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Author Topic:   Stir the pot tuesday,,,,,,,,,
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3529
From: Waterford,Mi USA
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posted 03-22-2005 06:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for heynow14     
Let her go. It amazes me how quickly congress can reconvene on this matter but refuse to address the greater issues going on in this country right now.(Gas Prices etc.) If she did not have medical insurance she would have died years ago. Let her be with God and enjoy all that heaven has to offer which is definately more than a hospital bed.

Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-22-2005 07:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     
First, I'll address what action Congress took this weekend concerning this issue. By passing this bill [law],, is in direct violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution:

Asserting State's Rights under the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights

WHEREAS, The 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the "States" respectively, or to the people"; and

WHEREAS, The 10th Amendment defines the total scope of 'federal power' as being that specifically granted by the United States Constitution and no more; and

WHEREAS, The scope of power defined by the 10th Amendment means that the federal government was created by the "states" specifically to be an agent of the states; and

WHEREAS, Today, the "states" are demonstrably treated as agents of the federal government; and

WHEREAS, Many federal mandates are directly in violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, The United States Supreme Court has ruled in New York v. United States, 112 S. Ct. 2408 (1992), that Congress may not simply commandeer the legislative and regulatory processes of the states; and

WHEREAS, A number of proposals from previous administrations and some now pending from the present administration and from Congress may further violate the United States Constitution.

This bill should not have been acted upon by Congress,,,should not have been voted and passed,,,should not have been signed into law by the President.

This is a state's rights issue, in this case Florida. As I said before, this case has traveled through 10 courts [now eleven] and before 18 judges [now to the 19th]

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 03-22-2005 at 07:24 PM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 1635
From: Utica, Michigan, USA
Registered: MAY 2004

posted 03-22-2005 07:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for quincy     
I listened to a recording of her father talking to her at bedside. Her sounds were of pure agony. I feel she should be allowed to pass from this world. Twenty years ago my wife and I not only prepared our last will and testament, but also established durable power of attorney, along with a 'living will' stating that no machines or hoses will be utilized in a attempt to keep us from meeting our maker. Sounds ghoulish, but I even have a binder with all legal documents, will, account numbers, 401K info., bond info., final disposal wishes, insurance policies, etc., broken into sections. Both siblings have been shown this binder and know where it is when the event occurs. This will take a lot of guess work and burden off their shoulders. My father did the same thing 6 years prior to his demise...It did not ease the pain, but all in the family appreciated the pre-planing. Over 2.65 million people a year depart this earth from the USA alone. Your only fooling yourself if you do not prepare!


Posts: 1635
From: Utica, Michigan, USA
Registered: MAY 2004

posted 03-22-2005 07:41 PM           
Originally posted by CJ:
Is this a caring husband that knows what's best for her??? From what I see, he didn't care enough to stay with her and support her.......he abandoned her. Let her parents take over her care.


I agree..... her parents brought her into this world.... and they should decide her fate.... starving your own child ? or worse yet watching someone else decide to do it...that ain't going to happen on my shift.

Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-22-2005 08:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CJ     
quincy.............I agree with you that everyone should make their wishes known and have it on paper. It's not morbid to be's smart........and the best thing you can do for your family.

Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-22-2005 09:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CTProwler     
I have a living will for just that purpose. Unplug her.


Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3529
From: Waterford,Mi USA
Registered: MAY 2001

posted 03-22-2005 09:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for heynow14     
Did'nt we just address the issue regarding the sanctity of marriage? Did'nt her father give her away at the altar? It is her husband's decision. He is her family. I wonder if the repugnats would be so quick to have the feeding tube re-inserted if it were Hillary Clinton laying there.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
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posted 03-22-2005 10:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     
A lot of negative things have been said about Michael Schiavo over the airwaves,,,,I for one do not believe any of them.
First, many have said it was about the money. Fact - there was a $780,000 insurance settlement back nearly 15 years ago,,,that money is gone. Terri is staying in a hospice which provides the room at no charge, and the State of Florida is paying for the food she is fed. A week ago, Michael was offered one million dollars to sign over Terri's care rights to her parents. He declined to do that,,,,,so how can it be about money?

Second, they say he was a wife beater, was vicious, and wanted her dead. Where is the proof of that? Nobody can provide proof of that statement,,no one!

