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Topic:2 1/2 hours to get home tonite!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TLRandallWhat normally is a 40 minute drive took me 2 1/2 hours tonite! We had a storm cluster move in while I was a few miles from work heading home. It looked pretty bad ahead, but even worse behind me. One of the Deputies called to check on me and said that I was heading straight into a Doppler Radar indicated tornado. About then, the rain and hail hit and it was coming down so hard, I had to pull over and stop. I found some trees that would provide some shelter for the Mustang from the hailstones, and a few other cars pulled under it too. The wind picked up so strong, I thought the car was going to blow over, and a Ford Ranger truck blew off the roadway in front of us. I tried to wait it out, but was afraid the hail was going to bust out all my windows. A bolt of lightning struck the tree across the highway from us, so we all abandoned our tree shelter and started driving.

I could not see to drive more than 15 MPH, and got another call saying there was another tornado spotted west of where I was. I could not actually see the funnel, but it was so black and the rain and hail was so bad, I knew I was close to it. Everyone on the highway came to a stop, you just couldn't go any farther. The wind let up enough for me to make it to Caldwell, and I pulled into a Gas Station for cover.

I called to ask where the storm was on Radar, and was told the two I had driven through were heading towards Bryan, where I had just come from, and there was another just south of there in College Station, but that a fourth had just formed over Caldwell! A trucker pulled into the lot and told those of us waiting under cover that the two underpasses were beginning to flood, and that was where I needed to go to get home. When the hail let up, I left, and made it past both, but the water was getting too deep for a car. I had to pull over again because of hail, and ended up driving up onto the sidewalk of a business to get under cover. When it stopped hailing, I headed towards home, and the water was so deep on the road, you could barely see the stripes.

When I got home, I looked at the News and saw that two storms merged and just sat over the area that I was driving, formed four tornados over two counties, three of which crossed the areas where I was at the time I was there, and dumped 9 inches of rain in less than two hours, all in a 32 mile drive home! They did not confirm touchdown of those funnels yet, but the fourth one in College Station did do some damage.

I hope the hail wasn't big enough to do damage to the Mustang, but I'll have to wait to check it in the morning. They came out of nowhere, and followed the highways, so there was no way to turn around and get away from them. I am glad I didn't drive on of the Kats! And by the way, I hardly had any rain here at the house, go figure!

ALLEY CATT-Rex,,, are you trying to remind us of our trip from Houston to Austin,,,during the 2004 Texas Prowler Stampede event? Sounds like a very similar story. What a nightmare that evening was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,horizontal rain, hail, lightning, and 75 mph winds...


This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 07-21-2009 at 05:39 AM

TLRandallThat is what I was thinkin A/C, but this one made that storm look like an afternoon shower!
idiveI'm glad you made it out ok, Tom. I've thought about hiding under a tree during storms like that myself, but realized they are a target for lightning. Good thing you chose the right tree. They showed those storms on the news tonight. Said they came out of nowhere. Some people had pics of the funnels dropping but none of any touchdowns. They also showed a field of snow, I mean, ice droppings.
A few years ago, we had a tornado hit the other end of my block. It hopped right over me. I had been out driving and when it started looking bad, and went home. As soon as I got the garage door closed, I lost power. Hadn't been home 5 minutes when it hit. That day they were hopping all around us. Being a block away from a tornado is about as close as I ever want to get. You're lucky. Count your blessings tonight.
TLRandall http://www.kbtx.com/home/headlines/51270582.html
TFischerTom that's a little too close for comfort. Glad you made it home ok. Been there done that too Mickey - just pull in the garage and it hits - scary stuff. In Texas if you don't like the weather, wait 20 minutes - it will change. AC - yes, I have been reminded of that night driving from Houston as well. The only thing that kept me on the road was following Jan's car because his 3rd brake light was so bright.

This message has been edited by TFischer on 07-21-2009 at 12:45 PM

lavkaAnd still not a drop of rain here in Burnet County. Maybe you could share the wealth next time, spread it around a little?
Glad you are OK and hope your car is too. Back in 1986 I once sat in my car while it got beat with baseball hail. It was not fun.
George JohnsonTom, I'm glad you didn't have any damage. In Katy, we didn't get a drop of rain, no wind or hail. Go figure, we are less than 50 miles apart. I think the Gulf warm waters is bringing in some strange weather.
TLRandallThanks all, it was the wildest thing I have ever sat through, other than seeing my Mulholland get wet at the Texas Stampede, but the was A/C's fault!!!

No damage that I can see to the Mustang, boy am I surprised of that. But we have a 50% chance of it happening again this afternoon. I think I will forget the groceries today and go straight home!

I spoke too soon, it just started thundering !!!! Well I need the rain, just pray for no severe weather!

This message has been edited by TLRandall on 07-21-2009 at 11:08 AM

TFischerWe got hit with hail and thunderstorms the other night just after putting all of the cars in the garage and barn. We were running for cover. We are having strange weather these days. Glad to hear no damage - hopefully you won't get any today too. T
BeWareHere's hoping all you Texas folks stay safe
Originally posted by TFischer:
We are having strange weather these days. Gl T

Al Gore's Global Warming?

ed monahanLast night on the news they said that we are averaging 78 degrees while the normal is 87, since the 1st of July. Global warming indeed. By the way, we could use some rain. June was very wet, July has been dry except for some very scattered storms, none on our lawn.
CJVery scary indeed!! Lot closer than I would have liked. Glad that you made it home okay.

We, too........here in Michigan.....are having strange weather. Have been at the cottage for a week and the high one day was only 58. The middle of July. That's 20 degrees cooler than we normally are this time of the year. Haven't had much rain, either....and we need it badly.


BeWareIt was 62 this morning here in GA. Also very strange. July is normally one of our hottest months. It only got up into the mid 80's today with low humidity. But mind you I am not complaining.
idiveHow hot is it in Texas?

catfishtl,i heard that it was a big 48 ft.trailer,full of cars taking up all that space on the xway.


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