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Author Topic:   Can You Name This Country?
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 8483
From: Texas USA
Registered: APR 2003

posted 08-22-2004 12:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for idive     
Originally posted by Polioboy:
Anyone can take a peak at the "Prowlin' Friends Scrapbook" or "Events Scrapbook" and get a pretty good idea...There's photographic evidence that serves as "fact."
For reference;
Prowlin' Friends Scrapbook
Events Scrapbook

Twice I asked for FACTS to support your statement, and you have yet to offer any, because you have none. Seeing something expensive in the background of a picture doesn't mean diddly. We all look for nice backdrops for pictures. It doesn't mean we own everything in the picture. I bet if I took a picture of my car at the racetrack, you'd fully believe that I owned the track, and was not only therefore rich, but old, and white. One last time, FACTS, not assumptions that only prove MY point.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 70
From: Lakeville, MN
Registered: DEC 2003

posted 08-22-2004 01:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Polioboy     
Twice I asked for FACTS to support your statement, and you have yet to offer any, because you have none.

I offered photographic proof as a point of reference...however, I refer you to the bottom of my post...

Seeing something expensive in the background of a picture doesn't mean diddly. We all look for nice backdrops for pictures. It doesn't mean we own everything in the picture.

I'm not looking at the stuff in the background..that's not what interests's the people in the pictures.

I bet if I took a picture of my car at the racetrack, you'd fully believe that I owned the track, and was not only therefore rich, but old, and white.

Do you own a racetrack?

One last time, FACTS, not assumptions that only prove MY point.

Whew!...good thing this is the last just won't let it go. Must touch a little too close to home.

I've moved on from your little discussion. However, if it satifies your curiousity, I've determined from a random sampling, the average age of poster on this website is 50 (49.504375 rounded up) years....that information is dated, but can be found here. .

Demographics of a Prowler buyer: nearly 100 per cent male, 84 per cent are married, median age of 53, median income of $200,000, and 48 per cent are business owners/proprietors.

I found that information here.

This message has been edited by Polioboy on 08-22-2004 at 02:00 AM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 1744
From: atlanta, ga
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 08-22-2004 02:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blackcat     
As Quoted from Polio boy.

I've moved on from your little discussion. However, if it satisfies your curiosity, I've determined from a random sampling, the average age of poster on this website is 50 (49.504375 rounded up) years....that information is dated, but can be found here. .

Random sampling could be correct but by no means scientific or necessarily accurate. As an example I only respond to what I consider legitimate questions or occasional flame posts like yours. Try throwing another bomb there big guy.

Also if you wouldn't have come on the board in the attack mode and talked prowlers or an alternative political process I would have given you some considerations. I also think we need an alternative form of government but I think you need to work on your presentation skills.

Best regards POLIO BOY.

PS. Either suggest a SERIOUS alternative or zip it. You've already wasted enough of our time.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 1744
From: atlanta, ga
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 08-22-2004 02:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blackcat     
Here we go again.....

PB posted.

I've moved on from your little discussion. However, if it satisfies your curiosity, I've determined from a random sampling, the average age of poster on this website is 50 (49.504375 rounded up) years....that information is dated, but can be found here. .

I counted somewhere between 50-60 posts from people who stated their age. Great sample.

Let's see we have around 3,600 members and say 60 responded (per your post). Therefore your faulty sample rate would be .0166666. Great sample there big Flamer..
I had thoughts that you could impress us with some better statistics.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 70
From: Lakeville, MN
Registered: DEC 2003

posted 08-22-2004 03:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Polioboy     
if you wouldn't have come on the board in the attack mode

This is the full written text of my first post:

"Someone posted the somewhat vague "resume" of John Kerry, I thought It was fair to post the "resume" of George W. also....I will preface this by saying that I'm not fond of either of the choices, however, I feel the George W. has been a failure, and it's time to give someone else the opportunity."

If this is somehow construed as "attacking"..or a representation of "attack mode", I sincerly apologize. I noticed what appeared to be a political discussion, which of which politics interest me greatly, and thought I might get involved in a serious discussion, but instead this is what I got:

Speaking of Moore I bet you watched his comedy movie...........and believed every minute, eh?

And I didn't even mention Michael Moore.

Haha! You're to funny if you belive half the BS you just posted

PS. I love your profile and the fact that this is the first message you posted.................or is it the second?

I was getting ready to flame his ***

Doesn't own a prowler and calls himself polioboy for the sympathy vote I guess. What a joke

Anybody know where polioboy is? He sure had a lot to offer!!!!!!!!!!

Damn. Where in the hell is the ignore button when you need it? PB you're not worth my effort.

Great sample there big Flamer..

