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Author Topic:   Iowa Caucus.....
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 2278
From: Spring Lake, Mi. USA
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 01-19-2004 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ETMIDZT     
Which one of those nuckleheads are going to lead the Dem. Party????? Get your vote in Now & compare to the results in the Morning!
I Vote...... Kerry!

Prowler Junkie

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posted 01-19-2004 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DR PROWLER     
I'll vote for Dean-seems to have a little bit of an edge!

Wayne Finch
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posted 01-19-2004 03:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wayne Finch     
Whoever wins is still a loser!! Not a chance any of these clowns will touch Bush.

These guys are all brutal.....if they knew what they were doing, they'd be in private business. They only say what they think voters want to hear - not what they really think.

POLITICS - like I've said before - it's the only job you can apply for and have a chance of getting whether or not you have the credentials, experience, brains, education, history - nothing matters. Scary

A few weeks ago, I would have said Dean would win, but they have been getting the dirt out on him and the flip-flops he's made (not to mention his comment from a decade ago that the Iowa caucas is a joke and that farmers shouldn't be deciding who runs - I guess he hadn't decided to run for President at that time).

Kerry has the lead but Edwards the momentum....I'll go with Kerry - LOSER!!

Prowler Junkie

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From: Plano, Texas
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posted 01-19-2004 04:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for prowlergirl     
Mr Finch, perhaps upon reflection you might conclude that calling the Dem. presidential canidates "clowns" was a bit harsh. Ron

Wayne Finch
Prowler Junkie

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posted 01-19-2004 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wayne Finch     
Originally posted by prowlergirl:
Mr Finch, perhaps upon reflection you might conclude that calling the Dem. presidential canidates "clowns" was a bit harsh. Ron

But that wouldn't stir the pot now would it. I could think of some other words but...... ah, forget it

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 2278
From: Spring Lake, Mi. USA
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 01-19-2004 04:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ETMIDZT     
Changed my mind! Gephardts the man!!

Prowler Junkie

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posted 01-19-2004 05:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BeWare     
Ron, The Democratic canidates have been calling the Presdident allot worse names than clown. Like Nazi and Liar for example. If they have so little respect for the President why should we show them any repect. So I don't feel Wayne's remarks are inappropriate at all. What goes around comes around. I don't trust any politician for that matter. However the Democratic party is moving way too far to the left and there are many Democratic politicians that feel this way as well. Some say it openly some more discreet. I vote for the man not just the party. If Gore or Dean were President there would have been more terrorist attacks on the USA since 911. JMO

Dave Mills
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posted 01-19-2004 05:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dave Mills     
I guess my response is.....who cares? The politicians ALL, regardless of party, have their own agenda with no regard for the American people. While I have voted in every election since 1977, I am beginning to wonder if it really matters.....

Prowler Junkie

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From: Denver, Colorado, USA
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posted 01-19-2004 06:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chromer     
It looks like Dean is the lead loser right now??....the contest is still undecided. Latest polls indicate Dennis Kusinch could steal the loser championship from Dean ...

Marty Usher
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posted 01-19-2004 06:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Marty Usher     
How come two Canucks were the first two to respond?

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 2278
From: Spring Lake, Mi. USA
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posted 01-19-2004 06:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ETMIDZT     
Well we've got a guy running that's a War Hero......and he's against us getting Saddam:
We've got a guy that voted for the War in Iraq & never servedson of a Milkman)
We have another guy that voted against the War & didn't serve: (hadda bad back)
Got a guy that married well The Hershey Empire)
Another guy that lived out of his Car: (Probably a small one)
Interesting group!!
Not electable in my Book!!


Posts: 2278
From: Spring Lake, Mi. USA
Registered: JUL 2000

posted 01-19-2004 06:52 PM           
Originally posted by Dave Mills:
I guess my response is.....who cares? The politicians ALL, regardless of party, have their own agenda with no regard for the American people. While I have voted in every election since 1977, I am beginning to wonder if it really matters.....

