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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:2 million people in US jails
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortAt a certain point something is going to have to change. Either quit arresting people and giving them long jail sentences or start building alot more jails and having a small army of guards to watch the prisoners in the jails. The jails are completely maxed out as far as room for the prisoners. Almost 1 out of every one hundred adults are in jail,not on probation or work release, actually in jail.

It would be interesting to see comments on how to deal with the problem.

ed monahanI think the jail/prison population is actually lower than it was a few years ago.
By the way, they get to live in a gated community on our dime.
reecheeIn case you missed this video on prisons:

If money is speech why can't I pay my taxes with words?

ALLEY CATAZ Sheriff Joe still has the "Vacancy" sign out at his Maricopa County Jail in PHX ..... with over 8,000 dysfunctional souls sitting behind bars and some sleeping in tents outside in the heat,,, Sheriff Joe will always accommodate a new drop-in looking for a room >> not sure if he'll leave the light on for you?

Limited TV channel choices,,,no smoking,,,no nudie magazines ,,, street clean-up chain gang work ,,, and a behavioral problem 'chair' ,,, but their room comes with TWO square meals per day!! [ green baloney sandwich/old dry peanuts/small cup of Kool-Aid and an occasional fine dinner of 'road-kill elk meat' ]

Life is GOOD at MCSO jails.......

Joe will assure you, the guard dogs will eat better than the inmates

Michael PondGoing to jail has turned into just another welfare benefit for those unwilling to conform to the laws of this country. They should put them to work doing community service, road gangs,ect. like Sheriff Joe. The free ride is over. Just like the military, the government owns you for the time you (((volunteered)))) for by doing the crime!!
bjprowlerHow about doubling up cell space by putting inmates on a 12 hour shift?

12 hours in your cell (under lock and key) when they can sleep and rest. Then they vacate the cell for a work or classroom detail for 12 hours.

While they're doing that another con is "rotated in" to the shared cell and the rotation/shift continues every 12 hours 24/7 so the cell actually accommodates twice as many prisoners......

Guards are already on duty 24/7 and so there is no other personnel costs.....

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 08-16-2014 at 01:00 PM

Originally posted by bjprowler:
How about doubling up cell space by putting inmates on a 12 hour shift?

12 hours in your cell (under lock and key) when they can sleep and rest. Then they vacate the cell for a work or classroom detail for 12 hours.

While they're doing that another con is "rotated in" to the shared cell and the rotation/shift continues every 12 hours 24/7 so the cell actually accommodates twice as many prisoners......

Guards are already on duty 24/7 and so there is no other personnel costs.....

We could put a periscope in each cell and install red lights and tell them they can't escape their under water! I bet you were in the Navy submarine bunch.. I'm willing to try it,nothing else seems to work. Good idea.

This message has been edited by Gort on 08-16-2014 at 02:51 PM

Michael PondHot Bunking, good idea.

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