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Topic:1 YEAR OLD!!!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CatDudeAs of this weekend, I have had my Prowler now for 1 year!!!

My Prowler-related accomplishments since then are:

. Joined POA.
. Attended 3 events (Louisville, Lancaster, and D.C. Plane Pull).
. Became official member of MeanGene's East Coast Posse.
. Won 2 of the weekly “Most Popular Post” Contests.
. Took pictures of the elisuve fixxum and the reclusive CJ.
. Designed and distributed the Louisville CD.
. Posted over 500 POA messages.
. Took over 500 Prowler pictures.
. Contribed photos to Wildcat's Limited Edition Prowler Calendar.
. Designed my own banner and avatar.
. Made monetary contributions to POA.
. Polished my Prowler over 20 times.
. Put 6000 miles on my Prowler.
. Waved and smiled to over 200 strangers.
. Along with Wildbill, got booted off of a site at Gettysburg National Military Park.
. Most importantly, made many new (POA) friends… more than I can count!
. Also, most importantly, spent quality time with my Dad!

This has been a great year folks! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!



Originally posted by VirginiaCatDude:
As of this weekend, I have had my Prowler now for 1 year!!!


You should be proud of each & every one of those accomplishments, I know you will cherish them forever... Especially the one about VirginiaCatDad. I was also happy to be a part of them Even though we got booted off that site at Gettysburg, the picture looked really good & the patrons on the tour bus didn't mind either I wonder if they ever got all of those nose & hand prints off of the windows

Looking forward to another great year!



Steve M. Email: Fierosam@aol.com
2002 Pt Cruiser (sold)
2002 New Beetle GLX Turbo

Marty UsherDamon - congrats on the one year. WEhat do yoiu have planned for the next year? I know yoiu are working on the design for logos for Prowling the Smokies, what else? Are you going to try make it back to Louisville this year? How about Niagara Falls?
Rare1Reading this really makes me feel I miss out on something!
I wish there were more than 4 Prowlers in Sweden!


ed monahanWow, only 4 in the entire country. I bet you turn some heads with the cat when you are out and about.
CatDudeLouisville... Niagara Falls... Smokies...

Looks like these are the big 3 for me!!!

Marty, you are such a good planner... from now on, I'll just ask you where I am going for vacation...lol...

Black Tie 161Congrats VCD!

Maybe we'll see you at Twin Kiss on some Friday nights as well?

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