And lastly:

PS. Either suggest a SERIOUS alternative or zip it. You've already wasted enough of our time.

So far, based on your reponses to my posts, it would appear that you are the one on "attack mode". You have yet to offer any constructive thoughts on the democratic process, or our current selection of candidates (other than a few offhanded remarks or copy and pasted jokes).

I had thoughts that you could impress us with some better statistics.

Let's see we have around 3,600 members and say 60 responded (per your post). Therefore your faulty sample rate would be .0166666. Great sample there big Flamer..

My sampling is no different than a random sampling performed by say FOX News, Zogby, or Gallup. They generally poll anywhere from 1000 to 1500 people. The population of the US is 293 Million people. That would make their sample rate less than .0000005. Would you say that I'm less accurate than they are?

That number counts registered members, not active members. I run a discussion board myself, and have determined that only about 10% of the registered members actually post on a regular basis, and I'm guessing it's probably the case here also.

So, that's why I included the other independent link.

This message has been edited by Polioboy on 08-23-2004 at 05:01 PM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 1744
From: atlanta, ga
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 08-22-2004 03:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blackcat     
AS I said in my previous post as opposed to cut and paste which you're very good at and I don't recall any "other than a few offhanded remarks or copy and pasted jokes)". WHY DON"T YOU SUGGEST a workable solution. I'd be very interested as would many others I'm sure! If you can't then zip it!!!!!!!!! you are selectively cutting and pasting my responses at this point and like many politicians they are selective and out of context and out of touch with the rest of the population.'s your big chance. Suggest a solution and don't just continue to identify problems................

This message has been edited by blackcat on 08-22-2004 at 03:32 AM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 70
From: Lakeville, MN
Registered: DEC 2003

posted 08-22-2004 03:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Polioboy     
Originally posted by blackcat:
WHY DON"T YOU SUGGEST a workable solution. I'd be very interested as would many others I'm sure! If you can't then zip it!!!!!!!!! Suggest a solution and don't just continue to identify problems................

It may be hard to keep up, but I did post this quite a while ago:

"I think we need to start organizing now in order to deprogram folks into being scared to vote for who they really think would do a good job....unfortunately.... too many people are still believing the "if I vote outside the system,then I might as well not vote at all" rhetoric. I am sick of this vote for the lesser of two evils crap..... it's been going on for years, no one has been truly satisfied with the candidates."

Try and keep up, ok?

don't just continue to identify problems...............

I don't see myself as identifying problems so much as attempting to dispel certain myths and mindsets. I see my conversations with rsterling, butchee, and idive as being somewhat productive, and a learning experience, at least for myself.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 1744
From: atlanta, ga
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 08-22-2004 03:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blackcat     
It may be hard to keep up, but I did post this quite a while ago:

"I think we need to start organizing now in order to deprogram folks into being scared to vote for who they really think would do a good job....unfortunately.... too many people are still believing the "if I vote outside the system,then I might as well not vote at all" rhetoric. I am sick of this vote for the lesser of two evils crap..... it's been going on for years, no one has been truly satisfied with the candidates."

Try and keep up, ok?

I did read it and I can keep up thank you. Now what I'd like to hear is how you would propose accomplishing this. Maybe that's where I'm missing your point. I'd love to have a 3rd party that really meant something in this country but it doesn't exist. So how do you suggest we start the movement? I always have thought about buying an island 4 miles off the coast........

This message has been edited by blackcat on 08-22-2004 at 03:50 AM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 70
From: Lakeville, MN
Registered: DEC 2003

posted 08-22-2004 04:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Polioboy     
I always have thought about buying an island 4 miles of the coast........

You might want to consider the Dominican Republic...Their economy is recovering now, and if you can get over the fact that their neighbors with Haiti, it's quite pleasant. An actor friend of mine was on location there earlier this spring, and has since fallen in love with it....he's telling me that for $200 a month, he's got a house on 200 feet of white sand beach, with a housekeeper twice a week. The wife and I are going out there for Christmas to check it out.

I did read it and I can keep up thank you. Now what I'd like to hear is how you would propose accomplishing this.

This is something that has to start, most likely, in the school system. That is where we learn about the electoral process...I can remember, way back when, I was only told about the two political parties - and that you had to choose a side. Unfortunately, I don't identify with least in the current sense of the political spectrum.

Eventually, I'd like to see an end to the two party system, and a drastic form campaign finance reform... what that would be, I don't know...but it has to start at the root of the problem, which is where we are programmed to believe in the "two party only" system.

This message has been edited by Polioboy on 08-22-2004 at 04:02 AM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 286
From: Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Registered: MAR 2004

posted 08-22-2004 06:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for rsterling78     
There's a lot of love in this thread.