I couldn't disagree more. I think President Bush is doing a fantastic job on all fronts despite what the liberal media wants to sorely to portray.

It is so refreshing to have someone in office that we are not ashamed of and wondering who he is doing this week or what he has lied to us about, again. The democrats have no one to look to but themselves for the mess they are in.

Now while the left says the tax cut for everyone that earned wages of $300 was not much, just think, when was the last time you got anything back from the left????

4 more years....

Kat Dreamer
Prowler Junkie

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posted 01-19-2004 07:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kat Dreamer     
I'm rooting for Dean. He is unelectable in a general election. 4 more years of a better America!!!

ed monahan
Prowler Junkie

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posted 01-19-2004 07:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ed monahan     
I am siding with Wayne, Rich and Dave. They are all losers, Democrats are just bigger losers at this time. No politician is there to help me or you. They are not in Social Security but don't seem to mind not fixing it.

Bob Miller
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posted 01-19-2004 08:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob Miller     
Well it's obvious we have folks in this organization on both sides of the isle. I guess Kerry will win Iowa, but frankly I don't think it means much. I voted for George Sr but "W" is a lost cause in my book. He generally means well, but he's so uninformed that he listens to the angry, extreme right wing in his cabinet for direction. After 9/11 there was a tremendous amount of good will towards the United States around the world, even among the moderate Arab nations. I was serving in an embassy overseas at the time. I appreciate the trauma 9/11 caused to my country, but this administration has squandered every drop of international good will that existed. Going to Afghanistan was absolutely the right move. Iraq was absolutely the wrong move. We have only created a new venue to terrorists to organize themselves again. We went to Iraq because from a military standpoint it was doable. By the way, the previous rumors about Colin Powell and Armitage leaving this administration are correct. No, I'm not particularly excited any of the Democrats. Frankly, I think the process we use to select the most powerful person in the world is flawed. God Bless the USA!

This message has been edited by Bob Miller on 01-19-2004 at 08:21 PM

ed monahan
Prowler Junkie

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posted 01-19-2004 08:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ed monahan     
Kerry won according to CBS.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 36093
From: Mesa, Az
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posted 01-19-2004 08:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     
If I was a Democrat,,,,,,,I'm not,,,,,I'd vote for Hillary Rotten Clinton. Now is as good of time as any to get her out of the future picture. That was NOT a sexist statement as I would vote for any woman who I thought could do a great job.

I'm glad we have a two party system,,,,prefer that we had a four party system,,,,,but anyway, the checks and balances keep us going forward. God I love this country!!!

Ed - you said you were supporting Al Sharpton. Where do I send the check?

Wayne Finch
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4011
From: Toronto, Canada
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posted 01-19-2004 10:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wayne Finch     
Don't forget .... the Bush team had a Prowler - that has to say something

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3915
From: Sherman CT USA
Registered: NOV 2002

posted 01-19-2004 10:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CTProwler     
Marty--I agree with you!!! Who the hell is the President of Canada. George Molson!!!Bill LabattsSorry Wayne -you know a lot more about Americans then us Americans know about your Canadian Politicians


Wayne Finch
Prowler Junkie

Posts: 4011
From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: SEP 2000

posted 01-19-2004 10:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wayne Finch     
Originally posted by CTProwler:
Marty--I agree with you!!! Who the hell is the President of Canada. George Molson!!!Bill LabattsSorry Wayne -you know a lot more about Americans then us Americans know about your Canadian Politicians

Now there's a surprise

Our politicians for the most part, make yours look like rocket scientists.

We just finished a long term with a deadbeat Prime Minister (not a President - Canadian politics lesson #1) so if the current guy (Paul Martin) does zero, he'll look great in comparison. We have had a couple half decent politicians over the years - but the problem is - if you do what's right for the country here - you won't get re-elected. Canada is an extremely socialist country - and the reason is the large skew in the tax system. If you make over about $60,000 Canadian, that's upper 40's US, you are considered rich and get taxed at about 50%. So when it comes to elections, politicians run on "we will give you more social programs and it won't cost you a cent, we will just tax the so-called rich more" - everyone making less than the top tax bracket votes "yes".

