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Topic:1st Prowler - Meguiars Beauty Day organised by POA (Europe)
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
OllieKatThe first Prowler Beauty Day will take place the 9. September 2006 in Glattbrug (Switzerland)

This event is organised by POA (Europe) and Meguiars (Switzerland). The free course (3 hours) will enable participants to learn how to best use Meguiars product to clean and shine theirs Prowlers.

Let me know if you are interested in participating.

Looks like you are the Official Prowler Event Planner of Europe I hope you get a great turnout. You will not be disappointed in these classes. Several POA members took the classes here in the States & they said they learned a lot from them. When are we going to have the first International POA Event in Europe? Do you think we might be able to get a group rate on a transport ship Hope to see you soon!


DUSTIGruezi Ollie,

I forwarded the info to a few US-car friends in Switzerland,
hope that's o.k.

DR PROWLERIt should be very informative.Have fun!
My wife and I will be in Austria and Switzerland later on this year...I'll keep you posted.Really looking forward to it....



Sounds great to me but it is quite a drive for me to get
there for only one day. But someday I will take
one of the 2 Cats and get to Switzerland or Hockenheim to
get together. Enjoy.

Best regards,



This message has been edited by kees on 08-11-2006 at 05:41 AM

CJSounds like a great class to take. I love Meguiar's products...I live by their detailer.
UK_ProwlinHi Ollie,

Yes it would be great to come over to Suisse, but unfortunately I have a previous engagement in Melbourne, Australia. I use their stuff on my wheels & am quite impressed. I would be interested if the POA can get a group discount.



purplecatIf the class is anything like the one I went to while we lived in California, it will be very informative and a lot of fun.

When we finished the class in California, we all had the option of purchasing product from the company and if I recall correctly, there was a discount on the merchandise.

I hope all goes well with your class!


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