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Topic:13 years later
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanWe still got the
What kind of car is that? question followed by the "That's the first one I ever saw" statement.

The day before we left I was getting gas and the C-Store clerk asked me OVER THE INTERCOM what type of car?

At another gas station Sandy was going into the store to use the restroom when a mother and her two kids headed in, just in front of her. She beat them into the store because the little boy just stopped and stared at the car while his mom kept telling him to "come on" in Spanish. The kid told her, "I am looking at the car" and the mother translated it for Sandy.

We were coming up a mountain road in Colo yesterday and as we crested the hill, on a slight curve, a good looking woman came the other way on a motorcycle and just broke into a 100 Watt smile as she saw us. Made my day, (maybe my year, come to think of it).

The car has not lost any of its luster over the years. I would imagine we had well over 100 people tell us the car was beautiful on the trip.
Man, what a ride.

Thanks again to Larry Lord, Jim & Cathy Stallings and everyone who attended the RT 66 NON-event. We had a fabulous trip and saw a lot of beautiful sights.

By the way, a road atlas can really fool you. Ohio is approx 41,000 square miles. Utah is 82,000 square miles.
Ohio has two pages in the atlas, Utah has one. Therefore when you look at two spots in Utah they are actually 4 times farther apart than two spots in Ohio that LOOK to be a similar distance.

Also, Kansas has a lot of "scenic" roads, the same as Utah.
They look exactly the same in the Atlas, but not so much in real life. Utah is really beautiful, Kansas not so much. Kansas is pleasant to look at, even if it was over 100 degrees all day. I don't understand how the grass stays so green, however. They must be getting a lot of rain.

galaxieSounds like you had a great time. Wish I could have made the trip. Going to Deadwood soon. Should see a lot of great sites.
Gary ArcherAnybody on a tractor flip you off?? LOL
Marty Usher
Originally posted by Gary Archer:
Anybody on a tractor flip you off?? LOL

Who are you? And how do you know anything about the tractor incident?

Gary Archer

Who are you? And how do you know anything about the tractor incident?

Saw it on line!
Marty UsherGary - you should get the Prowler out of your basement and drive up to Cincinnati and meet Ed and the other area owners at one of the cruise ins they go to!

Or you can always drive it it to Texas.

Ed - just so you know, maps have scales on them! But I know waht you mean - everybody knows Texas is a big statem, but until you get here and drive, you don;t realize San Antonio and Dallas are almost as far away from each other as Louisville and Chicago or that if you are in Texarkana and heading to San Diego, once you reach El Paso (still in Texas) you are more than half way.

How low did you fuel get driving in Utah? They don't have gas stations every 10 miles out there! Beautiful scenic drive through the state, I must say!

JeraneWEd's post reminded me of people, especially kids, who take an extra moment or two to ask about the Kat. When I see and talk to kids, who are interested in the Kat, I always give them one of my "blister pack" Prowlers, which really makes their day. To watch the kids eyes light up is a treat for me.
ed monahanGary, how the heck are you? I haven't seen you post in years. I wish you would have come to the Smoky event last year. You wouldn't have had to do most of the work like back in 2003.
There actually was a small incident and Sandy commented that at least he didn't give us the Bird. He was on a tractor and we couldn't figure out what he was doing or where he was going. He turned left, very late, almost past the driveway.

We knew the states out west were a lot bigger but for some reason it didn't register on the brain. I thought we would see all of the Utah parks and be in Colo in one day. lol. I wish we would have had more time to spend in Utah and doing Rt 50 back.
My gas gauge and computer are not accurate at all. When I fill it the mirror tells me I have 220 miles +/-. It drops to half tank in about 75 miles and the readout gets down to 64 miles to go and stays there for a loooong time. When I get to 1/4 tank it says I have 36 miles left and that lasts forever. When it gets really low on the gauge I get gas and I don't think I ever took 9 gallons even when it showed I was very low. I only did that after St. Louis on the way back. Out West I filled up if I was at 1/2 tank and it only took 5 gallons most of the time.
Gas varied from 2.40 in MO. to 3.29 near the parks so I tried to get gas in town.
I didn't keep track of how much I spent on gas or hotels. When I get my Discover card bill I will total it. We drove 5205 miles, most of it the past 4 days.
What a great trip. I highly recommend seeing southern Utah. This was one of the best, most scenic trips I have ever been on.
Texas is 6 1/2 times as large as Ohio and Alaska is about 15 times the size of Ohio.

Jim SEd, I tried to tell you about the roads in Utah!! Glad you had a nice time there, but sounds like you didn't get to hit all the parks along the way. Did you get into Kodachrome state park to see the "rock formations"??

We enjoyed the time spent with you and Sandy...well....mostly Sandy!

ed monahanJim, I missed your post somehow and just now saw it.
We went to Kodachrome. I have a picture to post just for you to prove it. You must have posted while I was uploading some of the pictures into my computer last night. Some of the pics are on the permanent hard drive of the camera, or whatever you call it. I think I accidently gave the cable to my grandson and they are still on vacation so I can't transfer some of the pics yet.

We went thru Zion and they had the road tore up REALLY bad. When we got to the end we should have turned around and gone back up thru the tunnel and faced the delays but Sandy said it is not that far to go around the mountain to go to Bryce Canyon. It was about a 4 hour trip. We did go into another canyon at the north end of Zion that was really cool. They were not connected by a road. By the time we got to Bryce, it was raining really hard so we didn't see much of that. At Kodachrome it was really nice.
Thanks for all the help along the entire trip.

Gary ArcherNice photo Ed....have to wonder what's on the backside of it!
We have had no time or cash to attend events for a while. Next time you set something up in Cincy, give us a heads up.
Really wanted to do Dead Wood, miss seeing all of you!
ed monahanGary, the only thing coming up so far, is the Harvest Home Parade. It is the first Thursday in Sept. usally. This year it is Sept 9th. Starts at 6 PM. This is the 151st year for it.
I know a parade is no big deal but this one is huge. There are around 550 entries but we are usually around number 60 so we get in and out a little more quickly. The parade probably lasts over 3 hours. Then we go eat, as usual. Let me know if you want to come up for that.
We will have a Christmas party but usually the weather prevents using the Prowlers.
Nothing else is planned at this point.
Maybe I will get a Friday night cruise-in at Milford lined up. That is right off I-275 east side of town. There are usually about 300 cars.

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