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This topic was originally posted in this forum: Tires, Rims Discusssion
Author Topic:   Do you agree or disagree??
Wayne Finch
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4011
From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: SEP 2000

posted 01-09-2003 08:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wayne Finch     
People don't always buy vehicles for NEED - they actually buy them because they enjoy them. Is there something wrong with enjoying a large vehicle?

Sure you don't need a huge vehicle most of the time, but...

But do you NEED a Prowler.

Does a Viper need 500hp.

Does a Mini need to be so small that it is a deathtrap.

Do motorhomes have to be so large.

Should we all live in little shacks as well because you do know that it costs a lot more and uses more energy to heat or air condition a big house.

I do not like crazy drivers but it the driver not what they are driving.

Black Tie 161
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3563
From: MD, USA
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posted 01-09-2003 08:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Tie 161 make some interesting points...But here I go anyway...Please take no offense.

Originally posted by Wayne Finch:
People don't always buy vehicles for NEED - they actually buy them because they enjoy them. Is there something wrong with enjoying a large vehicle?

----No but all the other drivers behind you are struggling to see if the light up ahead is red or green.

Sure you don't need a huge vehicle most of the time, but...

But do you NEED a Prowler.

----No, but other drivers can sure see past me.

Does a Viper need 500hp.

----No, it needs 600 hp

Does a Mini need to be so small that it is a deathtrap.

----It's only a deathtrap if hit by an SUV.

Do motorhomes have to be so large.

----Yes, they do. But I never see someone driving their motorhome to work or the grocery store. people driving those are purpose driven. They are going SOMEWHERE to take advantage and full use of their motorhome. I can deal with that.

Should we all live in little shacks as well because you do know that it costs a lot more and uses more energy to heat or air condition a big house.

-----A big house is not a road hazard...stick to the subject!

I do not like crazy drivers but it the driver not what they are driving.

----Very true! All debates aside, it is just a fact of life that all different sizes of cars and trucks are required to share the same road. All we ever ask is that drivers be courteous, alert and considerate to others...but that's a pipe dream in the real world.

This message has been edited by Black Tie 161 on 01-09-2003 at 08:27 AM

Wayne Finch
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4011
From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: SEP 2000

posted 01-09-2003 09:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wayne Finch     
BT, you are right. It is a I will have to go you and buy myself a big SUV just to be safe from all the wackos on the road.

By the way, I own Durango which I consider a mid-size SUV and I do use up most of the room a lot of the time. It is real difficult to get three sets of hockey equipment and sticks into a sedan.

Even if I didn't own an SUV, I would have the same thoughts. It is ridiculous to lump all drivers of one type vehicle into the same catergory.

Black Tie 161
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3563
From: MD, USA
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posted 01-09-2003 10:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Black Tie 161     
Wayne....thanks for understanding my basic point and not mistaking my post for flames. You are OK!!!

When driving, we all have to remember that there is every personality existing on the road...some are not in a hurry, some are, some are a-holes, some are half blind, etc.

I try to give the benefit of the doubt. Once, I had a boss who's wife was in labor, and he rushed her to the hospital in his Camaro. he told me that there was some driver who mistook his driving as "aggressive a-hole", and started playing road games boxing him in. My boss was furious just trying to get her to the hospital, and the other driver was trying to teach him a "lesson" without even knowing the circumstances.

Sometimes people in a hurry have a reason to be....But not always.

Dale Beaman
Prowler Junkie

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posted 01-09-2003 12:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dale Beaman     
Maybe the best thing to promote safety would be for everyone to have SUV's. We would all be safer and it could be a boost to the economy. Bush should propose that everyone who buys an American made large SUV would get a 3 year tax credit equal to the price difference of a small car and the SUV. Since building and maintaining one takes more resources more would have to be made, etc. ,etc.

Stephanie would go crazy!!!!


Prowler Junkie

Posts: 2723
From: Denver, Colorado, USA
Registered: DEC 2000

posted 01-10-2003 06:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chromer     
DAnyone who drives a Monster SUV should have their eyes burned out with a RED HOT poker and THEN have their ears pulled off!!


Randy Cobb
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4070
From: Greensboro, NC
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posted 01-10-2003 07:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randy Cobb     
Yellow Fever:

I was just trying to be cute when I said that "Ms. Stephanie must have got dumped by a dude who drives a SUV".

Other than my Prowler my daily driver is a Chevy Tahoe and my wife's is a Mercedes 320 ML. I drive a larger SUV for several reasons:
1. I'm a big guy (6'4". 248 lbs.) and like the room of the Tahoe.
2. I've had SEVERAL surgeries on my legs (ex jock) and I can drive a Tahoe with my 36" inseam left leg in a cast. I can't do that with any other vehicle I tried.
3. I can put a wheel chair in the back of the Tahoe easily.
4. I can use the 4x4 on construction sites.
5. We carpool kids to school and sporting events.
6. It can carry 4 boys and their hockey equipment to practices, games and road trips.
7. It can carry 4 men, their bags and required coolers on golf trips.
8. Before I bought my Kat we would go to the beach on many weekends and could haul my wife, 2 kids, my mother-in-law and all our stuff. (Now my son and I drive the Kat and the rest follow)
My wife drives the smaller MB SUV because:
1. The kids.
2. She likes all the conveniences of an SUV, but hers is actually smaller and gets better mileage than her previous Mercedes sedan.
3. She feels safe in it.

They fit our needs and life styles, we like them and that's what counts.


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