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Topic:19,500 Miles.........
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJ............on the Candy Cat as of tonight! Oh, yeah... the cats got out of the bags! Took the cats out of the bags Friday afternoon......since we've had such great weather.......been out cruisin' as much as possible. I think that not being able to drive the cats for a few months makes me appreciate them that much more when I can!! They never get taken for granted!


This message has been edited by Orange on 04-05-2005 at 02:02 AM

ChromerMy neighbor has a garage with a center post just like this. He smacks into it about every other year...He's really become quite an accomplished mason.

Enjoy those Cats!!


Lone Ranger
CJ Those cats look great. Really like the painted bumpers on the Candy.


I just went over 24,000 on our way back from Lake Geneva.

meancatI'm storing mine.I don't want too many miles on it.(this way it will be worth more some day)He He He.


Bcoffman Gray Ghost
Originally posted by meancat:
I'm storing mine.I don't want too many miles on it.(this way it will be worth more some day)He He He.

I thought that when a Prowler is in an accident, the odometer resets itself back to Zero automatically.

TLRandallLooking good CJ, I just turned 17,000 this past Sunday!
RayJesse cringed when I told him that I was approaching 4,000 on our return trip from Lake Geneva!
Originally posted by Bcoffman Gray Ghost:
I thought that when a Prowler is in an accident, the odometer resets itself back to Zero automatically.

I hope so,I'll have to let you know.


thedqmanBeautiful cars CJ,
How many miles on the BLACK?
1HOTCATJust turned 36,000 miles in a snow storm in Virgina on our return trip from Myrtle Beach. Did not want to spin out like Meancat did, so just as we crossed into West Virgina we stop to get a room, about a hour east of Bristol TN. where the races were this past weekend. Many Motels later, and probable the last room left in town we settle down to watch the final four games. Woke up the next morning to two inchs of snow on the car.
1HOTCATJust turned 36,000 miles in a snow storm in Virgina on our return trip from Myrtle Beach. Did not want to spin out like Meancat did, so just as we crossed into West Virgina we stop to get a room, about a hour east of Bristol TN. where the races were this past weekend. Many Motels later, and probable the last room left in town we settle down to watch the final four games. Woke up the next morning to two inchs of snow on the car.
ed monahanMy Red 99 was purchased 6 years ago today (or tomorrow), I don't remember which.
My neighbor has a garage with a center post just like this. He smacks into it about every other year...He's really become quite an accomplished mason.

LOL! Heck of a way to learn a new trade!

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