Polioboy said:


The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institute - a think tank - whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies...

and so you want to dismiss anything they say out of hand as inaccurate.

Why? If Rush Limbaugh says 2 + 2 = 4, do you think this is inaccurate just because you disagree with his politics? I've used the Heritage Foundation to keep up certain issues myself because the HF conducts studies which they back up with references, facts, and logic.

The same thing can be said for the attacks on John Kerry's Vietnam service. There are major discrepencies in his story, such as saying that he was in Cambodia on a secret mission on December 24, 1968 on orders from the Nixon administration. Kerry has even said that this event was "seared" in his memory.

For starters, Nixon was not President in 1968. Kerry said on the Senate Floor in 1986, "I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians..."

The problem with this is that the Khmer Rouge did not enage in any hostilities until 1972.

It's understandable why so many people on the left prefer to dismiss criticism from the right as biased and therefore not to be taken seriously. The alternative would be to face those annoying little things conservatives keep harping about all the time: little things called "facts."

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 8492
From: Oakfield, WI, USA
Registered: MAR 2002

posted 08-22-2004 11:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GenoTex     
"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."- John F. Kerry

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."- John F. Kerry

"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'."- John F. Kerry

"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."- John F. Kerry

"The future will be better tomorrow."- John F. Kerry

"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."- John F. Kerry

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."- John F. Kerry

"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."- John F. Kerry

"Public speaking is very easy."- John F. Kerry

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."- John F. Kerry

"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."- John F. Kerry

"For NASA, space is still a high priority."- John F. Kerry

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."- John F. Kerry

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."- John F. Kerry

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."- John F. Kerry

Starting to wonder if this guy ever took the IQ test... and if so, did his results come back negative?!?!?!?

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 8483
From: Texas USA
Registered: APR 2003

posted 08-23-2004 03:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for idive     
In reading the posts in this thread, I have noticed that many have one common notation... that the press doesn't seem to be reporting on, or following up on these things. This is something that maybe we, as a group, can move to change.
If you go to and scroll to the bottom, there is a link to "contact us". This will open up another window where you can email CBS News. I don't know whether or not there is a limit on how long a message you can leave there. You can also click on "CBS news bios" at the bottom of the main page. It lists all CBS news personnel. Clicking on a name there will take you to that person's bio. On the right side of their bio at the top is a link for that person's "contact info". Some of the names will not have contact info. If you encounter this, just go back and find another name that has the contact info link for them.
Send an email to the newsperson of your choice, or choose several to write to, and forward to them some of these facts we've posted here, and any related emails you have received, and ask them why they don't seem to be reporting these things. Apologize in advance for missing it if they have. Tell them that you hope they will follow up on them and inform the public of these facts. Please stick to the facts. No nasty emails please, as this will most likely not get a response. If you have an email that you are uncertain if it is true or not, tell them so, and ask that they check it out, and report publicly on their findings if they find that it is true. Maybe if enough people question these things, someone will do a story on them, and bring the truth to light. (Take note that as of late, some of these things have been brought to light in the news. I believe that more needs to be reported on, however.)
I've watched "Face the Nation" on Sunday morning and I really think Bob Schieffer (based on his questions to a Kerry "person") is not too happy with the "Kerry campaign".
I also think Andy Rooney might be interested in the piece on Mrs. Kerry on this thread, or any of the other facts on here, although I don't think I've seen any politically motivated pieces on his portion of 60 Minutes. It's worth a try.
Don't limit this to CBS. You can do the same to ABC, NBC, and CNN as well as your local stations and newspapers. You don't need to limit yourself to only Bush supporters. The Kerry supporters need to be informed of these things as well. We don't care who they support, as long as the word gets out and these facts are reported on. Spread the word.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 70
From: Lakeville, MN
Registered: DEC 2003

posted 08-23-2004 08:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Polioboy     
and so you want to dismiss anything they say out of hand as inaccurate.

No...but I definately would look at anything they say with a weary eye...because they've already told me they're biased means that any sort of "evidence" they may have is tainted, and needs to be looked at and verified by independent sources.

Why? If Rush Limbaugh says 2 + 2 = 4, do you think this is inaccurate just because you disagree with his politics?

No...I listen to Rush about two or three times a week, and yes, he's right, mostly. But I also know that he's an entertainer first, so anything he's going to tell me is going to be checked out...

I've used the Heritage Foundation to keep up certain issues myself because the HF conducts studies which they back up with references, facts, and logic.

Great, but do you verify those facts anywhere else? Many websites from both sides of the argument can say the same thing...they back up their "facts" with reference and logic...but as I've pointed out in my review of the article; although it's fill with facts, they don't necessarily represent all sides of the have to look closer.

