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Author Topic:   We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to.....
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 09-08-2001 05:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     
Scot - Could I refer the services of the POA undertaker, Ed Monahan? Plots, as in plural? No need for two, just buy one, as Ed prefers to bury his clients in a vertical position so that you can get up to three people into one plot. Now in this position, you can have the option of facing inward towards your spouse or companion, or facing outward if it is the case of a ex-spouse who you would prefer not to look at any further. Ed's service works rather cheap, so no need to shop the market for the best quote, as his prices are guaranteed to be the lowest. Your gravestone will be the finest quality compressed styrofoam marker, so popular now, that will survive decades of weather elements surpassing the time that any living relatives will give a crap about your existance in the past. After 50 to 100 years, nobody will ever remember you or where you were buried anyway. So Scot, please give Ed a call and prearrange all the details now for a greater peace of mind that your loves ones will not have to later endure.

Disclaimer - the above is all in fun and in no way is to discredit the seriousness of taking care of future plans ahead of time, nor its implied intent towards any group or individual.

ed monahan
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 33595
From: Cincinnati, OH
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 09-08-2001 09:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ed monahan     
Larry, don't forget your weekly blanket apology is about due. Several people have sent me cash to speed along your burial, by the way. You have a lot of friends. lol. Being an innovator I have come up with the PORTABLE Plot. I can ship you a pre-dug hole to an location in the country. Shipping rates will vary, of course, due to the location and the size of the hole. I also have been working on instant water, which will be great for hiking, camping, boating or any outdoor activity. It is a light weight powder and you simply add H2O, and viola, you have water. I think I will be rich, soon.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 09-09-2001 at 02:18 AM

Scot Stern
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 516
From: Escondido, CA
Registered: MAR 2001

posted 09-09-2001 10:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Scot Stern     
Ok you guys, last night was almost it. Yesterday, I went to the local hamburger joint and my accountant talked me into the chile. Anyway, that stuff had 70% beans and, at my age, that is a dangerous situation.

Anyway, before I could stop myself, I ate one spoonful that contained one bean! I could feel that beauty rattling around in my intestines all day while driving the Prowler. At every light, when I chirped the tires shifting to second, the bean was jumping.

Last night at about 9:00 PM after a particularly long session with my latest squeeze, I could feel some real pressure building. I was tending to her needs, and worrying about what might happen if my pucker string let loose. I finished the job with a bit of discomfort and then went off to sleep and hoped the bean would be processed during the night.

At about 2:00 AM I awoke and I thought that I might have a terminal case of the Hershey Squirts.At my age with dehydration and all, the Hershey Squirts can be a life treatening event.

As it turned out, I do not believe that it was the Squirts, or for that the Nestle Runs but instead, the dreaded Bosco Plops!

I am alright now, but of course 21 pound lighter and I wish to caution all of you not to have a Chile bean and then drive the Prowler in the Autostick mode!

Gotta go now as I am running to the store to buy more Charman as I went through a few rolls last night. I'm ok now and I think that a vigorous surfing secession with the local sharks will normalize me a bit.


2001 Silver Prowler
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Prowler Junkie

Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 09-09-2001 01:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     
Scot - You can afford Charmin? I buy that cheap generic 'crap', its alright accept afew times my fingernails have gone through that single ply. I buy it because the picture of the baby on the front is more attractive than the Charmin baby. I've heard you go down to the local Ralph's and stare at all those baby pictures on the front of the rolls. No wonder you like the younger chicks!

I can now see why Gary and you are friends, you get the Hershey's and he gets Montezuma's Revenge from all the mexican food he eats / as in the Aztec Quick-Step! Maybe you also need to go to the Turbo-deisel website with Gar, and learn to supercharge the bathroom exhaust vents!!!


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....

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