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Topic:20th Anniversary Event
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
RPLCJ is busy getting ready for the event. Wild Bill came in early to help again.

Today (Tuesday, May 30th) is the last day to pre-register for the CEMA Car show on Saturday June 10th. This will guarantee you a parking place for the show and you can bypass the registration lines and proceed directly to the Prowler parking area. You should be able to take an overhead picture of the Prowlers from the third floor of the parking deck next door.

If you're planning on attending any part of the activities, you must pre-register for the 20th anniversary event. The vast majority of activities are private for registered owners or on private property and show ups will not be accommodated. Everyone has had adequate time to register and declare that they are attending. I only say this to not embarrass anyone just showing up unannounced.

This message has been edited by RPL on 05-30-2017 at 04:04 PM

WildCatWorking on just getting my stuff done and running out of time

Tell CJ I'll bring a fire extinguisher to cool her down she must be on fire right now putting out last minute flames

Larry & Sue Mayes

RPLLarry, If only people had an idea how much work this is coordinating everything. The Museum closing really hurt. I think that owners will be pleasantly surprised at the car show.
RPLto the top. The first post needs to be seen.
RPLMany people have worked very hard to organize this event for the benefit of Prowler owners. There are a lot of interesting things to do and a lot of catching up with old friends and meeting new friends. Everyone is welcome. There is only one qualification, that is to advise the hosts that you plan to attend.

As difficult as it may be, just showing up will result in the embarrassment of being turned away. We have heard that a few people may intend to just show up. I'm sorry but that will not be accommodated, harsh as that sounds. Everyone has has more than adequate opportunity to let the hosts know how many to accommodate for each activity.

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