You don't have to change your politics to do this, you just need to want to do the homework, become better informed. I personally like using ...that website serves as a starting point for my research..they don't cover all the issues, however, they do address some of the more controversial ones...(John Kerry's war service, Bush's tax cuts, Medicare reform, Kerry's voting record)

There are major discrepencies in his story

just as there are major discrepencies in Bush's account regarding his what?

It's understandable why so many people on the left prefer to dismiss criticism from the right as biased and therefore not to be taken seriously. The alternative would be to face those annoying little things conservatives keep harping about all the time: little things called "facts."

That's fine but those on the left claim to use "facts"'s important to check those out too. I think that's the big divider these days...neither side is willing to come to the table and verify these "facts"'s easy to find facts that ring true to your particular ideology...but you have to go one step further, and not only verify those facts, but see if you can disprove them yourself...I'm not picking on the "right" here, nor the "left"...both sides are at fault.

In reading the posts in this thread, I have noticed that many have one common notation... that the press doesn't seem to be reporting on, or following up on these things.

Testify! we're getting somewhere!...great idea! I have taken time to write to the Tribune and the Pioneer Press in the past...I have also discussed some of this with the program director of FOX 9 here in Minneapolis (he's married to my wife's best friend). It's time to be an American, and a Patriot, and start asking the questions we want to know, and not leave it up to the Media....They've made themselves out to be a disapointment...

We don't care who they support, as long as the word gets out and these facts are reported on. Spread the word.


This message has been edited by Polioboy on 08-23-2004 at 08:09 AM

Bob Miller
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4576
From: Alexandria, Virginian USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 08-23-2004 08:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob Miller     
Geno - I've seen those exact quotes several times previously and they were attributed to George Bush. I know there is a book out on "Bushisms" but I have not read it.


Posts: 4576
From: Alexandria, Virginian USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 08-23-2004 12:16 PM           
Originally posted by Polioboy:
My sampling is no different than a random sampling performed by say FOX News, Zogby, or Gallup. They generally poll anywhere from 1000 to 1500 people. The population of the US is 293 Billion people. That would make their sample rate less than .0000005. Would you say that I'm less accurate than they are?

Pretty much so. The U.S. has 293 MILLION, Not Billion.
(The population of the U.S. on April 1, 2000 was 281,421,906 )

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 70
From: Lakeville, MN
Registered: DEC 2003

posted 08-23-2004 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Polioboy     
Hey, cut me some was 3 am in the morning...and the "B" is awfully close to the "M"...

I corrected my the snafu, however, the math was correct...

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 7476
From: Lake Ariel, Pa.
Registered: SEP 2000

posted 08-24-2004 05:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for butchcee     
anyone know what these are?

1: Procedural Motion - Adjourn to Time Certain
2: FY 2003 Approp.s - Homeland Security
3: FY 2003 Approp.s - Homeland Security
4: FY 2003 Approp.s - Education Block Grants
5: FY 2003 Approp.s - Education Funding
6: FY 2003 Approp.s - Rural Antidrug Program
7: FY 2003 Approp.s - Spending Reinstatement
8: FY 2003 Approp.s - Foreign Cruise Ships
13: Ridge Nomination - Confirmation
14: FY 2003 Approp.s - Unemployment Ins.
15: FY 2003 Approp.s - Drought Relief
16: FY 2003 Approp.s - Drought Relief
17: FY 2003 Approp.s - African Famine Relief
18: FY 2003 Approp.s - US AirPension Plan
26: FY 2003 Approp.s - Prohibit Quotas for Job Priv.
31: Adams Nomination - Confirmation
32: Otero Nomination - Confirmation
33: Junell Nomination - Confirmation
36: Procedural Motion - Require Attendance
37: Procedural Motion - Require Attendance
39: Pledge of Allegiance - Adoption
44: Frost Nomination - Confirmation
45: Partial-Birth Abor. Ban - Emer. Contracep.s
46: Partial-Birth Abor. Ban - Health Exception
47: Partial-Birth Abor. Ban - Motion to Commit
49: Partial-Birth Abor. Ban - Health Exception
50: Quarles Nomination - Confirmation
51: "Partial-Birth" Abortion Ban - Passage
52: Varlan Nomination - Confirmation
53: Estrada Nomination - Cloture
54: Bybee Nomination - Confirmation
55: Breen Nomination - Confirmation
60: FY 2004 Budget Res. - Education Funding
109: Coalition Member Support - Adoption
110: Military Tax Breaks - Passage
111: Selna Nomination - Confirmation
112: Springmann Nomination - Confirmation
114: Estrada Nomination - Cloture
115: FY 2003 War Supplemental - Port Security
116: FY ‘03 War Supp. - Nat'l. Guard & Reserves
117: FY ‘03 War Suppl. - Aircraft Missile Def.
118: FY ‘03 War Suppl. - Ind. Member Projects
119: FY ‘03 War Suppl. - Counterterror Funding
120: FY ‘03 War Suppl. - Homeland Security
121: FY 2003 War Supplemental - War Costs
122: FY ‘03 War Suppl. - First Resp’r. Funding
123: FY ‘03 War Suppl. - First Resp’r. Funding
124: FY ’03 War Suppl. - Iraqi Food Assistance
125: FY 2003 War Supplemental - Passage
126: Carney Nomination - Confirmation
132: Protections for Children - Conf. Report
133: Swimmer Nomination - Confirmation
135: Sutton Nomination - Confirmation
139: Cook Nomination - Confirmation
140: Estrada Nomination - Cloture
141: Altonaga Nomination - Confirmation
145: FISA Warrants - Feinstein Substitute
146: FISA Warrants - Passage
147: Tax Reductions - On-Budget Surplus
180: Global AIDS Relief - Abstinence Programs
181: Global AIDS Relief - Drug Pricing
182: Global AIDS Relief - AIDS Orphans
183: Global AIDS Relief - Aid to Carib. Nations
184: Hicks Nominat. - Confirm.
185: FY ’04 Def. Auth. - Reservist Health Care

