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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUEsux...gonna have to wear my winter shorts tomorrow
Rocky VanderSorry to hear it, it's only like 80's here
attyedhallthe high here yesterday was -5......yikes
jwallisI have -6 at 6:00 AM
ALLEY CATTaco,,,,Fluffy and you could have made it to the Barrett-Jackson auction > 82 yesterday,,,,,80 for the weekend.

ENJOY the weather!

Dave Mills-6 degrees here right now. High today will be 5 degrees
TLRandallGlobal Warming
mist302Was -22 here, but warmed up to -21 right now...
tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Taco,,,,Fluffy and you could have made it to the Barrett-Jackson auction > 82 yesterday,,,,,80 for the weekend.

[B]ENJOY the weather![/B]

................ -17 here this morning

...we talked about that Wednesday on the way to Michigan in a snow/ice storm...next year, he's either gonna have to grow a pair, or be left sitting by the curb

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 01-16-2009 at 07:17 AM

DON WIEBERit was -33 last night. just put another log in the boiler. when it goes up to -10 we get the yellow ski-doos out to get on the trails. in the county we live in we have over 500 miles of marked trails. in mn we have over 20000 miles of marked trails to use. last week we made over 300 miles on the sleds. i'm glad that we have 4 different seasons.
Originally posted by DON WIEBER:
i'm glad that we have 4 different seasons.

Don,,,,,,so do we. Its called driving 75 miles north to the snow line, at 5,200 elevation!

BeWareAt 9:00 AM it was 12 degrees with a windchill of 3. Not cold when compared to the north but very cold for Georgia.
WildCatBad news, freezer is going out, ice cream was melting so I put it all in cooler and set on the porch.

-12 in Indy this morning........good news

If it were warmer out I would have to take it all somewhere for freezer space

Marty UsherI am SOOO glad we moved to South Texas - had the top down yesterday on the way home from work. Only 55 today but back in the 70's by the weekend. You all can have the four seasons and I'm glad some of you like it that way - there's not enough room here for everyone anyway!

Instead of 11 hours from a beach, we can be there in a little over 2 hours. Ski slopes are still only a plane ride away.

I hope everyone survives the cold blast!!

DR PROWLERI think I'm putting off my Alaskan cruise...can you imagine how freezing it must be there!
Dave MillsJust came in from snowblowing and it has warmed up here to 4 degrees
Marty Usher
Originally posted by DR PROWLER:
I think I'm putting off my Alaskan cruise...can you imagine how freezing it must be there!

Fairbanks had a high yesterday of 45 degrees - only 3 less than we had in San Antonio!

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