Next, many bring up the point about him living with another woman and having kids with her. SO WHAT!!! If at age 30 or 35, having seen your spouse in a veggie state for 5 to 10 years, and being told by countless doctors that your spouse is brain dead with no hope to recover,,,,,who wouldn't want to continue with their own life? I don't blame him for going forward in a new life, and I believe most other people would do so also.

Why didn't he divorce her? Michael says he loves her, but wants closure for her. He said that she didn't want to be kept alive if this type of situation ever happened to her. Who can prove he is a liar? Nobody!

Why didn't he walk away from the whole situation long ago? He is trying to provide the wishes of his wife,,,as she related them to him. He could have walked away from this matter long ago,,,,he didn't!! Michael Schiavo has proceeded with all of these court cases,,,,10 courts, 19 judges, many years of heartache, a boatload of doctor's opinions,,,,all coming to one conclusion - she isn't coming back to enjoy life as we know it. He has stayed with her,,,,,supporting her wishes about life, or lack of it!

Now place yourself in Terri Schiavo's bed,,,looking up at the ceiling, looking up at and into the abyss,,,,what would she want now after 15 years of no real life?
The videos show smiles and following the balloons around her head - the media forgot to tell you that was just a few moments////seconds, of the entire 4 hour video of her laying there in a meaningless state of life. She is brain dead,,,her brain is turning to liquid. We have no reason to argue with the conclusions of the "many specialist doctors" who have completely examined Terri Schiavo,,,,,,they don't perform miracles!

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 03-22-2005 at 11:11 PM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 456
From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Registered: FEB 2003

posted 03-22-2005 10:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Thunder     
If they pull the plug, must they then let her starve to death. This is simply barbaric.....if we decide to let her die, we should at least have the guts to help her peacefully pass. We wouldn't wish that type of death on an animal or pet!

Randy Cobb
Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-23-2005 08:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randy Cobb     
I'm usually a black and white kind'a guy on things, but I can see both sides of this issue.

It is basic human instinct to sustain life, but at what cost to the individual.

All of my family (wife's too) have preplanned, but about 10 years ago my wife's family had an unusual situation with her Aunt. Her Aunt was suffering with cancer, had only a common will, but told all those who she saw (family, friends, doctors, nurses) that she didn't want to be sustained by artificial means. All fully understood her wishes, but towards the end the Aunt STRONGLY said to forget what she had said earlier and that she wished to fight for every day she could! 5 people witnessed this.
The problem was that she was under heavy medication at the time of the fight statement and she lapsed into a coma a few hours after the statement. She passed away a week later, but the family struggled with the decision over those days.

David Veu Casovic
Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-23-2005 08:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for David Veu Casovic     
B. Pull the plug.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 03-23-2005 08:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     
Originally posted by Jim C:
There is no plug to be pulled, She is not on life support they removed the feeding tube. this only means horrible pain from being starved to death. Nice to know we can euthenics our sick and dying pets painlessly with an injection and to the same with our death row prisoners hear in California, but yet We cannot relieve the pain of our loved ones.let alone the hospital bills poring in to the family.

Jim - my error in using the generic term "pull the plug". I think most understood what I meant = feeding tube.
I've heard three experts on the subject of starving to death while being brain dead. They state there isn't any associated pain in this process. I agree, I would prefer they use lethal injection to finish it fast. Only costs now involved is to feed her daily,,,paid by Florida state aid. The hospice provides the room for her at NO COST.

Dead End Don
Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-23-2005 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dead End Don     
Having watched a dear friend die of Creutzfeld-Jacobsen Disease (mad cow disease) a few years ago, I sympathize with both sides.

The medical reality is that there is no hope of recovery - brain tissue does not regenerate, and there is uncontroverted medical evidence (not opinion) that her brain is so severely physically damaged that there is no improvement is possible.

However, up to the point of death, these patients display involuntary movements and actions that, to a desparately hopeful family, seem to show some level of consciousness. In fact, studies have proven that these involuntary movements and sounds are just that - the mis-firings of a destroyed brain.

I can't imagine wanting one of my loved ones to exist in that state, but I do not think that removing the feeding tube is a particularly advanced or sensitive way to deal with the problem.

We humanely put down pets when there case is hopeless, but we do not have a method of dealing with this type of situation with people....

The real problem is that medical advances have far exceeded our ethical and moral advances, and we have the technological ability to preserve "life" when we really don't have much of a plan thereafter for how to deal with the person as a human being, rather than a patient.