186: FY ’04 Def. Auth. - Nucl. Weapons Study
187: FY ’04 Def. Auth. - Nucl. Weapons Study
188: FY ’04 Def. Auth. - Nucl. Weapons Study
189: FY ’04 Def. Auth. - Nucl. Penetrator Weapons
192: FY 2004 Defense Auth. - Overseas Abortions
193: FY 2004 Defense Auth. - Defense Contracts
194: FY 2004 Defense Authorization - Passage
195: Callahan Nomination - Confirmation
202: Debt Limit Increase - Passage
203: Energy Policy - Ethanol Requir. Exclusion
204: Energy Policy - Ethanol Requir. Exclusion
205: FY 2004 Defense Authoriz. - Base Closures
206: Energy Policy - Ethanol Requir. Exclusion
211: Chertoff Nomination - Confirmation
216: Greer Nomination - Confirmation
217: Kravitz Nomination - Confirmation
218: Energy Policy - Energy Commodity Trading
219: Energy Policy - Indian Energy Projects
220: Myanmar Sanctions - Passage
223: FY 2004 FAA Reauth. - Pilot Age Requirements
224: FY 2004 FAA Reauth. - Foreign Repair Stations
225: FY 2004 FAA Reauthorization - Passage
226: Pate Nomination - Confirmation
227: Prescription Drug Benefit - Benefit Within Medicare
228: Prescription Drug Benefit - Drug Cost Disclosure
229: Prescription Drug Benefit - Premium Cap
230: Prescription Drug Benefit - Drug Patents
231: American History and Civics Academies - Passage
232: Prescription Drug Benefit - Drug Importation
233: Prescription Drug Benefit - Third-Party Coverage
234: Prescription Drug Benefit - Open Enrollment Period
235: Prescription Drug Benefit - Canadian Price Equity
236: Prescription Drug Benefit - Cost Sharing Extension
237: Prescription Drug Benefit - Congressional Coverage
238: Prescription Drug Benefit - Two-Year Fallback Plan
239: Prescription Drug Benefit - Benefit Availability
240: Prescription Drug Benefit - Drug Cost Coverage
241: Prescription Drug Benefit - Employer Compensation
242: Prescription Drug Benefit - Health Centers
243: Prescription Drug Benefit - Drug Advertisements
244: Prescription Drug Benefit - Premium Reduction
245: Prescription Drug Benefit - Durbin Substitute
246: Prescription Drug Benefit - Cost-Effectiveness Studies
247: Prescription Drug Benefit - Disability Services
248: Prescription Drug Benefit - Drug Advertisements
249: Prescription Drug Benefit - Cancer Care
250: Prescription Drug Benefit - Cancer Patient Coverage
251: Prescription Drug Benefit - Asset Test
252: Prescription Drug Benefit - Alzheimer's Subsidy
253: Prescription Drug Benefit - Additional Disease Treatment
254: Prescription Drug Benefit - Premium Reduction
255: Prescription Drug Benefit - Experimental Drug Coverage
256: Prescription Drug Benefit - Immigrant Coverage
257: Prescription Drug Benefit - Retiree Coverage
258: Prescription Drug Benefit - Medigap Policies
259: Prescription Drug Benefit - Retiree Fallback Plan
260: Prescription Drug Benefit - Alternative Plan
261: Prescription Drug Benefit - Means Test
262: Prescription Drug Benefit - Passage
263: Campbell Nomination - Confirmation
264: Medical Malpractice - Cloture
265: Wolski Nomination - Confirmation
266: Child Tax Credit - Motion to Proceed
267: FY 2004 State Dept. Reauthorization - Mexico City Policy
269: FY 2004 State Dept. Reauth. - Unemployment Insurance
270: FY 2004 State Dept. Reauthoriz. - HIV/AIDS Funding
272: FY 2004 Legislative Branch Appropriations - AmeriCorps
273: FY 2004 Legislative Branch Appropriations - Passage
274: FY 2004 Military Construction Appropriations - Passage
275: Der-Yeghiayan Nomination - Confirmation
276: Suko Nomination - Confirmation
277: FY 2004 Defense Appropriations - Troop Deployments
278: FY 2004 Defense Approp.s - Cost of Iraq Operations
279: FY 2004 Defense Appropriations - Military Detainees
280: Myanmar Sanctions - Passage
281: FY 2004 Defense Appropriations - Iraq War Costs
282: FY 2004 Defense Appropriations - Military Health Care
283: FY 2004 Defense Appropriations - Iraqi Reconstruction
284: FY 2004 Defense Approp.s - Iraqi Intel. Commission
285: FY 2004 Defense Approp.s - Unauthorized Approp.s
286: FY 2004 Defense Approp.s - Overseas Military Funding
287: FY 2004 Defense Approp.s - Intel. Funding
288: FY 2004 Defense Approp.s - HIV/AIDS Funding

