the percentage used to say THAT was what they gave to charity - which in hilLIARy's mind, and "charity starts at home", might then be true).

Why is the MSM glossing over the hilLIARy clearly defined the American Nuke Response Time of 4 minutes from call out to launch. Why not just give the Russians (N. Korean, Iran, etc.) the launch codes too - will save them time hacking to find the information on any one of their insecure servers.

There were still missed zinger opportunities by The Donald, but like a good poker player, perhaps with 20 days left, those cards may be played out in a news conference, picked up during his many rallies, or via Twitter in the coming days.

Go Donald Go .... Either you get him or you don't - hey, I kinda like that phrase!

ALLEY CATThe first segment of the debate was about their views and selection of the future Supreme Court.... Regretfully, I gave a slight edge to the Hildabeast in that segment,,,lying about looking after the American people first, and not the wealthy corporations influencing SC decisions. Trump's response was vague, speaking only about the Constitution must be held above all,,,,but nothing specific. Trump spent his time talking about his 20 possible future SC picks.....a little premature at this point before the election.
BeWareSo what is the big deal with Trumps statement about waiting to see if he will accept the election. Sounds reasonable to me. You won't see the main stream media reporting the following;

Flashback: Gore Refuses to Concede Election, Demands Recount ‘to Ensure All the Votes Are Counted’
http://news.grabien.com/story-flashback-gore-refuses-concede-election-demands-recoun t-ensu

Last week Hillary agreed that Gore ‘won’ 2000 election
http://hotair.com/archives/2016/10/20/last-week-hillary-agreed-gore-won-2000-election/[/ URL]

8 Times Liberals Claimed An Election Was Stolen Or Rigged


John Kerry Thinks Bush Rigged The 2004 Election

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-20-2016 at 09:22 AM

BeWareHypocrisy at its finest.

CNN Van Jones for example

The CNN contributor sharply criticized Donald Trump’s refusal during Wednesday’s debate to agree to accept the presidential election results.
http://www.msn.com/en-us/video/watch/van-jones-you-cant-polish-this-turd/ vi-AAjapGA?OCID=ansmsnnews11

and the following

MSNBC's Presidential Historian Calls Trump Not Accepting The Results Of The Election "Absolutely Horrifying"

NBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Trump Put The Nail In His Own Coffin By Refusing To Say He’d Accept Election Results

CNN's Jake Tapper: Trump's Suggestion "He Might Not Accept The Results Of The Election" Was "Staggering"

CBS' Bob Schieffer Excoriates Trump For Refusing To Accept Election Results: "This Is Not The Way We Do It In The United States Of America

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-20-2016 at 09:38 AM

BeWareKudos to Joe Scarborough

Joe Scarborough Lashes Out At The Media, Defends Trump's Refusal To Say Whether He'd Accept Election Results

Scarborough: "It's Just Another Example Of The Media Having To Find A Little Phrase And Freak Out"

Video from 2 hours 42 min ago ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF


JOE SCARBOROUGH (CO-HOST): What was [Trump's] exact quote?

MIKA BRZEZINSKI (CO-HOST): He said I will leave you in suspense.

WILLIE GEIST (CO-HOST): He said I will look at it at the time and keep you in suspense.

HAROLD FORD JR.: So that means he is not willing to say I will accept the outcome.

SCARBOROUGH: No, what that means is he will look at it at the time. I love everybody saying -- I woke up to these screaming headlines saying, "Donald Trump will not respect election results." He actually said I will look at it at the time. I'll see.

FORD JR.: Has there ever been a presidential candidate to say that?

SCARBOROUGH: If there are voting irregularities, then any presidential candidate, anybody --

MIKE BARNICLE: What would you have said? What would your response be to that question?

SCARBOROUGH: I'd say yeah, I'll certainly respect the outcome of the election. I of course would want to make sure that's fair. I will want to make sure that it's fair, it's on the up and up.

BARNICLE: Well, he didn't say that.

SCARBOROUGH: Yeah but you know what? This is an example the media got something they can absolutely freak out about and claim that he is an agent of Vladimir Putin and destroying democracy in America. And it's just another example of the media having to find a little phrase and freak out. When as a Republican I have listened to Democrats talk about the only two times we won the White House in like 800 years that we stole both elections. I had to sit through Fahrenheit 911 and a lady was sobbing violently behind me on the Upper West Side about the election being stolen from George Bush and I patted her halfway through. I go, it's all right, it's all right, ma'am. It's all right. It's all a lie anyway. Democrats have been whining for 16 years, they are still writing articles about how Bush stole the elections in 2000 and 2004. So this holier than though attitude about, "this is the first time anyone has suggested that the election is not a sacrosanct process," it's a joke. So you guys bathe in that hypocrisy if you want to, I'd just like to hear how the debate went. Go ahead, bathe.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-20-2016 at 09:32 AM

BeWareWIKILEAKS: Podesta Says It’s OK for Illegals to Vote With Driver’s License

In the latest Wikileaks Podesta documents John Podesta actually says it is OK for illegals to vote if they have a driver’s license.

Trump says the system is rigged.
Then we see this email the next day.

John Podesta: I think Teddy’s idea scratches the itch, is pretty safe and uncomplicated.
On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections.

Almost half of California’s driver’s licenses went to illegal aliens last year.

12 states and the District of Columbia allow driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants

mslc10Trumps response to accepting the outcome of the election was kind of " Cruz- esque" , don't you think ? Left it open- ended wether he would /would not endorse the winner. VERY NICE!!!!!

Not sure why trump didn't make the 2000 gore " illegitimate bush presidency" debacle!
Took him to concede , withdraw his concession , then finally conceded in December !

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 10-20-2016 at 11:37 AM

Randy CobbI thought it a mistake at first not to say he would support the results of the election, but changed my mind. What if Hillary's past finally catches up with her just days before or even after the election and she is indicted. This is a real possibility. Or there was a major campaign fraud found. Or if she was found to have a debilitating illness. A number of things could happen.

For the remaining days until the election ,,,this is the message Trump needs to keep expanding on.....

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