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Topic: Pocket Tire Plugger
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
jwallisHas any one ever used one of thies? http://www.stopngo.com/
catfishno,i use green slime plug kit,about 5.00.use 2 strips.


catfishno,i use slime .com-plug kit 8 pieces about 5.00,works great.sorry for double post.use 2 strips,will seal a pretty large hole.


This message has been edited by catfish on 11-24-2009 at 08:26 PM

NowhinersI've used the pistol style repair kit for years. I had great success in all but one attempt. I've plugged tires on motorcycle, 4 wheelers, truck while in cactus country, and even the Kat(which has one in it now). I have run with plugs installed to the life of the tire without issue or failure. These style of plugs have been around for at least 40 years that I'm aware of. When working at a service station in my teenage years we repaired hundreds of tires with this type of plug. They do make the plugs in larger diameter sizes with a different nozzle for installing of plugs. The tire dealers are all about fear of law suits. Just my opinion.
jwallisI've used a heavy duty style plug kit to fix tires on heavy equipment in the past and had no problems. I was gust wondering about the quality on this brand.
NowhinersI've used one that Cabela's sells that is the same gun. I also have one from JC Whitney that the gun is a cheaper looking version but works very well. It has little plastic tips to put on end of nozzle for insertion into to tire. Most repairs take about a minute to do once the leak is found and the cause is removed. Both came with a cement to add to the back side of plug but I have never used it. The cost is around $40.00 from JC Whitney. It comes with both size nozzles and plugs. Additional plugs or nozzles are really cheap. The parts fit both gun style or hand style insertion tools. Once installed remove excess rubber stem down to tread surface. It will wear along with tire.

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