289: Duncan Nomination - Confirmation
290: FY 2004 Defense Appropriations - Passage
291: FY 2004 Homeland Sec. Approp.s - Approp.s Increase
292: FY 2004 Homeland Sec. Appr. - Law Enforcement Costs
293: FY ‘04 Hom. Sec. Appr. - Emer. Mgmt. Planning Grants
294: FY 2004 Homeland Security Approp.s - Port Security
295: FY 2004 Homeland Security Approp.s - Explosive Device
296: FY 2004 Homeland Sec. Approp.s - Firefighter Grants
297: FY 2004 Homeland Sec. Approp.s - Chemical Plant Sec.
298: FY 2004 Homeland Sec. Approp.s - Canadian Border Sec.
299: FY 2004 Homeland Sec. Appr - First Responder Funding
300: FY 2004 Homeland Security Approp.s - Maritime Security
301: FY ‘04 Homeland Sec. Appr. - High-Threat Urban Areas
302: FY ‘04 Homeland Sec. Appr. - High-Threat Urban Areas
303: FY 2004 Homeland Sec. Appr. - Federal Advisory Boards
304: FY 2004 Homeland Security Approp.s - Transit Security
305: FY 2004 Homeland Sec. Appr.s - Lobbying Restrictions
306: FY 2004 Homeland Security Appropriations - Passage
307: Yeakel Nomination - Confirmation
308: Owen Nomination - Cloture
309: Energy Policy - Fuel Economy Standards
310: Energy Policy - Fuel Economy Standards
311: Energy Policy - Price Manipulation
312: Estrada Nomination - Cloture
313: Energy Policy - Utility Mergers
314: Energy Policy - Standard Market Design
315: Energy Policy - Internal Transactions
316: Pryor Nomination - Cloture
317: Energy Policy - Passage
318: U.S.-Singapore Trade - Passage
319: U.S.-Chile Trade - Passage
320: Cohn Nomination - Confirmation
321: Montalvo Nomination - Confirmation
322: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Appr.s - Hispanic Edu. Prog.s
323: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Education Approp.s - Impact Aid
324: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - IDEA Funding
325: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - Job Training
326: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - Rural Edu. Grants
327: Colloton Nomination - Confirmation
328: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Appr..s - Bioterr. Workforce
329: 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - School Construction
330: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - Title I Funding
331: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - Higher Education
332: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Appr.s - HIV/AIDS Funding
333: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Education Approp.s - Head Start
336: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - LIHEAP Assist.
339: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - Fin. Aid Eligibility
340: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Appr.s - After-school Progr.s
341: FY ‘04 Labor-HHS-Edu. Appr. - Safe Child./Fam. Prom.
342: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Appr.s - Education Funding
343: FY ‘04 Labor-HHS-Edu. Appr. - Teacher Quality Progr.s
344: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Appr..s - After School Progr.s
345: FY ‘04 Lab.-HHS-Ed. App.. - W. Nile/Mosquito Control
346: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Edu. Approp.s - NIH Funding
347: FY 2004 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations - Passage
348: Media Ownership Rule Disapproval - Passage
349: FY 2004 Energy/Water Appr.s - Adv. Nucl. Weapons
350: FY 2004 Energy and Water Appropriations - Passage
351: Partial-Birth Abortion Ban - Disagree to House Amend.
352: Proctor Nomination - Confirmation
353: Feuerstein Nomination - Confirmation
354: Conrad Nomination - Confirmation
355: Floyd Nomination - Confirmation
356: FY 2004 Interior Appropriations - Indian Health Service
357: Gibson Nomination - Confirmation
358: FY 2004 Interior Approp.s - National Mall Ad Ban
359: FY 2004 Interior Appr.s - Judicial Review of Timber Sales
360: FY 2004 Int. Appr.s - Competitive Sourcing Annual Rept.
361: FY 2004 Int. Appr.s - Compet. Sourcing Rev. Prohibition
362: FY 2004 Interior Appr.s - Indian Health Service Funding

