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Author Topic:   1.802 now died.............
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 10-28-2005 09:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     
Miss Kitty - With all due respect to our opinions, I sense more of a Bush-hater tone to your statements. You are welcomed to feel that way for sure, but can I ask you a few questions?

"We're there - so let's try to finish the job." - What is your plan to 'finish the job?

"And it has been established that Iraq had nothing to do with 911." - What is your source for that information please?

"No WMD's have been found which were the reason to go to war." - Do you agree with former Pres. Clinton, when in 1998, he said Iraq had WMD's?

"The real question in my mind is - should we have been there in the first place ?" - Obviously your answer is no. So, do we let a mad dictator continue to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children?

Would you agree that to fight terrorism,,,,,you kill the terrorist?

Please Miss Kitty, do not take this as beating up on you,,,,,,,,just presenting a forum for meaningful debate.


Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 10-28-2005 09:53 AM           
AC - of course I don't take it personal - you're entitled to your opinions just as I am.
First of all I don't hate Bush, he seems like a nice enough guy ( in a goofy sort of way) - hate is a waste of time and energy - now, I don't agree with him on some things, but I've never met the guy so why would I hate him ?
As to your question : WWMKD - what would Miss Kitty do to finish the job ? Well, if I knew that, maybe I should be president - lol !!! Maybe you should ask everybody who had an opinion how they would finish the job.
In my opinion there is only one way to "try" to finish it. Continue to do what we're doing and kill all the scumbag insurgents that keep coming to Iraq. Help Iraqis to establish a democracy,and mainly build and strengthen their security forces so hopefully sooner than later they can take care of themselves and the US can pull out.

Does it matter if I believed Clinton when he said that Iraq had WWMD's ? Maybe back then they had them - who really knows ?

The whole point is moot since neither you or I are going to change anything. Maybe we should start a new topic and ask everybodys opinion on how to solve the Iraq problem and send it to Washington - how about it AC ?

Oh, and about my source of information about Iraq's involvement with 9/11. Just every major newspaper and the findings of the 9/11 committee.


This message has been edited by MissKitty on 10-28-2005 at 09:56 AM

Bob Miller
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4576
From: Alexandria, Virginian USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 10-28-2005 01:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob Miller     
AC - Yip I believed Clinton when he said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction - for one thing he used them on the Kurds and there were several UN weapons inspectors who said Saddam had them. However CIA Director George Tenent later had to resign over his "slam dunk" assessment regarding weapons of mass destruction just before the Iraq invasion. Old intel is not worth the paper it's printed on. Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld relied on outdated info and instead used their instincts to argue for the invasion. What we need is much better human intel and not political spin.

This administration would be miles ahead of where they are now in terms of support if they simply admitted they screwed-up on the intelligence and that we now need to make the best of a bad situation as a matter of responsibility. But that will never happen, just like it never happened in the late 60's and early 70's in Viet Nam.

This is not a coalition we have in Iraq. After the British force, the third largest "coalition" partner are US contractors!

No empirical evidence has come to light that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. To the contrary, Sadam had no use for Islamic extremists and little or nothing in common with them. Sadam maintained air-tight control over Iraq and anything that threatened his control, be it tribally-based or religious-based was not tolerated. The fact of the matter is the only terrorist in Iraq are the ones who went in after we went in and created the chaotic situation. If we depart now all we will have succeed in doing is transplanting the terrorists from Afghanistan to Iraq. Colon Powell warned the Bush team on the pending Iraq invasion: "You break it, you have to stay and fix it."

The first thing we have to do is secure the borders, particularly with Syria. Last week I spoke to a couple of Marines at Quantico Marine Base who had just returned from the Iraq-Syrian border. They just shook their heads and said it was a complete mess up there and anyone who wanted to enter into Iraq could. If we don't get a handle on the insurgency it's pretty clear Iraq will dissolve into civil war or worse, tribal warfare. And that's not even taking into account the influence of Sunni-dominated Iran next door who would love to see a similar fundamentalist (American-hating) theocracy in power in Iraq

If we simply pull out, I think we'd be fooling ourselves that the fallout of the situation will remain within the borders of Iraq. It may well be that the "WMD" in Iraq are the clan-based divisions that threaten to explode. This administration has created one hell of a mess in Iraq that's going to cost literally billions and billions more dollars and countless more lives to fix.

The "war on terror" should have been confined first to finishing the job in Afghanistan.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 687
From: DeLand, FL USA
Registered: JUN 2004

posted 10-28-2005 04:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for wallygator310     
I can't confirm this, but I was told that if a soldier gets injured in Iraq or Afghanistan and then is transported to Germany or the states for treatment and then dies, his death is not counted in the total number. Therefore, according to the person that told me this, there have been a lot more than the 2004 that have died so far.


Tom Santella
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 1484
From: Sandy Hook Ct. USA
Registered: DEC 2002

posted 10-29-2005 05:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tom Santella     
New president of Iran calls for Isreal to be wiped off the face of the earth, and death to America. No big invasion is ness. Just send a special forces team in and take him out. Leave a note that says "NEXT!" No occupation, no car bombs...... NEXT!!!!!!!!!!


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