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Author Topic:   Beheaded
jan bruggeman

Posts: 138
From: Dallas, Texas
Registered: JAN 2004

posted 05-14-2004 07:16 PM           
dali,iv'e got i better watch out,the feds will be at mt door.


Prowler Junkie

Posts: 91
From: Hudson, NH, USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 05-14-2004 08:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FreeorDie2     
I don't understand at least some of the American people. Do they not understand what war is? It's not pretty and it shouldn't be so that it will be avoided until necessary. But now it's necessary. . .and it can't be played by the Marquis of Queensbury rules.

The sad thing is the lack of condemnation from the Muslim community. It suggests that even some who we would consider moderate are either afraid to speak or secretly support what is going on. How can they be outraged by panties on a guy's head and take that brutal beheading in stride.

It's time our leadership decided the heck with world opinion and started fighting this war like we have to win -- because we do. We have to get the intel by any means necessary. We have to kill the enemy and anyone who would support them and their families and friends if necessary and it just might be. We shouldn't be happy about it and we certainly shouldn't celebrate it, but we have to do whatever it takes to win. And if you think that sounds harsh. . .and if you think we should behave to a "higher standard" in the war against these slime. . .then head to the store and buy each of your women-folk a burka now -- they'll be wearing them if we don't have the stomach to win this now. JMHO.


Prowler Junkie

Posts: 138
From: Dallas, Texas
Registered: JAN 2004

posted 05-14-2004 09:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dali     
FreeorDie2 - Very well put.

Bob Miller
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4576
From: Alexandria, Virginian USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 05-14-2004 10:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob Miller     
FreeorDie2 - I agree with some of your comments. If we didn't learn anything else from Viet Nam it should have been that when diplomacy fails, war is the final option. At that point, the politicians need to get out of way and let the military do what they train to do day in and day out. People in the military may talk tough, but nearly all would prefer peace over war, but when the call comes, they know what to do and don't need Washington getting in the way.

Colin Powell was in the military and understands that when you go in, you do it overwhelming force. The enemy may say it's excessive, but that's just tough. (When slime fire at our guys from a Mosque, the Mosque needs to be turned into a pile of bricks, because it is no longer sacred. Would I do the same to a Christian church or a Synagogue? Yes. Colin Powell lost that argument with Rumsfeld and the military had a bit over 200,000 less troops in Iraq than the generals estimated they needed to to the job effectively. The conventional model is one GI for every 50 or so people in an occupied country. In Iraq we have one for every 160 Iraqis or so. That's not effective and it gets people killed. That's why we're having such a tough time controlling the occupation of Iraq. In my opinion, Rumsfeld gets an F for his poor performance. He reminds me of McNamara - both are very smart; so smart that they don't realize that what they know about prosecution of war you can fit in the thimble.

FreeorDie2, you said it right, war is ugly. But unless we set a high standard for discipline, character and morales, what the hell are we even there for?

Ok, I'm done ranting.

This message has been edited by Bob Miller on 05-14-2004 at 10:01 PM

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 91
From: Hudson, NH, USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 05-15-2004 06:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FreeorDie2     
Bob says. . .
FreeorDie2, you said it right, war is ugly. But unless we set a high standard for discipline, character and morales, what the hell are we even there for?

Your post is well said. I don't disagree that we should have high standards. . .we should never do anything in an arbitrary manner. But we firebombed Dresden and nuked two cities in Japan. We successfully rebuilt Japan and German AFTER we defeated them. We are trying to rebuild Iraq without doing that and it ain't workin'.

High standards yes. . .but there is no humane way to utterly defeat an enemy and if we don't, we won't win. That is the real lesson of Vietnam. . .

Bob Miller
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4576
From: Alexandria, Virginian USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 05-15-2004 09:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob Miller     
Good point FreeorDie2 - Not sure I have a response...

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3915
From: Sherman CT USA
Registered: NOV 2002

posted 05-16-2004 09:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CTProwler     
Germans and Japanese weren't Religious fanatics like the iraq's. They knew when they were defeated! iraq's never will! Big difference!


Prowler Junkie

Posts: 138
From: Dallas, Texas
Registered: JAN 2004

posted 05-16-2004 12:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dali     
Do I feel bad when I kill a spider? NO. Do I corrupt my moral standards if I shoot a snake? NO. Is a pre-emtive strike on a hornets nest going to send me to HELL? NO.

Point being; these are not humans we are dealing with. They are a strain off the human species, but have evolved in such a way to make them more deadly than most. They do not think, act, believe, eat, live, **** , or anything else like most humans have came to evolve. They are bugs. If we could drop Nukes on Japan when they were fighting fair, what's holding us up now? So let's see. If we kill only until we have won, they will mutiply and the children will seek revenge. If we kill them all, we have no more problems with them, EVER...

And just for the record, HITLER was a nut-job, a freak, and a criminal for what he did. No provication, no threat, he just didn't like Jews. The extermination of Iraq is totally justified by their actions, provications, and continual threat. It will also send the message to other countries that Americans will take alot of crap, we'll let you come to our country illegally and give you US taxpayer money to live on, and we'll give billions of dollars to other countries who will turn their backs on us when times get tough, but that if you push us too far, become a persistent threat, or your society acts in a savage manner, we may just exterminate you too.


Posts: 138
From: Dallas, Texas
Registered: JAN 2004

posted 05-16-2004 01:15 PM           
Originally posted by CTProwler:
Germans and Japanese weren't Religious fanatics like the iraq's. They knew when they were defeated! iraq's never will! Big difference!

Actually, they didn't. The SS recruited what they called the "Wolverines" at the end of the war that continued to snipe at and blow up things in Germany for 2 years after the war and Hitler's death.

Most of who we are fighting in Iraq are not iraqi's, they are terrorists from neighboring countries airlifted in there or possibly some of the cowardly "elite republican guard" that immediately shed their uniforms and donned outfits of peasants the minute we invaded.

We won the war (just like in Viet Nam) but, now we are letting the politicians hamstring our troops by not letting them fire back and/or blow up mosques where these nutjobs are hiding.
While none of us like to see anyone get hurt, war is just that, war. The military has only two objectives, to kill people and destroy things. No be poilce, not be traffic cops, not to get folks to like them or feel their pain, but to just run over the enemy and force them into submission.

I say, tell them over a loud speaker they have 2 hours to come out after which time the aforementioned mosque will be converted into a parking lot. Anyone that doesn't like that, if free to join them in the mosque.

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