363: Burns Nomination - Confirmation
364: FY 2004 Defense Appropriations - Conference Report
365: Do-Not-Call Registry - Passage
366: Sabraw Nomination - Confirmation
367: Mosman Nomination - Confirmation
368: Bea Nomination - Confirmation
369: Crone Nomination - Confirmation
370: White Nomination - Confirmation
371: FY 2004 Suppl. for Iraq/Afghanistan - Iraqi Reconstruc.
376: FY 2004 Suppl. for Iraq/Afghanistan - Safety Equipment
377: Genetic Nondiscrimination - Passage
378: FY 2004 Supp. Iraq/Afghanistan - Iraqi Lib. Medal
379: FY 2004 Supp. Iraq/Afghanistan - Domestic Spending
380: FY 2004 Supp. Iraq/Afghanistan - Reconstr. Financing
381: FY 2004 Supp. Iraq/Afghanistan - Mil Res. Retire. Age
382: FY 2004 Supp. Iraq/Afghanistan - Add’l Army Personnel
383: FY 2004 Supp. Iraq/Afghanistan - Congressional Report
384: FY 2004 Supp. Iraq/Afghanistan - Removal Of Saddam
398: FY 2004 Supp. Iraq/Afghanistan - Cong. Approval
401: Rodgers Nomination - Confirmation
403: Class Action Lawsuits - Cloture
404: Unsolicited E-Mail - Passage
405: FY 2004 Trans.-Treas. Approp.s - Cuba Travel Ban
406: FY 2004 Trans.-Treas. Approp.s - Congress'l. Pay Raises
407: FY 2004 Trans.-Treas. Approp.s - Competitive Sourcing
408: FY 2004 Trans.-Treas. Approp.s - Competitive Sourcing
409: FY 2004 Trans.-Treas. Appr. - Election Systems Overhaul
410: FY 2004 Transportation-Treasury Approp.s - Passage
411: Fischer Nomination - Confirmation
412: Leavitt Nomination - Confirmation
413: FY 2004 Foreign Op.s Approp.s - State Dept. Reauth.
414: FY 2004 For’n. Op.s App. - Coalition Prov. Auth. Funds
415: FY 2004 For’n. Op.s Appr.s - For’n Support for Hijackers
416: Forest Thinning - Logging Projects
417: Forest Thinning - Medical Monitoring Program
418: Forest Thinning - Air Monitoring
419: Pickering Nomination - Cloture
421: Forest Thinning - Fire Fighting Funds
422: Forest Thinning - Fuel Management
423: Forest Thinning - Judicial Review
424: Forest Thinning - Fire Reduction Project Funds
425: Forest Thinning - Old Growth Protection
426: Forest Thinning - Environmental Impact Statements
427: Forest Thinning - Title I Authorization
428: Forest Thinning - Passage
429: FY 2004 Foreign Op.s Approp.s - HIV/AIDS Funding
430: FY 2004 Foreign Op.s Approp.s - Abstinence Programs
431: FY 2004 Foreign Op.s Approp.s - Global AIDS Initiative
432: FY 2004 Foreign Op.s Approp.s - Global AIDS Initiative
433: FY 2004 Interior Appropriations - Conference Report
434: Credit Reporting Overhaul - Affiliate Sharing
435: Credit Reporting Overhaul - Data Mining
436: FY 2004 Agriculture Approp.s - Energy Transparency
437: Credit Reporting Overhaul - Passage
438: Titus Nomination - Confirmation
439: FY 2004 Agriculture Approp.s - Electricity Market Manip.
440: FY 2004 Agriculture Appropriations - Crop Losses
441: Pryor Nomination - Cloture
442: FY 2004 Agricul. Approp.s - Conservation Reserve Prog.
443: FY 2004 Agricul. Approp.s - Country of Origin Labeling
444: FY 2004 Agriculture Appropriations - Passage
445: Syria Sanctions - Passage
446: FY 2004 Defense Authorization - Motion to Proceed
447: FY 2004 Defense Authorization - Adoption
448: FY 2004 Military Construction Approp.s - Adoption
449: FY 2004 VA-HUD Appropriations - Clean Water Fund
450: Owen Nomination - Cloture
451: Kuhl Nomination - Cloture
452: Brown Nomination - Cloture
453: FY 2004 FAA Reauthorization - Cloture
454: Dorr Nomination - Cloture
455: Dorr Nomination - Cloture
456: Energy Policy - Cloture
459: Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit - Conference Report

