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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:11,000 Street Rods coming to town this week
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Marty UsherIs anyone coming to Louisville this week for the NSRA Streetrod Nationals? My office is directly across the street from the Kentucky Fair & Expo Center where the event is held. I'd be glad to meet anyone that's going to be here.

I saw a few cars yesterday driving past our office and another dozen or so this morning. Should be hundreds by tonight and the thousands coming in tomorrow and Thursday.


SimonsezMarty. It is for sure a "biggie". Enjoy your weekend of looking! I am working this week end or I would be there. The last weekend of August (Frog Follies) they will be here in Evansville. Always fun.
Marty UsherI have been working out of town during the NSRA event each of the last 4 years. Now my event moved its dates and I'm working during Woodward. I'll enjoy all the StrertRods but I'd rather be going to Detroit.
GeneWife and I always drive a streetrod up from Florida each year for this event and have registeredthis year and was to leave Wed.AM early.Guess what yesterday while mowing my darn hernia poped out and wont go back in as before.I am told it is time to get it taken care of so we will miss this year but will be ready for Tampa(only about 20 miles away)I have always heard everthing happens for a reason so we will stay here and be safe.Everone going have fun and stay cool.
LDKay and I will definately be there...we'll be leaving here around 2 A.M. Friday moring...should be there by the time they open the gates...there's two vendors I've made arrangements to check out...OZE...out of Canada, they're the people that have what I would say is the elite of the replica fiberglass bodies...believe me, I've done a lot of research...they have a killer '37 Ford Coupe that I made try and tackle...also...Ratt's Glass...they build a sweet '33 Ford Speester Coupe...I've made a lot of new friends at the cart shows I've attended and they say...you have to make the Louisville show...so we're coming...can't wait....

Dale BeamanPlanning on being there very early Saturday morning. Always like to stake out a place for my chair and just enjoy watching them cruise in!

This message has been edited by Dale Beaman on 08-01-2007 at 12:23 PM

Bob HackerMarty,
The guy I build cars with is there, he brought '33 Pontiac Vicki, it has Pearl Dreamsickle orange on top and Pearl white on the bottom. We just finished the car last weekend and he decided to go.
His name is Don Hansen
Sorry you can't make Woodward.

This message has been edited by Bob Hacker on 08-02-2007 at 03:27 PM

Marty UsherGene-take care of yourself, sorry you won't be here

LD - if have time for lunch off the grounds Frida call me:
Marty Usher 502 386-9642.

Dale we'll be gone Saturday but the lawn chairs are already our on Philips Lane outside the entrance!

Bob - I doubt I'll see it out of 11,000 vehicles but I'll look for it!

LDHey guy's, we're back from the Louisville "NSRA" show and what a show it was...First off...Marty and Dale...Wish I had checked in here before we left, I didn't know you guy's were going to be there, until I got home and saw your reply's...WOW, there were some awesome rides there...came across some of the rides that made our "Shades of the Past" show last year...including my favorite...which I'll be trying to duplicate, starting late next year...OZE "37 FORD 5 window coupe...I've got a nice pic of it, if someone wants to post it for me...man was it hot...somebody said 103...felt like 104 to me...Thank God for the Expo Center's AC...We had a blast...
Marty UsherI was on the show grounds on Thursday and watching from the perimeter streets on Friday. There was a constant flow of street rods in the area for several days. Cruising the hotel parking lots was fun too!

LD - glad to hear you had a good time. I hope you spent alot of money while you here, our local economy can use it!

This message has been edited by Marty Usher on 08-06-2007 at 08:22 PM

Dale BeamanLD - It would have been nice to meet you.

Things worked out nice as Rich called me and I got to visit with him along with Mel and Rick. Sitting with friends and watching street rods - life couldn't be better!


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