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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:"The War" on PBS......
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowler.....This documentary of WWII by Ken Burns began on Sunday, Sept 23 and is now on chapter five I believe....It's an excellent production and probably should be "must see" TV for most Americans.............It will make you agree that those who endured it were, indeed,....... the "greatest generation".....Check it out...

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 09-26-2007 at 04:31 PM

pumpkinBeen watching it, great show.
JohnCI hope it gets released on DVD. Definitely something to add to my collection.
JohnC - Kechi, KS
Paul BWait for the final show, nancy pelosi, harry reid and the rest of the democrats have congressional hearings to set a timetable for withdrawl from germany, italy, france and poland. Its the PBS special out-takes edition.
Paul B
Originally posted by Paul B:
Wait for the final show, nancy pelosi, harry reid and the rest of the democrats have congressional hearings to set a timetable for withdrawl from germany, italy, france and poland. Its the PBS special out-takes edition.
Paul B

Those two,,,,and the rest of the liberal whack jobs,,are so far left that they are now located 86 miles out in the Pacific ocean..........................................

MIKE GATLINJohnC, the address for the the DVD is shown at the end of each episode. This is true Ken Burns quality as was "The Civil War" "Baseball" etc

This message has been edited by MIKE GATLIN on 09-26-2007 at 10:03 PM

PROWLEUWhat about the poor white kids in Kentucky?

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