Everyone should have a living will drawn up to deal with this kind of stalemate.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3818
From: kensington Conn, USA
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posted 03-23-2005 06:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for toys     
I have already told my My kids to NEVER EVER let that happen to me.


Dale Beaman
Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-23-2005 09:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dale Beaman     
Maybe Terri is alive and trapped inside her body. What is she thinking and what would she say to us if she could talk. How about "he was choking me" or "he has tried to kill me while I was bedridden." Is she saying "please let me live and have may family love and care for me." Are there other people we should stop feeding because they cannot take care of themselves. Why do we have nursing homes?

The talk about the Government getting involved with in ours lives is crazy - they already are thanks to all of the liberal policies and programs that we have accepted in the past 50+ years.

ed monahan
Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-23-2005 10:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ed monahan     
I asked Sandy and she disagreed with me vehemently. She told me to pull the plug on her if she gets that way. She's blonde, left handed and better be able to feed herself for awhile or she is outa here. lol

Prowler Junkie

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From: Fallston,MD USA
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posted 03-24-2005 07:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MDProwler     
Originally posted by blubyu:
Maybe Terri is alive and trapped inside her body. What is she thinking and what would she say to us if she could talk. How about "he was choking me" or "he has tried to kill me while I was bedridden." Is she saying "please let me live and have may family love and care for me."

This thought had occured to me and I believe to be that way for so long would drive a person to madness anyhow. I certainly wouldn't want to go through that.

Also the mention of the husband getting rich if she dies? He stated on national TV that there was no money to be had if/when she dies. I would also think any hospital bills would far outweigh any insurance policy.

This message has been edited by MDProwler on 03-24-2005 at 07:37 AM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 03-24-2005 10:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT

Living Will,,,,,,,copy, print, and fill in the blanks.

Do it soon!


This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 03-24-2005 at 10:13 PM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 03-25-2005 09:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     
I want to thank all of you for your opinions on this thread. A good discussion without any bashing of each other. See,,,we can disagree and still get along.

Here are the results from this thread's posts:

A. 7 said to let her live

B. 24 said to let her go in peace

C. 3 seemed undecided or uncommitted

Nobody is right or wrong with their opinions stated here. Its how you felt and believe,,,and I appreciate your input.

Wayne Finch
Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-25-2005 11:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wayne Finch     
Originally posted by CJ:
I'm not going to comment on the government intervention, because I'm not sure how I feel about that. However, based on some of the things I've heard and read (and who do you believe?)........

1. If her husband did not want to deal with her....why did he not divorce her and let her parents take over her care? He has been living with a woman for 10 years and has two children with her. Is this a caring husband that knows what's best for her??? From what I see, he didn't care enough to stay with her and support her.......he abandoned her. Let her parents take over her care.

2. Then there is the "settlement of over $1 million that he stands to gain.........but not if he divorces her...only if she dies?

3. He's been offered millions to give up his rights to her care......I read that over the years, he has refused to pay for care that may have improved her situation. Why? He wanted her to die?

4. He says that she said she didn't want to be kept alive. Does anyone really know that for fact? We are all saying that if something like that happened to us, we wouldn't want to be....but what if it really did? Would we change our minds, but not be able to communicate that? What if she never said that?

5. I would say that anyone who has specific requests regarding their care should they be incapacitated, better put it in writing.

6. This isn't like being on a respirator, with no hope of being able to breathe without it. My brother (at the age of 37) was on a respirator and after doing everything they could, it was determined there were no options left. The family had to make the decision and believe was not an easy decision. He passed away within the hour.

Terri is not on a respirator........she is being fed because she can't do that on her own. Could you make the decision to let your wife, daughter, sister literally starve to death?

Obviously, a very controversial issue.....

Sorry I generally missed this thread while I was in Florida getting all the media spin on the subject.

Originally I didn't have a real opinion but the more research I did, the more I have to agree with CJ. Generally a specific request to "pull the pull" I doubt I wouldn't have a big problem with (although generally not in favor personally). But this case isn't about that.

The parents are clearly in a no conflict position.

The husband has abandoned her and if he was truly looking out for what SHE wanted, he wouldn't be living with, and bearing children with another woman. Is that what she would have wanted too. Hardly

No one knows for sure what Terri wanted. But we do know there are people who want her - and that's not her husband.
Why is he so insistant on her dying?
Why has he never tried to re-habilitate her?

There is also some possibility from court documents that the husband may have inflicted the injuries causing this condition on her. The judges say this is an irrelevant fact. Maybe in legal terms, but use some common sense.