The city of Toronto just elected a new Mayor who ran on a platform of higher taxes - who would have thunk!!!

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 91
From: Hudson, NH, USA
Registered: OCT 2003

posted 01-19-2004 10:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FreeorDie2     
The Dems are about to descend upon Poor ol' FreeorDie2's home state. Dean was here last week and came to the college where I work. We provided a room that held 350 people and they gave us 50 seats. During Q&A, every question but the last one (from one of the organizers of the visit and it was more a thank you than a question) was from "plants" in the audience that came in on the campaign bus.

There's certain things they are saying that really scare me. For instance:

"We are going to take back our country!" Excuse me?

"The tax cuts only benefited the rich." Well, I know they include me in that, and if I had my income in the '60s, I would've been rich, but not today.

"I'm going to fight for you!" Don't do me any favors. If you'd just leave me alone, I can fend for myself, thanks.

The list goes on. . .but the thing that scares me the most is when they lie -- flat out lie -- and it seems to make no difference. Kerry called a judge Bush appointed a "known supporter of cross burning" (or words to that effect). The judge's kids were some of the first to go to integrated schools in Mississippi and he fought the KKK. All the guy did is question the fact that of three involved in cross burning, the worst two were essentially let go by the Clinton Justice Dept and the least culpable was recommended for a stiff sentence. Yet Kerry can say anything he wants and is never called on it.

I'm hot and cold on Bush, but at least he's honest. His response in Afghanistan, taking down Saddam, and the tax cuts that really saved our economy are great. The expansion of medicare, immigration, steel tariffs, etc are nuts. But. . .at least he's honest.

Sorry to be so long winded.

Brian King
Prowler Junkie

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posted 01-19-2004 10:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Brian King     
Just another reason for more of you folks to come to Canada this July to learn more about us and our Electoral system LOL

Wayne knows a lot about your system since he has bought a place in Naples. Think he is planning on retiring there in his old age. Right Wayne next year maybe. LoL

Just getting interest up for our cruise in July.

Prowler Junkie

Posts: 3915
From: Sherman CT USA
Registered: NOV 2002

posted 01-19-2004 10:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CTProwler     
Our presidents just lust for power!!!If i were president of the U.S. I would have Nuked Iraq a long time ago!!!Reason!!!Its a great place to find some more gas and the Iraq's sure don't care about it. Ok i'm a little harsh, lets just put them on a train and send them all to Iran!!!Either they go to Iran or we Nuke em!!If the Iranians don't take them we Nuke them to!! Think i have a chance to beat out Bush!


Randy Cobb
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posted 01-20-2004 06:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randy Cobb     
Out front - I'm a staunch Repeblican and a Bush supporter.

On John Edwards. I'm ashamed he is from North Carolina. He has only held one elected office, for as of yet, not a complete term. Even though he has not be ill, he has the WORST attendence record in either chamber. He cast a vote in less than 50% of the times he was elegible to do so. He just recently announced he was not running for election for his Senate seat because he was going to devote all his efforts to to his presidential campaign. The fact is that recent polls show him trailing a Republican House Rep. 40% to 60% and people in NC are very angry that he has not served them as he was elected to do. This is in a state where 57% of registered voters are Democrats. He could do well in SC, but in NC, even though he is a native son, I doubt he could carry the state.


Prowler Junkie

Posts: 8492
From: Oakfield, WI, USA
Registered: MAR 2002

posted 01-20-2004 07:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GenoTex     
Being a native Texan... and a past Republican supporter, you can only imagine who I have and will continue to vote for.... but..........................

ya gotta Love that Democrat slogan....


Just has a certain ring to it, doesnt it?

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