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Topic:01 ebay no reserve !!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Want oneDon't like to see this, 01 Mullholand 5k miles no reserve !!
ed monahanIt is at $ 24,100 so it might get to 30K.
RayWant One, you looking to sell or buy? What do we care what they are selling for now ... really, if we are NOT in the market to either sell ours or buy another (buying would be good, versus selling it seems). I am not sure I "get" your posts ... and no sarcasm or offense meant ... just >
RED5Hi guys,

I think he is just saying that he would like to see the
used Prowlers going for a price a lot closer to what MSRP was.?

ed monahanIt is currently at $ 28,100 with almost a full day to go. You could start a Prowler at $ 5.00 and it would wind up at or near $ 30,000. That seems to be the average going rate. Some a little lower and some selling for a little more.
ed monahanUp to $ 33,500.
halicati'd love to see them get to $64,000 canadian, which is what the MSRP was in Canada in 2002....patience
Prowler HollerI have noticed that whenever the E bay ads for Prowlers or upscale vehicles in general show No Reserve you can almost always count on them also showing that the User ID is Kept Private. Allows for those sellers to manipulate the bidding to make it look like a hot vehicle by throwing in a few bids of his own. These auto resalers seem to be doing this more and more often. The second you saw that the "User and bidder IDs were kept private" you no longer had to doubt this car would be near the mid 30s at a minimum. He wasn't going to let go for less and nobody can tell the difference. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am actually amazed at the consistency over the past year in what they are selling for. Low mileage 2001s and 2002s still seem to bring a slight premium. Will probably be at least 10 years out from the last year of production or 2012 before we see any real move in value. I think we have seen bottom for the low mileage ones though. If you want to feel better about paying too much, just go the SSRFanatic discussion board. Really interesting discussion and some heartbreak going on. Even worse than our Prowler situation as nearly as many built just last year as the whole Prowler run. A recent discussion topic was whether the Prowler or SSR a better buy for someone just now purchasing. Many respondents owned both. I still have 66 and 68 vettes bought soon after college and plan on keeping the Prowler a long long time too. I watch prices routinely even so. Curiosity killed the Kat. Sorry for the pun.
dupesSold at US $33,950.00
Great price.
ed monahanProwler Holler, you cannot bid on your own auction. You can of course get your friends to bid it up. The problem with that is the fact your friend may be the high bidder and therefore you lost the sale and still have to pay the final selling cost fee.
I don't think that is the reason for the private bidder deal. If you make the names of the bidders public, You or I could send them an email and offer to sell them our Prowler (or whatever) for a lower price.
I could be wrong but I do a bit of buying and selling on eBay. You could have two computers and two eBay accounts but I don't think that would last long before being detected.
Want oneRay,

Most of my posts were on ones that appeared to be scams. I posted so the Prowler Police here on the board could do their work, which I believe they were successful at getting most removed. This one bothered me because I'm a recent buyer and don't like feeling like I got a bad deal.

halicati took a beating when the us$ dropped and the can$ went way up... but i guess its not a real beating unless i sell...which will never happen..
CTProwlerHoller---Ed is probably right but I won't bid on a Private auction where bidders names are kept secret. It sounds fishy to me. Anyone could do the same thing as Ed said and offer their item to the other bidders with anything on Ebay. Thanks Ed for the advise, if I have anything to sell in the future I'll check Ebay first and find the same item and email all the bidders!


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