Should the government get involved. Generally, maybe not, but in this case - absolutely. The case has generally only been heard by one judge not the 20 the media suggest. The other judges are only commenting on another judges ruling. Should ONE judge have more authority than congress. Absolutely not. A judge is not even an elected official. At least if politicians step out of line, you get to toss them out in a few years. Rogue judges you are stuck with. The US has so many legal problems because of judges with way too much power and zero accountability.

This isn't a case about the right to die as many people think. This isn't about politicians stepping into personal lives. This is a case where there is sufficient legal doubt as to the facts and therefore the only logical outcome would be to gather all facts before putting someone to death.
The only fact that the judges have ruled on was "did she wish to be kept alive". And that wasn't a case based on documented facts but on her husbands say-so and his relatives. They haven't considerd that he may have inflicted this, they haven't considered at all who is best to look after her, they haven't fully considered her true physical state, etc, etc, etc.

It takes 20-30 years on death row before you exhaust every legal alternative for convicted killers, but you have no problem starving a mentally challanged person

ed monahan
Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-26-2005 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ed monahan     
Wayne, I agree. If he injected her with something that caused the coma, he does not want to leave anything to chance that she could come back and testify that he did something.
If he has her cremated, he would be able to get rid of almost any evidence that might later be used due to new techniques. DNA evidence was unheard of 10 years ago.
I do not know if any of what has been alleged is true, so this is just one theory.

Ed W.
Prowler Junkie

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posted 03-26-2005 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ed W.     
OK, you asked for it. I'll do what my wife says I do best, answer a question with a question;

Why doesn't the husband divorce her and allow the parents to gain custody of her?
What's the problem?

Ed W.
Prowler Junkie

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From: Port Huron, MI USA
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posted 03-26-2005 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ed W.     
No humor intended here, but I'm really surprised Kervorkian's attorney isn't having a field day with all of this. ...................and Dr Jack is doing time for it..........

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 8483
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posted 03-27-2005 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for idive     
OK, I just got to this thread and I'll appologize for the lengh in advance but I just gotta say this... Everyone mentions having a living will... Just having one, or letting those wishes be well known, even to your Dr. doesn't guarantee your wishes to be honored, or how they'll be interpreted.
I'll use my father as an example here. He was in not so good shape, and his outlook wasn't a bright one. Things were more a matter of when than how. And thus, the question of how far to go came up. Nothing was in writing, but with a witness or two, you get just as good getting it verbal on the spot. His wishes were not to be brought back if he lapsed into a coma, or went into heart failure. Not to be kept alive by machines. The Dr. then asked if he had any other wishes or instructions. My dad said, "Yea! Don't kill me either." The Dr. chuckled and said they wouldn't. But did they?
They stopped all medications. Removed all drainage tubes. Stopped all medical treatment all together. They only "made him comfortable" until he died, (sooner than later) because they didn't have to medicate at that point. I felt that they could have done more to prevent his death than they were doing. I felt that they put him into a position of going into the coma that they didn't need to bring him out of. I felt that his wishes we not being followed with what his intentions were. Just having a living will, or even something in writing, the Dr. is NOT obligated to honor it. And I guess, they can interperet it as they wish.
My dad never meant to just let him die. It's like, "continue treating me, but if I go into a coma, or have a heart attack, let me go. Don't kill me (or just let me die)."
I think, yes, his dieing was pretty much inevitable. He wasn't suffering at all. No pain. Completely coherant. They did nothing to prevent his death, and did everything to speed it up. Good or bad, right or wrong, I don't feel that his "verbal living will" intentions were honored. I don't think putting any of it in writing would have made a difference.

Ed W.
Prowler Junkie

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From: Port Huron, MI USA
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posted 03-27-2005 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ed W.     
.........and I watched my Dad in a comma for 9 months have countless mini-strokes in a nursing home before finally (& peacefully) succumbing to his fate. I agree there are no simple answers & we can discuss this as level headed adults until the "cows come home". But this issue in Florida defies comprehension. Given the husbands(?) track record since Terri went into a comma, I (personally) can't buy into his position.

All tragedy brings enlightenment IF we look for it.
In this particular case, many people are sitting down with their lawyers & writing out their living wills, addressing just this issue. Not much compensation for Terri's parents, but an education non-the-less for the rest of us.
May God truly lend his hand to Terri & her parents..........

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