Black Tie 161
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3563
From: MD, USA
Registered: JUL 2002

posted 08-24-2004 07:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Tie 161     
This whole %$#@! thread should be deleted.

Noone's making friends here...None of us would waste our time talking like this at an event.....

Let's talk about something Olympic Womens beach volleyball...

Bob Miller
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4576
From: Alexandria, Virginian USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 08-24-2004 07:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob Miller     
I agree BT, this thread ought to be nuked! Beach Volleyball IS my new favorite sport! It's easy to understand and keep score, it's exciting and the skill and precision of the athletes is just amazing. Ohhhhh yeeeeaaaaah, they seem to be in fine condition!

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 70
From: Lakeville, MN
Registered: DEC 2003

posted 08-24-2004 07:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Polioboy     
Do they serve Hot Wings and beer at this event?

Bob Miller
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4576
From: Alexandria, Virginian USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 08-24-2004 08:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob Miller     

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 18860
From: Rochester Hills, MI USA
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 08-24-2004 08:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CJ     
I haven't posted much on this thread, other than with regard to my son. I haven't looked at this thread in a while (I've been busy ) and was reading it to catch up. I see that we agree to disagree and isn't it great that we live in a country that allows us to do that?

The one comment that does bother me is the one about the majority of the people on this site who own these cars are white, rich and old. As several already stated, that is an unfair statement. This group is made up of a very diverse group of people. Not all of us are old, rich or white.

Yes, I am white........I was born that way.

No, my husband and I are not rich. We married at 18/20 and had nothing. We've worked hard for 37 years to get to this point in our life. My two cats were anniversary gifts (I only ever hoped to just have one - he decided to buy the second). My husband sacrificed to pay for them and I love him to death for being so unselfish. The majority of the people on this site are not wealthy, they work hard to pay for something that makes them very happy....and feel it is worth it to do that.

Old?? Old is a relative term. Who decides what is old? I will be 56 years old in December and there is no way that I consider myself old. My grandmother passed away when she was 96 years that I would consider old.........which means I have 40 more years before I am old.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 7476
From: Lake Ariel, Pa.
Registered: SEP 2000

posted 08-24-2004 09:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for butchcee     
I can't agree with you that this thread is causing ill feeling. Polioboy took a lot of hits and is still here to joke around. I personally don't dislike anyone that differs in a view from mine.I find it stimulating and a learning experience if the ideas are backed with fact, even if a little skewed. I posted the votes missed by JFK lite and found it interesting that someone representing the people can be absent so often. With the amount of perks these guys get, both sides, they should be there when the door opens. WTF is going on and why have we let them slip so far? The olympic honeys are great to look at, but I never lose site of the fact that they're representing our country and have worked hard to get to that position--with maybe the exception of the men's basketball team..I think they suck and I don't see the spark in their eyes that it takes to excell.---JMO

ed monahan
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 33595
From: Cincinnati, OH
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 08-25-2004 12:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ed monahan     
Butchcee, the mens basketball team lacks diversity, just like this site. You have jerks who have been jerks their entire lives only now they are all millionaire jerks. They want to be the star and do not understand TEAM. It is me, me, me. Think about college basketball. You have all these really talented guys and then some small college knocks them off in the tournament because they play defense and play as a team. That is where the coach comes in. In pro-ball, they aren't about to listen to the low paid coach. It is show time. They bounce the ball twice on the way up the court, the last dribble at the top of the key, palming the ball on every dribble and then travel and DUNK it. Then they high five everyone, puff out there chest and throw the "I'm number one" in the air.
I have never seen a professional basketball game, even on TV. I have seen a few minutes of it here and there but have no interest in it. High school is much more entertaining and college was great until about 10 years ago but it is slipping, too.
We would be better off with a bunch of college guys representing us. They want to be there and would give it their all.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 7476
From: Lake Ariel, Pa.
Registered: SEP 2000

posted 08-25-2004 01:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for butchcee     
good Ed, Really good

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